A boy wakes up in a new world with gacha.
Midtown High School.
The school where I'm studying as a student. It is a public school located in the Forest Hills neighbourhood of Queens.
This school has a lot of faculties and various departments and is very famous because famous people like the mayor's son and the billionaire/ Green Goblin, Norman Osborn's son, Harry also studies at this school.
In fact Harry is my classmate.
And so is Peter, Gwen, Mary Jane, Flash, Ned and the rest of the spider-man cast.
So my class is prone to various cliches. Till now, none of that happened, except Flash bullying others with his goons/friends.
And this school will also start to get attacked like every month after Parker becomes Spider-man. Though not as much as X-mansion which gets attached every week. Getting attacked every month is still dangerous.
While Spider-man's villains are a lot weaker compared to the X-men's, some of them are still dangerous to be trifled with.
"Who is he?"
"Is that even allowed…"
"Tch show off…"
"Damn, he's living my dream…"
I heard a variety of comments as I parked my bike on the school and expected the collective gasp when I removed my helmet.
And just as I expected, people were shocked when I removed my helmet.
This is the first time I've come to school using a bike, so I expected this reaction and coupled with my new appearance, this is to be expected.
"Is that Victor?" Someone recognised me which was something that I didn't expect.
Still, I didn't care and just walked to my class room.
I grabbed my chair and sat on the back of the class. It was still fairly empty with only 3 other students excluding me.
Slowly the cast started to enter the classroom. Flash Thompson, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacey, Liz Allen, Michelle Jones, Harry Osborn and Finally Ned Leeds.
The star of the cast, Peter Parker, still wasn't there. Probably because he missed the bus or some other lame reason.
I have to say, Gwen Stacey and Mary Jane look like top models. Both of them could be the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life.
Is it because of their origin as a comic book character? Cause almost everyone in this class is pretty and looks like adults. Not to be narcissistic again, but I'm also very attractive and look like an adult.
Still, it's better to stay afar and refrain from making a move on them.
I don't know if this is the comic verse, but this definitely not the movie verse so staying away from them is for the better. Both of them have been unfaithful and being in a bad relationship once in your life is probably enough.
I don't want to experience pure agony and anger once again.
"Still… I'll be in contact with them to know about Peter."
I've seen both of them talk to Peter and he's more closer with them than the rest of the ones in our class.
I should make it a rule to not indulge myself with anyone significant in this world, at least for now.
Chasing women will bring me no good. They can be a consequence of my aim or dream but they themself can never make me my dream or Aim.
Unless of course the woman in question is Aunt Cass or Nico Robin.
Seeking pussy is never a good thing and will just make my judgement clouded.
And as I was thinking about serious things, Peter finally came through the door, just seconds before the class would start.
"I missed the bus." he said to Gwen as he sat next to her.
I visually noticed Mary Jane clicking her tongue in annoyance at that sight. So the love Triangle has already started huh? Thank god I'm out of this shit.
Not gonna lie, Peter is also… hot for someone his stature.
Looking at the gates MJ is sending Peter, I expected him to at least notice but as any true dense MC, he was chatting with Ned who was showing off his new watch.
I stopped observing them and looked towards the teacher who just entered the class, when I noticed something.
MJ was no longer seeing them and was sending her looks at me. She was looking at me with obvious intentions and when I turned back, she just looked away.
So if I had to guess by normal comic cliches, she's probably planning to make Peter jealous by hanging out with another boy.
Honestly it would have been a great entertainment for me in school if the boy wasn't me.
I would've given a chance if she was genuinely serious, but shit like this makes me pissed. I understand her feelings and wanting to be given the love she wants.
That's natural in all sentient species. But the path she's talking on is seriously messed up.It will just end up hurting her and her victim.
If I was a bad guy or had no morals, I would've just gone with it and fucked her and left.
But I'm not, I know what it feels like to have trust and love broken.
So I'll just stay away and push her off. It'll at least make her realise that she isn't a main character, she's just the annoying girlfriend in a comic book.
I turned away and immediately she looked at me again. This feels weird to be honest, if a man did this to a woman he'd be called a creep.
Well, that's just society.
I ignored her the rest of the time and just had some small chat with some of my classmates that I talk to sometimes. Do you now get what I mean by I have no friends?
I'm a true loner who likes being by myself and minding my own business.
Still I'm unaware of the magic sphere of this world. Omni-man is invulnerable to almost all of this world's weapons except maybe Vibranium or adamantium. Magic opens up a whole new book of potential weakness for me.
Imagine if I blitzed Thanos and got killed by some low-ranked sorcerer or magician like Loki?
That wouldn't just be funny but also shameful. To both Thanos and me.
And not to mention whole fucking universe enders like Phonix, Galactus, Dormamu and even that crackhead and his alter ego.
And there's also mental games from people like Charles Xavier, Emma Frost and Jean Grey.
On this list, the one who's the least dangerous, at least for now is probably Jean Grey. Only because she's young and inexperienced. And who knows, Emma Frost could also be the same, as some versions of her are the same age as Jean.
