
In Naruto with a GOLDEN FINGER.

First time I write something that is not an essay for school. Don't expect a very complex or developed plot. It's a simple wish-fulfillment story with an OP protagonist and a huge harem. English is something that doesn't enter my head, so I'm sorry for the many mistakes. Read the synopsis and tags below. . . . A simple young man died by God's mistake and now he will be able to reincarnate in the world where one of his favorite manga takes place, with some wishes, of course. . . TAGs: Overpowered-MC; Anti-Hero; Multiversal Travel; R18; Harem and Incest.

FeartoFallingApart · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
59 Chs

Chap 2 - The Clan Situation.

Since his birth, Ryuuji has been experiencing a true princely life, being loved and respected by everyone he interacts with in Uzushiogakure.

Of course, none of these people Ryuuji interacts with can convey the same feeling as his mother.

Having spent an entire year with the red-haired MILF, Ryuuji still manages to be impressed by the level of love the woman has for him.

During the last year, Ryuuji and Benihime have been almost always together. At all times, from getting out of bed to going to bed again.

This routine with a clingy mother was not something Ryuuji was used to, as in his past life, he lost his mother very early on.

Of course, living next door to such a beautiful and caring woman was great and Ryuuji couldn't ask for a better mother.

In addition to interacting a lot with his mother, Ryuuji also has a lot of contact with his uncles and his grandfather, who is a true legend in the Ninja Kingdom.

His name is Ashina Uzumaki, older brother of the wife of the legendary First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

But unfortunately, in the case of his grandfather, old age and experience did not make him accumulate wisdom.

The old man was a very stubborn man and because of the many battles he fought alongside Hashirama, he firmly believes in his upbringing. For the current patriarch of the Uzumaki Clan, the alliance with Konoha is immutable.

Ashina Uzumaki still thinks of Konoha as Hashirama's Konoha, which is a serious mistake.

Hashirama was the only one in Konoha who truly honored his words and agreements with the Uzumaki Clan, largely because of his wife Mito Uzumaki, Ryuuji's great-aunt.

This made Ryuuji really unable to communicate emotionally with his grandfather. Ashina's submissive posture only made sense when Hashirama Senju existed to calm the ninja world.

As the true God of Shinobi, Hashirama's words were Laws.

Start wars and conflicts? First you needed to ask Hashirama's opinion.

After his death, Konoha completely forgot about his ally and only sees Uzushiogakure as his shield of flesh and supplier of seals and Jinchuurikis.

In recent years, the Uzumaki people have been hunted by other villages thanks to the rare blood and even then, Uzushiogakure's "allies" have not moved or provided any kind of information on this matter.

Ryuuji, as a transmigrate, is well aware of the way Konoha, particularly Danzo, does things. Ryuuji has no doubt that some of these clan members who disappeared were dissected at Konoha Roots.

Of course, in Ryuuji's opinion, the biggest problem in this absurd situation isn't Konoha's neglect, but Ashina Uzumaki's pacifist approach.

If Uzushiogakure were still a powerhouse as it was in the Warring Clans Realm, would anyone dare move their hands against clan members?

Thanks to Ashina's "empathy and goodwill" policy, investment in military training in the Land of Whirlpools was severely reduced and the number of ninjas in the Ninja Village reached alarming numbers.

It is not strange that the other Ninja Villages have decided to act against the Uzumaki Clan.

It is for this and other reasons that Benihime omits many things when she tells her father about training with Ryuuji.

From a third party perspective, Ryuuji, a reincarnated one, is a freak.

At the age of three months he began to crawl and play with chakra strings.

A month after that, he was already crawling along the walls and even taking his first steps.

Currently, one year old, Ryuuji casually walks and runs on the surface of the water and has already performed several advanced chakra training, which places him in a category far above the geniuses.

In addition to being able to speak Japanese easily.

His mother is overjoyed to see how special her baby is and is more than willing to teach him the basics of Shinobi life.

Of course, apart from his mother, no one else knows about his "genius" and especially his grandfather, who still thinks that Ryuuji is just a very smart boy who can walk and speak basic words prematurely.

If he knew Ryuuji's true talent, with his big mouth, it wouldn't be strange for our protagonist to wake up to some friendly members of Root breaking into his house.

"Mom, will we go to uncle's house today? "

Benihime paused her reading and lifted her face to see her son who was currently meditating upside down with his feet stuck to the ceiling with Chakra.

" Yes my baby. As soon as your aunt sends one of the servants to inform us of your arrival. "

Ryuuji opened his eyes and smiled at his mother before speaking in an excited tone:

"Mommy, Aunt Hikari has already given birth and is already at her house, with a beautiful baby in her arms, as she listens to Uncle Arashi talking to her about letting her rest and calling us only tomorrow. "

Benihime raised an eyebrow and asked, "Has your super hearing gotten even stronger? "

"Every day my hearing improves, but that's not why I was able to perceive them. Over the last few days, I've developed the ability to see things thousands of meters away, in detail, in addition to being able to see through objects. Little difficult to control, but little by little I'm getting it."

Benihime's eyes widened and she jumped out of her chair.

"What are you talking about, baby? We of the Uzumaki clan can't do things! "

Ryuuji shrugged and let his body fall from the ceiling, controlling a small force field to adjust his position in the air and drop like a feather to the ground.

"Mommy, don't worry. I'm in good health and having one more skill won't do me any harm, right? I thought you had given up on finding an explanation. "

Benihime let out a sigh and let her shoulders slump.

