
In Naruto World With Julius Novachrono's Magic

A young boy tragically lost his life during the pandemic, but his story doesn't end there. Unexpectedly, he finds himself granted a unique opportunity to enter the world of Naruto with Julius Novachrono's time-stealing magic. Transported to the shinobi world, where wars, killings, acts of betrayal are normal Tuesdays, he will try to live his life to the fullest, where he'll make new quirky friends, participate in a war, and try to save the world but the most important of all he will become strong with a cheat ability of his own. _________________________________________________ Disclaimer He will not be an Overpowered character from the start, he will develop slowly. I haven’t decided if it will be a harem or not let the story progress first then we’ll see. English is not my first language. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. _________________________________________________ Naruto does not belong to me except for the OC characters, support the original content. The cover photo is not mine. Original creators: Line art by hot_monkey and Coloring by Iluvluvnutella _________________________________________________ Please do leave a proper review.

Kyoso_Sensei · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Apes Together Strong

In the backyard of the Saigetsu household, Okita was training with his Uncle, he was doing pushups, pullups, squats, and different types of body exercises.

Good this way we will build your body, and as for mind I said you to do daily meditations" said Shin while giving him a towel to wipe the sweat.

"Yes, but what about Chakra training?" Okita asked

"Don't be too hasty as I told you chakra is composed of Physical energy and Spiritual Energy so we will train your mind and body first and then I will help you with your chakra training, so I would say you have to train for at least 2-3 weeks to shape up your body and mind" said Shin

Okita knew he was being hasty as he was excited to feel chakra and try new Jutsus but knew that he has to work hard for it to happen. For the whole week, Okita's schedule was the same, in the morning he used to train with his uncle after that he would meditate and then read books about chakras and basic Maths and Science it was given to him by his uncle, these books were of his father and uncle that they studied when they were in the academy. Just like that the whole week came to end and now it was time for taking admission to the ninja academy.

'The academy looks the same just like in the anime' Okita thought while looking at the Ninja Academy. The age at which you can join the academy was 5 or 6 but during times of war, the village needs to produce ninjas at a faster rate to provide manpower, so they allowed even 4 years old to join the academy, especially the students who are particularly gifted. And Students could also graduate early if they show the best results and talent.

'If I show that I am talented enough they will graduate me and make me a Genin it's also possible for them to send me to the war' Okita thought. It's not like Okita wanted to join the war as soon as possible but he was thinking about one of the conditions for awakening his Kekkai Genkai which was constantly putting himself in danger and pushing his limits, and war is something that will help him in this, but he was still in doubt whether to go to war or not.

Looking at the academy gates, a lot of people came today for the entrance exam looking around they were mostly civilians cause all the clan kids are admitted without an entrance exam after all they are trained by the clan from a young age. After a while a ninja wearing Konoha's flack jacket came out of the academy gates "All the students who are here for the entrance exam please come forward the exams are going to start" he said after that all the students went to the academy for the test.

"Good luck kid" said Shin, Okita's uncle came with him too, even though he wasn't happy with Okita becoming a Shinobi but still wanted to support him.

"Yes, you don't have to worry I will pass the test Uncle" Okita said

"Good. Now go" Shin said with a smile on his face

The theory paper was easy for Okita as it was basic Maths of addition and subtraction and languages(Japanese) that were not too hard for him as it was thought to him by his uncle when he was 3, also there were many questions in the exam related to the village like, how much do you love your village? Or Will you always protect your village? Indirectly asking about your loyalty to the village. So overall it was an easy paper. As for the practical exam, students were tasked to perform a 100m run, Push-ups, pull-ups, Climbing, and different physical exercises, it was to see their limits and willpower.

After the exam when he came outside he saw his uncle still standing there waiting for him "So how was the exam?" his uncle asked

"It was pretty easy the theory paper and the practical too" Okita said while shrugging

"Haha don't worry the requirements of the entrance exam are always easy after all the civilian kids can't get training like those clan kids. In the entrance exam, they only see your aptitude and potential of becoming a ninja. The hard part starts during the academy, if you keep failing in the academic years then they will remove you from the program itself especially now in the war period they don't want to waste many resources on failures so remember that" Shin said

"Yes uncle, don't worry I will graduate early and become a Shinobi soon" Okita said with a determinant look on his face. Seeing Okita's face, Shin remembers his childhood just like Okita, he and his brother were also determined to become ninjas but at last...Shin stopped thinking about it while shaking his head a little he didn't want to remember the sad memories now.

"Alright, then how about this? Let's eat dinner in our Saigetsu Restaurant today as a celebration of your passing the exam" Shin said with a cheerful smile, hearing that Okita smiled and nodded as they went to the restaurant.

The next day Okita went to the academy where he was assigned to the A division, entering his classroom he saw many students talking to each other some already starting to make their group of friends, Okita was not that much interested in joining a group. Of course, if someone will try to talk to him, he will talk properly, he didn't want to be like some edgy kid.

Soon he found an empty seat on the last bench, on the left side of the seat there was a guy with black hair sleeping there with his head down, 'A Nara kid well anyways I only want to sit in a quiet place and a Nara sitting beside me, will be much better, after all, he will just sleep there'. He went there and took a seat, from above there he could see the whole classroom, all of the students were chatting with each other some were even laughing and joking

"Isn't it the first day of the academy how can they talk so friendly with each other?" Okita said to himself while looking at his classmates who were merrily chatting and laughing

"It's not like that" a voice came from his left side hearing this Okita turned his head towards the Nara kid, "Then what is it?" Okita asked.

"Look closely they already know each other, the clan kids like Uchiha and Hyuga have formed their group, the civilian kids have formed their groups and I am pretty sure they already knew each other, and also some girls have formed their group too, slowly it will turn into a hierarchy as there will be one kid from each group that will be popular and others will be the sidekicks. Who will get bullied and who will be Class clown all of this will be decided on the first day" said the Nara

"Wow, a proper analyzing then what about me what will I be?" asked Okita

"We will be the Outcasts" said Nara

"I get it about me but why you, aren't you from a clan?" said Okita

Nara slightly shaking his head looked towards the first row of the bench following his line of sight Okita too looked there "My clan's people are always lazy but the Akimichi and Yamanaka clan's kids always come together to form their group" Nara said, as on the first-row bench there were four to five kids talking with each other, clearly they were nix of Akimichi, Nara and Yamanaka clan's members but for the odd reason they were neglecting the Nara sitting beside Okita.

"So they don't like you or you don't like them" Okita said

Nara said nothing and only shrugged, "Alright keep your secrets" said Okita, while again looking ahead, and said "How can people talk so much? When I talk to someone, I don't even know what topic should I talk"

"Yes, you are right" Nara said while nodding his head "I always end up creating an awkward silence, and even if the other people start the conversation, I just end it by saying yes or no"

"Yup and the topic they bring up in conversation always feel so idiotic" Okita said

Slowly the two strangers started talking with each other about how they can't talk with other people.

After a while, Okita stretched his right hand toward Nara and said "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Saigetsu Okita" Nara looked at his hand for a while, then he stretched his hand and said "My name is Nara Isao, Nice to meet you" both shook each other's hand

Thus, started the friendship between the two outcasts.