
In Naruto World With Julius Novachrono's Magic

A young boy tragically lost his life during the pandemic, but his story doesn't end there. Unexpectedly, he finds himself granted a unique opportunity to enter the world of Naruto with Julius Novachrono's time-stealing magic. Transported to the shinobi world, where wars, killings, acts of betrayal are normal Tuesdays, he will try to live his life to the fullest, where he'll make new quirky friends, participate in a war, and try to save the world but the most important of all he will become strong with a cheat ability of his own. _________________________________________________ Disclaimer He will not be an Overpowered character from the start, he will develop slowly. I haven’t decided if it will be a harem or not let the story progress first then we’ll see. English is not my first language. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. _________________________________________________ Naruto does not belong to me except for the OC characters, support the original content. The cover photo is not mine. Original creators: Line art by hot_monkey and Coloring by Iluvluvnutella _________________________________________________ Please do leave a proper review.

Kyoso_Sensei · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Yellow Flash of Konoha

It's been three months since we fought Sasori, everyone got the news of the Third Kazekage missing and Rasa becoming the Fourth Kazekage he tried to push Konoha forces back near the borders and also appeared on battlefields but it took two or three confrontations with Konoha and he understood that he won't win the war.

I also got to know that the toad Sanin Jiraiya was the commander on the Suna front and he easily beat Rasa, after that the war almost stopped there were no more actions from Suna forces so we got orders to supply the resources from the Suna front to Iwa front, the war between Iwa and Konoha was raging at peak so we were ordered to go there.

It took us 5 days to reach the camp in Hidden grass Village while on our way we were attacked by Iwa ninjas, all of them were Chunins and genins it was easy to cut them down seeing that all of them were weak Ryuu and I got cocky and started fighting recklessly but 'no matter how much weak the opponents are never, get cocky in a war cause, who knows what enemy might appear' is what we learned only after getting our ass whooped by an elite Iwa Jonin Gari.

I remembered him he was resurrected during the Fourth ninja war, Gari has a Kekkai Genkai Explosion release we would have been pretty much dead if not for Captain Katashi who saved us, I was surprised seeing him fight Gari at an equal footing we got our reinforcements and Gari retreated, of course, we were scolded by Captain for acting recklessly we were also injured so as soon as we reached the camp, we got bedridden.

"You guys are really useless acting recklessly like this why don't you join the Inuzuka clan all the idiot reckless fellows there would be happy to have you" Aika said

"No matter what you say you were the first one to rush to help us when we got hurt, you were clearly worried about us" Ryuu said

"Of course, I was if you idiots would have died then I would have gotten new teammates adjusting with them would have been hard it's because I don't want new people in the team is why I was worried, I don't care about you guys" Aika said

"Tsundere" I muttered in a low voice

'What did you say?" Aika asked

"Uh…nothing" I said

"Anyways you guys should rest, I'll be going now" she said leaving the tent with Emi(her dog) following her.

"You guys got a good teammate that cares for you" a girl said, looking at her she was a 14 or 15-year-old teen, with brown hair, black eyes, and a perfect oval shape face she was the medical ninja in charge of the ward we were in.

"Yes, thank you for looking after us" Ryuu said

"It's fine after all it's my duty but I am quite surprised to see such young shinobi like you" she said pointing toward me, well it's true I mean it's common to see 12 or above aged kids as shinobi in this war but seeing a 6-year-old Shinobi is a little rare.

"I am quite special" I said with a shrug

"Haha, oh that you are by the way my name is Itoha Ren nice to meet you both"

"My name is Saigetsu Okita and his name is Yamanaka Ryuu nice to meet you"

"Yes, nice to meet you" said Ryuu, I looked at Ryuu and he was looking at her with quite an interest

"I will leave you guys you should get some rest" she said

"Oh, don't worry Itoha-san I am quite strong, I will heal fast…you know...maybe we can talk sometime…about medical knowledge I am quite interested in it, and you seem like a talented medic-nin so I thought that maybe you could help" Ryuu said with an embarrassed look on his face at first, I was little suspicious the way he was looking at her but now it confirms he likes her.

"Hmm…I'll think about it Ryuu-san but first let yourself heal then maybe we can talk about medical knowledge" she giggled and winked at Ryuu, well it seems she too is interested but isn't this too fast of a development.

While she leaves, I looked at Ryuu and said "Good for you, finally getting a girl"

"Yeah, I didn't think that she would say yes" Ryuu said

"Well, she agreed to just talk to you so it's like an unofficial date she didn't say anything else so stop fantasizing about getting married and having children with her, your face looks creepy when you think all that" I said

"Oh, come on let a man fantasize about his dream"

"You do know that we can be sent to other fronts like Mist or Kumo borders we won't be here for long and in this war, we don't even know what will happen"

"Exactly we don't know what will happen anyone can die, so at least let me get a girlfriend" Ryuu said

"Sigh…yeah well you fantasize about your dream but don't do any weird stuff thinking about her"

"What do you think of me? I am not a pervert"

I ignored him and went to sleep, I was tired from all the fights now I really wanna go home and have some peace, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

"Get up you two" I heard someone saying something I lazily opened my as I was sleeping then I looked in front I saw Captain Katashi standing there on his side Aika was there too.

"What happened Captain?" I asked getting up from the bed it seems most of my injuries healed in one night.

"We got a new mission, around 1000 Iwa ninjas are going to attack us at once so we are going to confront them directly, that's why we are going to split as Jounins are ordered to be at the front while Chunins as support and genins to defend the line, I know Okita that you are strong but as per rank you are still genin so you will be at the back is that clear?"

"Yes sir" I said

As per the order I was at the defense line, it was a military trench seeing the battlefield that was raging and us providing support from the trench like throwing Kunai with paper bombs attached or killing any enemy ninja trying to enter the trench, reminded me of the films I watched back in my life about world wars it was just like that, but looking at the battlefield we were losing grounds to the enemy.

I heard someone saying "You finally came Minato" I looked and there I saw him the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, well it seems he is going to defeat the 1000 Iwa shinobis I was happy to see him because we were going to lose this battle but now seeing Minato here I was sure that we were going to win after all I knew that he defeated 1000 Iwa shinobis if he is here which means Obito must be getting crushed under a rock by now, It's sad that how he never got a chance to save his students at crucial time he would always be on some missions just like now.

"Everyone, please direct these Kunai knives towards the enemy all at once, I'll take care of the rest" Minato said while taking out his special made Kunais someone said that he was crazy going to fight the 1000 shinobis alone but the other guy who was in charge said to do what asked for as we were going to witness the fight of Yellow Flash of Konoha.