
Practice and travel

After leaving the place Ryuu walks inside the jungle. He searched everywhere but couldn't find the deer or the place he was born.

He expected this. Ryuu then walks to a lake nearby and jump in it.

He cleans himself off the blood. After completely cleaning up he uses magic and dries himself. He then takes out a white T-shirt with a blue hoodie and black skinny jeans. With shoes. After that, he wear them and tied his hair back.

He then holds the necklace and looks at the sky. After that, he takes out the Grimoire and sees the progress.

"It will take 2 more days to complete acquire all the spells. And after that, it will continue to get any spell that will appear in future." Raid said to himself as he hold the Grimoire in his hand.

He then decides to practice his Elementals Manipulation. Before with Inadu, he always practices spells. He Only tried it once or twice.

~scene change~

Besides the lake, a cottage made of earth can be seen.

Inside the house, a red hair boy is holding a book and waiting for something.

After 5 minutes with a click sound, the book opens itself. Inside the book on the first page, there is nothing written.

Seeing the blank page The boy said softly "list by Rank"

After that, some names start to appear on the book On the first page. At the top, it's written S.

the boy then turned the page one by one and check all the spell names.

Then he selects the lowest rank first. And many spells appear with E written on the top.

Seeing this the boy smiled and said "let's start practising."

~scene change~

Ryuu has been practising magic for months. By now he has learned almost all the A-E rank spells.

So today he decides to leave here and travel around the world. So he store The Grimoire inside his ring and left the house. He doesn't have anything special he needs to carry.

After coming out he kicks the ground and the house goes underground. He is also now very proficient in using Elements. He also mastered telekinesis.

He doesn't have anyone to use Perfect Tsukuyomi. But he tried to compel some animals. And it works nicely.

(Compulsions and Tsukuyomi is two different. One only hypothesis or order their subconscious to do their bidding and Tsukuyomi control someone five senses.

You can say it's an update version of compulsions but in the use it's different.)

After that Ryuu take his weapon a "frypan" and hang it to his side and start walking out of the jungle.

~scene change~

"Don't run you a damn cat? I need meat for today dinner." A red hair boy shouted at a leopard.

Hearing him some tear appeared in the eyes of it as it even run faster.

I can't understand how can a human run as fast as him. He was sleeping quite when this human come and disturb him. He tried to attack but he got hit by his mighty weapon.

Seeing that it's not stopping Ryuu throw his fry pan as he said "flying fry pan attack" the divine weapon fly toward the leopard and hit the back of his head.

The leopard fall as it got hit by the divine weapon. Ryuu walk to it and said, "hahahahaha, I haven't eaten meat for months."

Ryuu then send an air slice using elemental control and cut its head.

~scene change~

Ryuu was walking through the jungle when he saw a wagon. And some people ride horses.

Seeing them he walks towards them. As he has seen any human after he massacres that settlement residence.

The people on the horse also saw him. They hold their weapon and said "holt! Who are you?"

Seeing them Ryuu smile and said "sorry to disturb you, I am a traveller. And I lost my way. Can you point me out nearest town?

A person who seems leader said, "we are going to Gazi town nearby." He then looks back at the cart. A fat man come out of the cart and observe Ryuu closely and said: "if you want you can travel with us."

Hearing him Ryuu use telepathy to read his mind "his dress look fancy. if I can get it, I can sell it at a high price."

Listening to his thoughts, Ryuu understands that he is a merchant. And going to this town for business. He also finds out that he isn't a bad guy. As he wants to buy from him nor rob him.

Ryuu accepted his offer. He followed the fat guy and go inside the cart. The fat man was the only person inside.

He introduces himself as Anderson. Ryuu also introduces himself. Inside the fat man proposes to him his offer about buying his clothes. Ryuu didn't agree.

As he doesn't want to wear these medieval clothes.

~scene change~

Ryuu comes to a big town. He thanked Andre for the ride and left the cart.

He went into a tavern. He ordered some food and drink. He has been eating food without any spices all this time.

So eating food with salt, he almost cried. He paid with some money he got from Andre. He sells him leopard skin. Which give him a good amount of money.

After that, he comes out of the tavern and walks around the town.

He noticed that all of them is a normal humans. There isn't even a single magician here.

After that Ryuu spend a few days in the town. He also collected any spice he get also some salt too.