
In Naruto As An Uzumaki

A guy named Yuki, who was mostly average except for the fact that he had a photographic memory, worked as an accountant. He lived alone and had no family or friends. One day after work he gets visited by truck-kun as he was crossing the street. Naturally, he dies and I think you know where this is going He finds himself in Uzu as a baby, right before its destruction. That isn't good. . No romance for Yuki is planned, so don't be disappointed about something, later on, the amount that left shocked me I'm trying to revive this story after a couple of months of inactivity I will be copying this story to Wattpad to branch out, I'm Onade123 there I'll try to make this 'realistic' in the sense that the mc isn't a dumbass as much as possible, though please criticize with solutions in mind so I can change it appropriately

AnimeLemonade · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 7: Sometimes, a blessing is a curse

(3rd POV)

(Unknown amount of time later)

''What the hell happened here...''

A Kumo shinobi says to himself, standing before the scarred land of the once-rising superpower Uzu

As far as the eye can see, there is blood and ruins. He starts to walk.

''The first, alongside the second attack wave, all pulverized, torn apart, and charred black.'' The Kumo shinobi says to himself

He was sent here to look for any survivors and kill surviving Uzumaki as he is a sensory type shinobi.

''Reports say swarms of Uzumaki were seen fleeing off the island with no pursuers, it's obvious the Uzumaki did this, but, how?''

Miraculously, no Uzumaki was touched by the calamity, only those that died in battle or by collapsing buildings died.

They are being hunted at sea, but once they reach the Land of Fire, it's useless

Still walking through the ruins, he senses a faint chakra signature. Looking in its direction, he sees a collapsed apartment building.

Heading over there, he moves the ruin apart with a little earth style.

Inside, he sees a corpse of an Uzumaki woman, already decaying from the inside because of the smell, and a small red-haired child, unconscious

Just then, the little boy started to wake up

The Kumo shinobi quickly pull out a chakra suppression seal and puts it on his forehead.

Yuki only saw the Kumo shinobi put a seal on him before falling back unconscious

''Children should never be a part of wars'' The Kumo shinobi says as he places the ruins back over the child


''What did you say!?'' a giant bulky man yells in his office, unusually distressed

''Uh... the 4 thousand shinobi in both attack waves were killed by gigantic waves, tornadoes, and lightning of unknown origin.'' The Kumo shinobi nervously said to his third Raikage, A

A sits back down and sighs ''What the hell did the Uzumaki have up their sleeve to cause such destruction but leave themselves unharmed...''

''And you say all but a few buildings of which include a damn library we can't crack the barrier of, and destroying it would also destroy all the knowledge inside, a random apartment building that didn't get turned to ash, or destroyed by tornados, and an orphanage are the only things left? Great...'' A sighs

''I didn't like this surprise attack from the start, too cheap, should've gone there myself''


This same reaction was met with the other 3 village leaders involved


''I knew I needed to send some shinobi to Uzu after hearing reports of explosions there, but to come back with news of its destruction and only 123 Uzumaki survivors from a village that had at least 700 is absurd.'' *sigh* The third Hokage sighs to himself

With the sudden appearance of refugees, emergency rations were starting to deplete quickly. The village had to start buying increased food and water amounts to feed them all, with costs going towards building new buildings for the new people costing even more, the situation in Konoha is not exactly favorable. Even so, they couldn't turn down their allies.

While the houses were being built, the Uzumakis will have to stay in tents just outside the village

Luckily, the Uzumaki leader had survived and had helped calm down the survivors

Hiruzen and the before un-named Uzumaki leader, Kuebiko, had made a deal and agreed that the Uzumaki will be moving into Konoha and that they would get their clan compound built next to the Hokage tower for extra protection since they would definitely be targeted for their sealing secrets.

In exchange, they will be giving Konoha a supply of seals, a few seal designs, and their support in military power.




Kushina's few days here in Konoha have been a roller coaster

First, she was taken away from her home, only recently finding out why, and made the nine tails jinchuriki.

Second, she heard of the destruction of Uzu which sent her even further down the rabbit hole

Though when she knew that some of her own had survived and moved to Konoha, It felt like it was starting to feel like home

But that was all for naught when she couldn't find Yuki among them

Everyone could see it, the normally energetic and happy Kushina turned to this.

But they couldn't help since they themselves were going through a tough time

It got even worse when the students at the academy started picking on her because of her looks.

She decided she had had enough. She started fighting back.

(If I don't see his body with my own eyes, then he has to be alive) This was her thought process.

Over time, she really started believing it.

And her feistiness spread to all the other Uzumaki

(We've been through so much, we can't give up now) This was the clan's thought process as they very slowly began to heal and move on, but never forgetting. Never.

Now that they are under the wing of a powerful ally, they can restore themselves to their former glory and take back what was stolen from them.

But not all was great, some had lost it, and the shadows of Konoha took advantage of them


(1st POV)

I groan as I wake up

(What the hell ha-) My thoughts are cut off as the realization hits me like a truck


Smelling the stench, I'm scared to turn around. But I do it anyway.

The decaying corpse of my mother shakes me to my core as much as it did before.

Her final words ringing in my head

Exhausted, I can do nothing but cry as I look at her.

I sit there, tears pooling out

Memories flashing through my head

// //


''You should be more careful next time''




''Yuki! I was worried about you! Where were you, young man!''




''Goodnight sweetie, I love you''

// //

(Everything was planned and set. I thought I had everything under control. Why didn't I think of variables? Did I think this was some game I played before and think I knew what was going to happen? Of course there would be variables. Because of my stupid decision, I played a hand in destroying this village

Because of me, my mom died...)

I sit there, thinking for hours, all the memories of her flashing in my mind like a movie, every little detail, and every detail of my mother's corpse. I finally decide to lay my mother to rest. I take off the seal on my forehead.

Using my Chains to remove the rubble, I pick up my mother's corpse and walk into the middle of the area.

Commanding my Chains to dig a hole in the ground, I put her inside and place dirt back in

Taking a medium-sized block of rubble, I place it in front of the grave and carve words into the stone

''A loving mother rests here''