

New years Eve was only 15 minutes away. Elizabeth was sitting by the fireplace reading her favourite book "Pride and Prejudice". Jane Austen always had the gift of touching her heart. Especially since her parents' death she had dived into the world of books and stories. She thought of it as a way to escape reality. She was losing herself in the words of Mr Darcy, when she finally reached her favourite part of the book, «the confession» as she liked to call it.

«You must have known... certainly you must have known that it was all for you»

She was reading again and again those lines whose meaning was so deep. Maybe for the majority of people they were nothing more than a cliche line but for her it it reflected the power of giving your whole self, your soul and your body to someone.

Her phone rang interrupting her daydreaming.

She took a glimpse of the screen.


-Hello? she answered

-Happy new year, sis! I miss you so freaking much

-What are you talking about? Is it 12 already?

-No, it was 12 five minutes ago? How did you get so distracted that you missed the new year, do you havw a different timeline there, in Spain or what?

-No, it's just that I am by myself and I was reading so I lost track of time.

-Wait a second. You are all alone on New year's Eve? Were the hell is Violetta?

-She's out with some of our classmates, celebrating.

-Why didn't you join them then?

-I didn't feel like going, but I am alright Stefan, I promise. I wish you have the greatest year ever.

-Alright babygirl, but I need you to take care and live your life, now that you're young is the time for that, besides thats what our parents would have wanted. Sooo, what happened with that intership on the olvidado padre company? Have you desided if you'll go to the interview or not?

-I'll go, the wage is high and if I manage to get the job I'll gain experience and a very valuable asset on my resume. We both know the power that company holds.

-Good, I am sure you'll make it. I believe in you kiddo.

-Thank you bro, goodnight.

-And I happy new year.

She hang up the phone and left her beside it.

She got up from the couch and went to the kitchen of the apartment, she and her best friend Violetta had rented.

Two years had passed since she moved to Spain. They came together to finish their BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

Since she was a kid she adored Spain, and one of her dreams was to visit her. So when the chance came up she didn't even think about it.

She had almost finish her Bachelor and was searching for what she could do next. That's when she found out about that intership and thought that she should give it a try.

Elizabeth already had a bunch of references and had finished school on top of her class.

You see, she was a bookworm. Her parents died in a car accident the year she was supposed to have her exams.

She was Greek and in Greece, the year kids finish high scool, there are some difficult exams they have to pass in order to continue their studies and go to college.

She studied hard, very hard, and managed to get in the college she wanted.

She belived that her parents could she her from above, and that they felt proud of her.

Her only regret was leaving her brother behind. She was suffering too from their parents' lost but he didn't handle it so great. He gave up college and went out every night. Started drinking way too much, and each night he returned home with a different woman. But he got over it and realised that he deserve more than that. So he went out in search of a job and got hired by a car mechanic who lived by the street. That was when Elizabeth left, when she was certain that her big bro would be alright.

She made herself I glass of vodka and drunk it straight. She whispered «Happy new year» and hut the sack

Everything will be better next year.


Hello everybody!

I hope you liked that Chapter

I am well aware it's a bit small but that's only cos it's the first one

I would just like to inform you that I am Greek and therefor my native language is not English but Greek.

So I would like to apologize beforehand for all the mistakes that you'll find.

With that being said, I hope you all have a grwat day

Peace out