
In Nobis: 0

In the bustling halls of the prestigious Bogus School, Gregor, a forlorn student, encounters the enigmatic Hans T. Pliable, initiating a tense exchange over a peculiar trade. A sudden confrontation escalates to a tragic end, leaving Gregor grappling with an unexpected revelation from a mysterious figure named Johan Isen. Conflicted by ignorance and haunted by past memories, Gregor embarks on a turbulent journey of self-discovery, seeking solace in familiar comforts and longing for a heroic identity akin to fictional characters. As fate intervenes, a bewildering halt plunges Gregor into darkness, leaving readers on the precipice of an unknown fate in the enigmatic world of "In Nobis: 0."

GyatDestroyer · สมจริง
6 Chs

A New Acquaintance

Gregor, now making his way home after committing a callous act of first-degree murder, found himself humming a catchy tune. "Dududu duuu, du du- nnmmm, ohio, ohio rizzler gyat! Yyaaaa, du du duu duuuuu gyaaaaaattttt gyyyyaaaaaattttttttttt- Skibbedi toilet skibbedi skibbedi TOMA TOMA TOMA TOMA TOMA TOMA TOMA."

"Kai Cenat rizz?" This thought meandered through Gregor's mind as he continued to hum with fervor.

"Are you Gregor?" A male voice, unfamiliar, pierced through the darkness from the depths of the well-known ghetto of "Stabeque."

Gregor, somewhat startled, responded to the mysterious voice, "Who are you?"

In a dramatic revelation, the voice declared, "I am your loyal confidant, a renowned personality, your progenitor, your offspring, your nurturer, your future hero: Johan Isen."

"WHAT THE FUCK? JOHAN ISEN?!????" The ensuing silence was palpable, almost tangible enough to seep into one's bones.

After an eternity of half a second, Gregor finally shattered the quietude. "Wait... who is Johan Isen?" As always, Gregor remained blissfully unaware, a veritable ignorant cod.