
Zoro join the crew

After I come beside him I saw him looking at me with mouth wide open. I can understand as he just saw Luffy blocking a bullet with his and then he saw someone who just falls from the sky on the said person.

I walk beside him and introduce myself "hi, I am Majin Buu, his crew member."

"Zoro, roronoa Zoro." He Replied after getting out of his daze. Even still he is acting cool. I smile at his Replied. Then I untied his rope and give his sword back to him. In the meantime, Luffy has already started to fight the marines. As he start punching and kicking marines started to fly sky one after another.

"Won't you help him?" Asked Zoro. "Nah he gonna Okay, besides he is having fun," I Replied as I know these cannon fodders can hold a candle to him. "Well then allow me to stale my score with them," said also because he had already learned from Coby what Marin plan to do also they still harass the child.

Then he starts to fight with them beside Luffy. I just stand aside and watch. Coby beside me was sacred and also in a dilemma as he don't know what to do. Marin starts to shout to their captain for help. But he won't come coz I already absorb him. It didn't take long for Marin to understand something is wrong so they start to retreat. Luffy and Zoro didn't chase. Zoro is still injured.

I don't understand why most of the time Zoro is as injured in the show. Maybe Zoro is a masochist. Then we went to the restaurant where the little girl was then we order food. We didn't talk much we start to eat food. When I was eating I feel a burning angry gaze on my back. I know who it is so I just ignore her. After 30 minutes of eating food, we stop. Then I heard Luffy invite Zoro into his crew. After some thinking Zoro accepted. I give all the money Nami 'give' me to the restaurant owner and follow Luffy to the seashore. We meet coby on our way be we keep walking ignored him. when we reach there and ...

Scene break

Orange town, seaport

A black boat can be seen coming from a distance. Three people are was stand on it. A straw hat boy, a green head boy and a black-eyed boy with strange design drees. They are none other than Luffy, Zoro, and Majin.

Yeah, this time Luffy didn't lose as Majin was with him stop him from doing stupid things. After reaching there they come out from the boat. And decided to check the town and take a rest. Majin knows buggy terrorising this island but he didn't inform them. He just followed Luffy.

After some time Luffy saw that there is almost no people here. It's like a ghost town. Then he saw a dog, he went near it but it start to bark warning him to not come near it. Then an old man comes out and starts to shout. Then after some talking, he start to come down then told the story of the town. Abut buggy and his pirates, loot and kill them. Luffy's face turns gloomy. As his concept of pirates is different he starts to get angry. Zoro wasn't much surprised as he has already seen it many times but still got a little angry. A few minutes ago Majin sense nami just arrived here. She also heard it. To become angry when she heard him, she already hate pirates so this just put oil on a fire. Then she was about to leave she saw that Luffy start to walk toward the buggy's gang with a gloomy face. Zoro also followed him without saying anything. The old man asked "where are you going? Don't go there they will kill you too. Young man leave before it's too late" the dog also bark. I went near him told him he don't have to worry they will solve the problem. "What are you a Marin?" The old man asked. "No the pirates," I smirk. Then followed Luffy. The old man also followed but I stopped him. Nami also followed us I didn't stop her I know she will be there even if I do.