
New friend, magic

After the worst first impression ever he uses some leaf to hide his dragon which he finds is now bigger than before.

As he uses the leaf to cover his manhood as a new memory comes to him. He has a space ring like those cultivation novels. Getting this memory he looked at his left hand and saw a black ring on his index finger. He uses the same method as he read in the novel to look inside. But the problem is that he doesn't know how can one send his consciousness inside a ring.

He tries many things. But after some time he finds out that he just has to will and he can see what's inside.

'I wasn't dumb in my previous life. So why I became one now' He Thought and shook his head. He then look inside and saw some T-shirts and pants with shoes.

He quickly takes it out and wears it. "Fancy for this medieval era," Ryuu said to himself. He then walks to the small pond nearby and looks Himself in the clear water.

"Aren't I handsome?" Ryuu said as he look himself in the water. He then washes his face with it.

~scene change~

Inadu felt shocked seeing Ryuu. He was wearing a strange dress but looked good on him. He also tied his long hair at the back.

Seeing that he wears clothes Inadu look at him now. She then asks "are you the child of nature?"

Listening to her Ryuu stop a second and Replied "in a sense yes. I am. Why?"

Inadu look at him with a star in her eyes as she said "that means you can control natural energy, and learn to spell all almost instantly. Not only that you can cast chant less spell."

Ryuu seeing her talking so much stop her and said "okay okay stop. I may be able to do that, but I don't have any idea how to cast magic or control nature energy."

Listening to him Inadu strengthen her back and said: "okay I will teach you that."

Then she look around and said "but I have to go today. I will come tomorrow."

Ryuu didn't ask where she lives as they first meet. But seeing that she is the only human here who he can talk is leaving felt sad.

Inadu seeing his eyes said, "I will come tomorrow, I promise."

Ryuu nodded and said her goodby. Then she remembered that she doesn't know the way. So she looks at the deer.

As if it can understand and start walking, Inadu followed him.

~scene change~

"Okay let's check the full memories so that I don't leave anything," Ryu said as he sit on the ground.

He then closes his eyes and starts to review everything. After 30 minutes he opens his eyes.

"So I have this ability. I have a status screen which is fixed and it only shows my abilities and race that is all." Ryuu said to himself.

After that, I decided to see the status. As he thought a blue screen appeared in front of him like video game status.



Name: Ryuunosuke Majin

Age: •

Race: Tribrid (werewolf, vampire, wizard)

Ability: {Elementals manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Compulsion, Perfect Tsukuyomi}


after seeing the status screen Ryuu whistle. *whistle* "some good ability it is." Then he looked at the last ability and said "the name seems familiar, where did I hear this?" After some thinking, he pumped his fists at others and said "isn't it Itachy power."

Ryuu then thought "I used to see this anime when I was a kid."

~scene change~

The next day Inadu comes to Ryuu with a basket in her hand.

Seeing her Ryuu waves his hand and welcome her. Inadu then brings out some bread and give it to Ryuu. Ryuu happily takes it as he has been eating only fruit which the animals collect for him.

Yesterday he noticed that all these animals are very friendly towards him. And do as he told them to do.

So they collect fruit for him when feeling hungry and eat them.

~scene change~

Inadu starts to teach him how to use magic and spell.

The first time when he saw her using magic and blowing wind everywhere he felt awesome. And couldn't wait to learn from her.

So after that Inadu started to come to his place and start teaching him. Ryuu also start to live inside a tree trunk which the tree itself made for him.

He also finds out that once he lives in this place it will vanish. So he doesn't go out.

He felt because of magic the world outside is dangerous. So he wants to learn first before going out.

(Like anyone could. Well he doesn't know that)

Inadu teaches him all the basics of magic. He absorbs all the knowledge like a sponge.

Inadu finally knows why child of nature is so revered in myth.