"That's not what I'm getting on, baby. It's just that you're so special that I'm afraid you'll end up friendless and lonely. "

Ryuuji gave a childish laugh and climbed up his mother's body, clinging to her like a koala. He ran his gaze over his mother's body and nodded.

She really is beautiful. With beautiful red eyes and crimson hair, her face made Ryuuji spend a lot of time just looking at her. Of course, her curvy body was simply a magnet for little Uzumaki's gaze.

With a slim waist, a large heart-shaped band and most importantly, a pair of simply gigantic breasts, Benihime was simply a living representation of the Uzumaki Clan's "vitality" and Ryuuji loved wasting his time watching his beautiful mother.

His mother, like a trained Kunoichi, felt his gaze, but she just didn't care. On the contrary, Benihime loved the fact that her son was beautiful.

Ryuuji, seeing the amusement on her face, kissed the MILF mom's motivation and didn't hug her tightly, controlling her strength so as not to hurt her.

"I don't intend to be a loner, Mom. And also…I'll always be with you, how can I feel alone? "

Benihime laughed and replied while kissing her beloved son's cheek: "You've had a silver tongue since you were little…I pity the girls who will be deceived by her in the future. "

"Careful, Mom, because I might end up deceiving you with my silver tongue. "

"You brat, do you want to piss this lady off?! "

Benihime also squeezed her son in her hug and started tickling him.

The two, mother and son, hugged each other while they exchanged affection and walked towards Arashi Uzumaki's residence to meet the newborn.

On one of the thousands of cliffs that circled the Land of Whirlpools, a young five-year-old boy was meditating.

With his flowing scarlet hair and very toned physique for a child, he was creating a very harmonious image, conveying a strong sense of calm and peace.

As if dissatisfied with the peaceful image, the rough sea that bordered the country began to churn, creating large waves that constantly tried to cover Ryuuji's body, who remained still, relying on the force field around his body to protect yourself from the waves.

Thanks to his super hearing, Ryuuji could clearly pick up every sound wave traveling through the Land of Whirlpools, so just as a small red rocket was about to crash into him, Ryuuji turned off the force field around him and hugged the small projectile. .

"Ryuu-nii! "

Squeezing Kushina in his arms, Ryuuji put a small smile on his face and started to pet the little loli.

"Kushina, does Uncle Arashi know you ran away from home again? Your father will be bald with worry. "

The little red-haired loli started laughing mischievously and pinching Ryuuji's cheeks, "Ryuu-nii, you can't talk to me like that because you do the same thing to Aunt Benihime! "

"Don't compare yourself to me, Kushina…my mother knows I can take care of myself, unlike you, who are a very naughty child. "

Kushina pouted cutely and puffed out her rosy cheeks to show her dissatisfaction, which only made Ryuuji smile in amusement at his cousin.

The red-haired loli pinched Ryuuji's cheek and spoke in an irritated voice: "You great villain! Stop treating me like a child, we're almost the same age! "

Ryuuji pinched Kushina's cheek and replied with a mocking tone: "The difference is that I behave… while you, my hot-blooded pepper, are well known for your pranks. "

Kushina let out an irritated, childish huff, but laid her head on Ryuuji's chest to hide the small smile on her face.

As the couple of cousins ​​hugged and played, a third voice approached the place.

"Ryuuji-sama, Arashi-sama and Hikari-sama are looking for Kushina, so please let me take her home. "

Kushina raised her bristling face and hid behind Ryuuji, "Has she found me yet?! I left just a few minutes ago! "

Ryuuji smiled at the sight of his cousin's antics before focusing on the child a little older than him, who was running towards them.

"Morgiana, you are always so serious. "

A 7 or 8 year old child approached the cousin couple and stopped beside Ryuuji with an icy expression, "Of course, Ryuuji-sama, this is my job. I need to take care of Kushina-sama with my full attention. "

Giving an amused laugh, Ryuuji moved at a speed far beyond Morgiana's ability to perceive and pulled her into his embrace, causing the beautiful red-haired maid to blush.

" R-Ryuuji-sama…that's s-sexual harassment. "

Kushina smiled and teased her maid, "You keep saying I should be more serious, but you always seem like a girl in love when you're around Ryuu-nii. "

Morgiana coughed lightly and tried to push the blush away from her face, but to no avail.

Ryuuji smiled and proceeded to tease the two lolis in his arms, letting go of the fact that girls in Naruto-Verse are very precocious.

Kushina, only four years old, is always chasing after Ryuuji and screaming about how she is going to marry him in the future. Shouldn't a girl that age be playing in the mud?

As he played with the two of them and prepared to return to the Village, Ryuuji heard, tens of kilometers away, two people approaching from the ocean.

Turning his face to the side, Ryuuji focused his vision in the direction where he had picked up the sound waves and soon he could clearly see two unidentified Shinobi approaching.

"Morgiana, take Kushina to the Village and let my mother know I'll be a little later. "

Kushina inclined her head but didn't question her cousin. Morgiana looked at her Young Master and nodded, "Ryuuji-sama…do I need to leave a message for Benihime-sama? "

Ryuuji smiled and spoke in a calm tone: "No big deal…just say I'll be dealing with the old rat infestation. "

I'm really sorry for the possible grammar mistakes, I hope it doesn't spoil the reading experience. The character Morgiana is based on the female character of the Anime series: Magi. I really like the character, but I have no plans to make the protagonist visit the Magi-Verso, so since she is also a redhead, I decided to turn her into an OC.

Thanks for reading.

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