

"Run from here. I will hold them back." Said Inadus mother to her as she push her back.

She then got in front and cast a spell. All of them send back. To her spell reply opposite side all fire spell back.

Inadu keep running she look back suddenly when she saw her mother fall on the floor with a thud.

She stop and shouted "mother."

In her rage, she use her magic and killed all the attackers. She run back to her mother and saw that she is bloodied. She start crying when her mother said "don't cry dear, go. You don't have much time."

She shook her head "no I won't leave you, mother."

Her mother said, "go, listen to me for last time." And she takes her last breath.

Inadu cry as she saw her mother die. She then heard movement far. So she left her body crying. And continue to run.

She only thought about Ryuu now. She wants to go to him and tell him everything. So she starts to run where she meets the deer.

She notices some Wolf are following her and a shout come from far "she is here."

~scene change~

"Why are you doing this?" Shouted Inadu at his father and the caster here.

Some have even had a gloating look in their eyes. They didn't reply to her. They start to cast the spell to divide her and seal them inside all the leaders. It will increase their power.

Inadu seeing this curse all of them. She uses her last strength to cast the curse on all of them who are doing this.

She remembered her time with Ryuu. As she said slowly "I wish I meet you earlier." As she closed her eyes.

~scene change~

As the light comes out from her body is divided into 8 part and enter all the eight leaders body.

At that time they noticed that their power increase. But before they could enjoy it they notice the weather start to change. They then saw a red hair man coming towards them.

He ignored everything and sit in front of Inadu. They were suddenly warned by their ancestors magic. Listening to them all the eight leaders slowly left the ground.

They use a spell to mask their leave and come to an underground place.

~scene change~

Seeing Inadu body laying on the ground Ryuu felt something stabbing his heart. He felt so much pain that he can't even talk.

He felt sad, rage, anger. He looks at the people around him.

Everyone took a step back when they saw his emotionless eyes. They got scared. They start to move back.

Seeing all of them Ryuu wanted to kill every one of them here.

With his rage, His body starts to change. Sharp teeth start to grow in his mouth. Hair starts to grow on his face. The scalers of his eyes start to turn black and a slight appearance inside his golden iris. His nails turned into claws.

In just a minute he completely turned into a darkish blue wolf as he howl in the sky. (Picture in comments)

Seeing the monster all the people start to run. Different people run in different directions. But will they be able to run him?

Without wasting any moment he starts chasing and killing. People start to shout, cry. Many fight back. But they don't stand a chance.

In the dark night, a slaughter starts to happen in the settlement.

Many ask for mercy but he didn't listen. He doesn't want to spare any of these hypocrites.

He didn't let go of anyone. Even old, women and children weren't spared. Mark him as devil or evil he doesn't care.

He killed everything, last to the dog. The whole settlement turned into bloody red. Crops were everywhere.

After 30 minutes he stops. He turned back to human again. All of his clothes were destroyed when he turned into his wolf form.

It was his second time to turn wolf. The first was when he fast come to this world.

He is now covered with blood. He walks to inadu as tears fall from his eyes. He sits beside her body.

After he controlled his emotions he noticed that the connection they built during the Grimoire is still there.

So he quickly take it out and saw that the side of Inadu hand is still light.

He understands that she isn't dead. He laughed at this. Because of his unstable emotions, he didn't notice this before.

Then he hurriedly took out a crystal from his ring.

He cast a spell on Inadu body so that nothing happened to her body. He then uses his magic power and seals her body inside the crystal. After that, he makes it small and wears it as a locket.

He knows that nature will give her a loophole. And she will appear again.

~scene change~

"Who is he? Why did ancestors warn us?" Ask one of the leaders.

Another one reapplied "how could I know? And what kind of relationship inadu has with him?"

The chieftain suddenly said, "Hope he doesn't come here."

"Do you think you can hide from me?" A voice comes from outside of the door which shakes everyone there.

With a *bang* the door is broken and Ryuu comes inside.

He isn't gonna let them go. But he noticed something to them. 'So Inadu has cursed them, good.' Ryuu Thought.

He then said "hahahahaha, I don't have to do anything to you. You and all your descendants will suffer for what you did to Inadu. Also, you will lose the thing, you did for all of this."

All 8 of them shake as they listened. They suddenly have very bad feelings.

After that Ryuu left them and go out.

At the back, they try to use magic. But unfortunately, they couldn't. It makes them despair.

~Scene Change~

After coming out Ryuu saw that it's all most morning.

He noticed all the corpses. He doesn't know why he isn't feeling bad even after massacring the settlement.

He then shrugged off and thought that he doesn't even want to feel bad for these Demons.