There's also a lot of stuff to worry about like the inheritors, the defenders, the hydra, the shield and galaxy conquerors like the Kree and other things.
Not to mention Asgard and other god related stuff. Heaven, hell, underworld and shit like that too.
Why the hell is this world so damn complicated?
Why couldn't I just end up in some easy world like Spy x Family? With Omni-man there, I'd be the god.
No point in wondering about an alternate outcome. What happened has already happened and I can't change it yet.
So I have to be prepared for anything.
And for that I need to become strong. So my current plan is to grind to the point I bench press Mt.Everest and reach full assimilation with Omni-man.
WIth my prediction, it may take a few months. But I have to do it.
After all, things could blow out at any moment now.
The rest of the day was uneventful and uninteresting at the same time. I just used the time to try and predict the overall layout of the future and lay plans according to it.
But there is always a huge variable in my plans.
My own Gacha.
I have no control of what I get in Gacha. Which makes it a very unstable variable as I could very well get something that could change my whole plan. Or get something so insignificant.
The odds of both happening are almost the same. I got lucky with getting Omni-man, the same can't be said for the second time.
So I based my plans around myself getting no better rewards in gacha, cause it's better that way.
But the day wasn't all boring, I observed all of my classmates' behaviours and their activities with eachothers.
It was no surprise at all.
Peter was the nerdy guy who was friends with Ned, Gwen and Harry. He talked and stayed with any one of them most of the time.
Ned was a normal dude who got along with almost everyone and had a positive vibe, similar to Peter.
Gwen talked with either Peter or her friends sometimes. Though the attraction between them was obvious to all except them.
Harry looks mentally unstable as he himself looks confused about what he does, he stays with Peter and Ned sometimes but jumps to the popular kids whenever he feels insecure.
Mary Jane does the same, but is mentally stable. She's just a stupid hormonal teenager who thinks she'll be a kid forever.
And there's me, who none of them talks to. It's good this way though.
I'd be happy to go unnoticed this whole semester and graduate.
But it doesn't seem feasible as I feel a spitball approaching my head.
I was just taking my stuff out of my locker to go back to my home. But I couldn't escape the cliche.
I casually turned around, to dodge the spitball and make it seem like an accident.
"Ahh~ a fucking miss!" Andre, one of my classmates, spoke.
I just rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but as in every American movie, the bully stopped me.
"I was talking to you Victor" He stopped me.
We were similar in height so I had to hold my breath to not inhale his stinky breath.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He put his face even closer but I stayed still.
"Tch~ don't think I'll let you go if you are quiet." He started walking in circles around me. Probably thinking he's some kind of predator preying on me.
"Look buddy we're friends right?" He stopped before me again and put his hand on my collar and tried to pull me.
But I didn't budge an inch, he tried not to show himself struggling but I felt him struggle.
"We're friends right?" He asked, now his voice getting more angered.
I didn't reply and just stood there quietly.
He stared at me, his heartbeat getting faster by each second.
"Look, I'm already angry at you because your father kicked us out of his restaurant even when I told you we were friends, don't make me more angry and give me a couple of dollars and both of us will be happy." He threatened. Correction, he tried to.
"Or what?" I whispered back for the first time.
I was planning to still not cause any problems, but this inbred cunt just had to cause a problem at my dad's place.
"I asked, Or what?" I repeated.
Now people gathered around us in a crowd. Most of them were unimportant.
But for the more important people, Peter seemed conflicted, Ned was observing and holding back Gwen.
Mary Jane looked uncomfortable but also interested. Flash was recording this with his camcorder.
Harry also seems conflicted.
And seeing all of this, I just sighed.
They are just a group of fucking kids.
I stared back at Andre who was now pulling his hand back ready to give a punch.
The punch was slow, I could've easily dodged but I was curious to check the power level of normal people in this world. His punch landed right at my chin.
But I didn't move an inch and stared back at his shocked face with no change in my expression.
"Now this is self-defence" I punched him on his rib, strong enough to crack one or two of it.
"*Kuh!!*" The air left his lungs as he collapsed to his knees, desperate for air.
The whole crowd around stopped saying anything and the whole corridor went silent.
"Fucking nuisance" I muttered and started to walk out of the place after putting all my stuff on my bag.
I stopped right before Flash, "Tell him that my dad will be suing him for property damage in his restaurant."
He just nodded and was still shocked. The same goes to the rest who were just staring at me.
The ones who reacted were Peter and Gwen who went to look after Andre.
And there goes my plan for being inconspicuous.
Peter Parker's POV
"Damn… that was…" Ned starts talking with an expression of astonishment.
The same thing I was feeling.
"Crazy?" Gwen finished his sentence.
Currently we're outside the school's clinic where we carried Andre.
"Crazy as Hell that is! I've never seen someone knock someone out with a punch to the rib. DId you see Victor's face? He didn't even look fazed at the whole matter." Ned spoke, still astonished.
Just like us.
