
In Nobis: 0

In the bustling halls of the prestigious Bogus School, Gregor, a forlorn student, encounters the enigmatic Hans T. Pliable, initiating a tense exchange over a peculiar trade. A sudden confrontation escalates to a tragic end, leaving Gregor grappling with an unexpected revelation from a mysterious figure named Johan Isen. Conflicted by ignorance and haunted by past memories, Gregor embarks on a turbulent journey of self-discovery, seeking solace in familiar comforts and longing for a heroic identity akin to fictional characters. As fate intervenes, a bewildering halt plunges Gregor into darkness, leaving readers on the precipice of an unknown fate in the enigmatic world of "In Nobis: 0."

GyatDestroyer · สมจริง
6 Chs


"I'm home." Gregor's footsteps echoed as he entered his abode, the pulsating beats of TOMA TOMA TOMA reverberating through the walls. Settling into his chair, slick with the residue of countless gaming sessions, he queued up the latest episode of "The Rising of the Shield Hero."

"Darn, I wish I had a cat lady following me too," Gregor muttered wistfully to himself.

Abruptly, a jarring noise pierced through the air, interrupting the blaring volume of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOmLdai2ohw. Gregor's entire being jolted as he swiftly sought refuge behind his life-sized Cart Titan body pillow.

"...", the unmistakable voice of G-Worm filled the room.

"This, no... no... it's just like with Jon."

(Flashback to 10 years ago)

"Help. The wall is here." Gregor raced, heart pounding, attempting to slip through the neighbor's door. The snarl pursued him but was abruptly stifled as Gregor slammed the door shut.

"Who lets walls open?" The thought drained all 120 IQ points from Gregor's cognitive processing. "Jon, JON! I have to **************************************!" The singular thought dominated his mind as he faced the impending crush of the walls.

"It's too late..."




A white light.

Gregor glimpsed it.


(10 seconds later)

Ascending the stairs, Gregor witnessed Ali Gabacchi hitting the zaza. With no other choice, he lunged over Ali Gabacchi and tumbled into the fireplace, tucking his knees over his face and his feet behind his ears. From this awkward vantage point, he spotted G-Worm entering the room.

"How did I manage it?" he pondered, though he already knew the unspoken truth. "It's because I yearn to *********************."



(Flashback to the present)


The sounds emanating from G-Worm's communication device snapped Gregor back to reality like an electric shock.


Gregor rose, resolute and brimming with newfound determination.

"Now I comprehend my purpose," Gregor declared solemnly. "I must seek counsel from Johan Isen immediately."