
Eating sushi

After finishing his physical strength check he returns to the town.

Well more like a dead town. Everyone person you look at you will see only despair. Like death, god is looking at them and will come for them at any moment.

In any shop, there is much to buy except some veggies and oranges. He went beside a stall. Coz owner of the shop is familiar to him. She has darker skin with blue hair. She looks beautiful and well developed in some areas. She may not be the most beautiful but one of the top beautiful he had seen until now. She's none other than nojiko namis sister.

"Can I have some orange? I heard they are best when it comes to orange." Said majin.

Nojiko look at him and blush a little as she hadn't seen someone more handsome than him. But quickly got over it as she was mature enough.

"Yes you can, only 100 beli a KG." Replied nojiko.

After buying the start pealing and eating one 'it truly is delicious.' Thought majin. Then he asked her

"Do you know nami?" She got vigilant when she heard him. "Why are you looking for her?" She inquires. "Relax there love, I am her friend. She left us without saying goodbye. So we came to check if everything is fine." Majin Replied.

Nojiko looked at him for a few seconds didn't find him lying. "Okay come with me." Said nojiko. Then she took him to their house. It was pretty far from the town. As they were walking he flirted with her sometimes. She smiled at him. After some time they reach the house. She invited him in and told him to sit as he went inside to make some tea as nami wasn't back yet.

After preparing the tea she took it to him. As they were drinking they start chatting. He made some jokes which makes her laugh. As they were chatting someone open the door and come inside.

It's nami who return from meeting arlong. He knows what happened there. She looked sad.

When nami found someone else was inside she looked at who it was. At first, she was shocked then her face turned pale when she remembered his one side slaughtered buggy's crew. She asked, "what are you doing here?"

Majin "relax thieving cat, I am not here for the money. We were worried about you so we come."

Majin "how was your deal with arlong?" Asked. When Majin was chatting with nojiko she already told him about town, arlong and namis deal.

Nami didn't reply but her face turn sad again.

Majin "you know that arlong was never gonna keep his promise. Why do you still keep doing all this? You could have asked for our help"

Nami "you cannot do anything to him. He is very strong. He is a monster."

Majin "you should at least have some faith in us."

Nami "it doesn't matter coz I know how strong he is. But it's okay I am already close to buying the island from him."

Majin "and will he let you. I bet he already informed someone who will come to take your money."

Nami turned pale " no he wouldn't. He promised me."

Majin "do you believe it?"

As she argued They heard walking outside. Nami was like in a nightmare as nezumi comes with his marine solder.

He walks outside with nami and nojiko. There he saw a human rat who looked at them evilly.

Nezumi "I learned that there is stolen money here. So we come to catch the thief and the stolen goods"

Nami "there is nothing like that here."

Nazumi " I will decide that. Search the house." He orders his soldier.

Nami turned pale, nojoki also looked worried. She looked at me

Majin " you should leave. Don't mess around here"

Nezumi "and who might you be. Don't stop doing their work. Or I will have to arrest you."

Majin looked at him as he released some royal haki. Nezumi got scared. "What are you doing?" As he said that he take his gun out and point it toward him.

Majin " are you ready to die?"

Nezumi "what?"

Majin "you pointed your gun at me, so are you also ready to die in battle." Asked. 'Hahahahaha, I also wanted to say this dialogue' thought majin

Nazumi fired the gun when hehe felt threatened. Majin stops the bullet with his telekinesis power. Then he grabbed all of them with his telekinesis power. As he got strong his telekinesis power also got stronger. So with pure telekinesis power, he crushes them to make a bloody mash. The garden was now painted with blood.

When nami and nojiko first saw the nezumi fire they got worried. Then they saw the bullate stop in front of his body. Then they saw majin wave his hand and make a grip motion and somehow all the marines turn into mini-meat. Nami turned pale as she has seen it before but nojoki vomit as she had never seen something so gory before.

Majin "now you believe me that arlong will never let the island go."

When nami heard it she burst into a cry. She has been doing everything she can to get money but now she knows that it was all just a dream. Her hope gets crushed. " what should I do then?" Shouted nami. I crouched down to her and told her that she should believe us and let us help her.

Majin "you stay here, I will find Luffy and then we will deal with arlong." Said to her then he looked at nojoki. After nodding at her he left. Nami was still sitting there.

~Scene break~

No, we are in front of arlong park with all of the straw hat crew.

Luffy kicks the door as he breaks it with his kick. After we went inside we saw a lot of fish-man there.

"Hey Sanji, can you make sushi out of them?" I asked Sanji. He looked at me weirdly as they are fish-man, not fish. Then he remembered me eating all those humans by making them candy so he didn't reply.

When the Fishman heard me they got angry.

"Which one of you is arlong here?" Asked Luffy. When we were coming I already told them the story so Luffy was pretty angry.

A shark-like Fishman Replied "and why are you looking for him."

As he said that Majin look at him. He didn't say anything he just comes in front of him which was like teleporting to others than punching him in the chest. His hand come out from the back of him with a still-beating heart in the hand. He couldn't even react to it. Then he looks at the person who is in front of him. A small him was looking at him. Then he took his hand out with his heart in it. After that, everything turned dark and he falls to the ground.

"Huh, too much talking." Said majin as he looked at the heart. then he bites on it and said "taste awful, I thought it would taste like fish."

The straw hat crew looks at him with a dark and face. Usap almost vomited.

The whole park was silent. Their brain couldn't process what just happened.

After a moment All the Fishman come out of their shocked state. Someone looked at him in fear someone look at him in angry. Well most of them are in fear. Those that are angry shout and proceed to attack him.

"Kill him, revenge captain." Yes, he finished arlong before the fight even begin.

After that majin didn't fight as Luffy already run and start the fight as he was angry with majin because he wanted to fight arlong.

I just tell slap the octopus toward the ocean as he has a role in future. Then just stand aside to let other fights. I also stop Zoro from fighting because of his injuries.

As the fight was about to end all the villagers arrived here with nojoki and nami in lead. When they heard someone was fighting for them they somehow encourage themselves and decided to come and help them as much as they can. But when they come here the fight is already finished.

And Luffy just Shouted and break the park down. After that, I turned every Fishman into sushi and collect it with telekinesis for later. I looked at the villagers and give them the victory sign.

All of them cheered together. I also smile at them.