
In Nobis: 0

In the bustling halls of the prestigious Bogus School, Gregor, a forlorn student, encounters the enigmatic Hans T. Pliable, initiating a tense exchange over a peculiar trade. A sudden confrontation escalates to a tragic end, leaving Gregor grappling with an unexpected revelation from a mysterious figure named Johan Isen. Conflicted by ignorance and haunted by past memories, Gregor embarks on a turbulent journey of self-discovery, seeking solace in familiar comforts and longing for a heroic identity akin to fictional characters. As fate intervenes, a bewildering halt plunges Gregor into darkness, leaving readers on the precipice of an unknown fate in the enigmatic world of "In Nobis: 0."

GyatDestroyer · สมจริง
6 Chs

An Encounter

Back at school, a mere ten stops away from the nearest bus stop, Gregor wasn't certain if Johan Isen had graced the premises, but he clung to this slender thread of hope. Bursting through the front door with a strength capable of slicing an apple into five neat boats, he strode purposefully into the brick edifice. Every step along the corridor felt like an encounter with an elusive, formidable entity.

"Gregor..." Johan Isen's voice reverberated through the hall, resonating with a colossal, almost supernatural force.




"E-" Gregor's attempt at a response was abruptly cut short as frustration surged within him, compelling him to flee.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!" he howled, an eruption of emotion escaping from deep within.

Gregor sprinted towards the bus stop and boarded the bus home. He let out a sigh, overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy, recognizing himself as an inept, timid, non-sigma cod. "I despise myself. I wish I were akin to Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece."

Tears streamed down his cheeks like an unstoppable waterfall. His singular aim now was to return home and seek solace in the embrace of his body pillow, an attempt to soothe his troubled soul.

Suddenly, without warning, the bus came to a halt. Gregor gasped, an icy shiver coursing through his entire being. He sensed the chill seeping deeper into his core.

Looking around, bewildered and anxious, he muttered, "Why did the bus stop? There isn't even a designated stop here." Before he could comprehend the situation, something struck the back of his cranium, enveloping him in darkness.