
World of shapeshifter

Before travelling to another world, Ryuu decided to make a cultivation vine for Haein.

They go to the incubator room. Ryuu then told Haein to go inside the incubator. Then he use his operation fruit power and start the process of making her cultivation vein.

He leaves her there and goes out. It will take 9 months for her to get her own cultivation vein. Outside he saw Yamato and ulti playing games. Then spread his sense and find everyone. He saw shirahoshi in the sea. She is swimming with some sea king. None of them attacks her as she is their god in a way.

He saw Hancock on the farm. Robin inside the library.

Then he notice someone there he didn't expect to read books.

He teleport to the library and saw sadi reading books with great concentration. He then walks toward her from her back and looks at what is she reading.

He smiled at what she is reading. It's a hentai book. He got all kinds of books. So he also collected this. Then he move beside her ear and said "onesan what are you reading?"

Sadi shook her body, she was so concentrated on reading that she didn't notice him coming. She close the book and turned back.

Robin keeps reading her book. Majin asked her about her cultivation. She is already in the sky realm. So I send her information about the fly technique. She smiled happily.

She goes outside and starts to fly in the sky. Ryuu told her to teach others too.

Sadi hug him and said, "little brother this time take me with you."

Ryuu accepts her offer. He then told her to bring Domino with her too. She run to the castle and told domino to be ready for the travel.

Then he goes out of Flora. And thought about the time and place he want to travel. He also set this world time as 10 months as that will be the time jin ah awakens her ability.

He go inside the rift as it closed behind him. In a minute he appeared on the other side of the rift. He comes out of it.

Then he use his monarch of the beginning power and made himself, sadi and Domino an identity.

He couldn't do that in solo levelling world as at that time he didn't have this power. Now people won't think he just appeared out of thin air.

He then creates a car with his creations ability. And let Sadi and Domino come out of the Flora.

Both of them look around. They are now on one side of the road. It's nighttime so there isn't any car on the road. He then gives them basic information about the world.

"Little brother, will you join this school?" Asked sadi

Ryuu nodded at her. And sadi continued "I want to join with you too."

Ryuu smiled and said "sure why not? But you are my sister in papers. So at least act like that in front of others."

Then he look at domino and said "what about you? I made you as our legal guardian, who take care of our family business and us."

Domino strength her back and said "I have been learning about running a business too, so you don't have to worry. Live them to me."

Ryuu then said "okay get on the car. We will arrive at 'Beacon hills' in about an hour"

Both of them enter the car as I start the car.

~scene break~

Beacon hills, California

It's a good place to live. The place is surrounded by trees and some high hills. Well, its population is also lower than the normal town. Not crowded, and a great place to live a peaceful life, if you ignore the supernatural side.

The place Ryuu selected for them to live is pretty far from the school. And this place is quiet too. As no other people live near them.

After reaching the place Ryuu saw an abandoned house. "So this is the house which is supposed to be our family house decades ago," said Ryuu to himself.

Before on the car, Ryuu told both of them about their new background.

{their family used to live here in beacon hills. But for business purposes, they leave the place and move to New York.

But a months ago both of them died in a car accident. So he and his sister with Domino who is happened to be their distant relative and also who now handles their business decide to move here back.

And they will start their school from tomorrow}

Ryuu then uses his power to break down the whole house.

He then created the same house like before. This one is the same as their house in solo levelling. Enough to live for them.

Kitchen, dining and entertainment on the ground floor and 4 bedroom on the first floor.

They then go inside and make everything they need.

Ryuu then come out and made 7 feet tall walls all around their place. He then parks the car inside. He also made 2 new bikes.

Ryuu then go inside and said "tomorrow we have to contact the local govt office for electricity"

Said then said, "okay then let's get the bed." As she takes off her clothes and pulls Ryuu by hand.

He smiled and decides to do as she says. He and Domino both go inside. He use age fruit power and made sadi 18 years old girl. She is too older than him only Two years.

Ryuu then starts another of her act play. Domino also goes with her acting.