"And the crazy part is he didn't even pull his hand back for the punch." Gwen sounded similar to Ned, "In fact did anyone of you even see the punch come? All I saw was Victor saying something and Andre lying on the floor in pain the next moment."
I have to agree, I didn't see the punch at all.
"Will Andre be ok though?" I asked in concern.
From the looks of it, he probably got fractured ribs or potentially ribs.
"Meh, let him suffer, he asked for it." Ned shrugged.
"Usually I'm not the one to advocate violence, but Andre really did ask Victor for it." Gwen nodded.
Woah, it's the first time I see Gwen picking a side in a fight instead of becoming a 3rd side.
"Speaking of Victor…" Ned started, "What the hell happened to him? Are all quiet kids like this? Maybe I should also stop talking and start being quiet?" Ned said half-serious and half-joking.
"I don't think him being quiet has anything to do with it" Gwen denied.
"Or is he scottish? Maybe Greek?" Ned asked.
"I don't think your imagination of Scottish and Greeks are correct Ned." I said.
"What, aren't they the Vikings and Spartans?" Ned asked cluelessly.
I just laughed.
"Ohh! I know it! A quiet viking! He's like an anime character!" He acted like he discovered the gravity equation.
"Anime has nothing to do with this!" Gwen shouted.
"You watch anime?"
I looked at her, surprised that she watches anime.
She just looked away for some reason.
"Maybe, I should start hitting the gym too. I wanna see Flash scared like that more often!" Ned just laughed.
"I don't think this is good for Victor, though Andre punched first the one who's more physically injured will always be the one who gets the pity." Gwen sighed.
And she's not wrong.
Victor will probably be suspended, in the worst case even expelled.
"Fucking curropt system." Ned kicked the locker hear us, "Fully made up of racist and paedophiles"
"We can't do anything." I just sighed.
Victor may have not been my friend, but he was still a good guy who'll get the punishment due to this system.
"He was in the wrong too… he did punch him" Gwen told her thought.
"But Andre punched first!" Ned argued.
"Did it look like it hurt Victor?" Gwen asked back.
"No… but Victor is built like a brick shit house, even a bullet won't probably hurt him. It's just not fair, he looks like a chill guy. I missed my chance to be friends with the cool kid."
"Well, I won't definitely define him as cool though." Gwen's taste in men still confuses me.
How can someone like Victor not look cool? He just punched someone the same as his size down in one punch.
"Well you like nerds, did I comment on that?" Ned asked back, making her blush.
When did Gwen start liking nerds though?
-Victor Bane's POV-
Good news.
I got suspended for a week.
While some may call it that, I call it vacation.
Still it sucks.
My mom advised me for about an hour from the office while my dad just told me to not do it again. Both of which I probably won't follow.
To be honest it is better this way, so that I can be free.
And by the way, this marks the time that I've been in this world for a whole day. So I got a GP which is good.
I don't wanna waste my parents money on Gacha, I need more money.
So I got 1000$ by threatening Andre to give me that or I'll break the rest of his bones. Boy was too scared and gave me what I asked for.
Some may call what I did criminal, but I call it a fee for me to not break his bones. If that cunt wants to bully me I'll bully him back till he breaks.
If the system favours bullies, I'll just become one.
I took the 1000$ cash which he saved all his life and used it on Gacha. The money disintegrated into some particles and my GP went up by 10.
Making it 11.
I used 10 GP to roll a 11 pull.
I got,
1)Dick Greyson (NightWing)
2) Green Kryptonite
3) Web Fluid
4) 18 Kg refined Vibranium.
5)Black Superman suit(Size Customisable)
7)Lightsaber x3
8)World Travel Card(24 hours)
9)Appearance Changing Card
10)Power Upgrade Card
11) Full Recovery Card
Well… not bad but not great either. Then again, I'm already strong so I need defensive items.
Though none of these are useless, some indeed are useless. Web Fluid and Green Kryptonite are pretty much useless.
Dick Greyson is great, but I have Nolan Greyson so he's not needed. Like at all. But I'll still assimilate with him though.
Vibranium is always good, but why specifically 18 Kg though?
The Superman suit will be useful when I fly around.
And Fubuki… She's more useful when summoned right? And there's also a chance I lose my balls when I assimilate with girls.
Hehm… carrying on.
Lightsabers are always cool so I'll keep it around.
World travel card huh? I wonder what it will do? It seems to be a consumable and so is the rest of the rewards. Honestly, all of them are pretty mid except Fubuki.
I didn't bother waiting and put Dick Greyson's card on the remaining slot on my assimilation window. And to my shock, the thing went up by 50% instantly.
It made me realise that 50% of assimilation is the physical traits, while the rest is the mental traits like experience and stuff like that.
So me, being almost 2% assimilated with Omni-man, immediately made me finish 50% of Dick's.
Which means, if I fully completed assimilating with Omni-man, I will no longer be a wimp and will probably assimilate with almost every one weaker and younger than him in a few days.
Which is great.
Just having Omni-man is broken, so having various other skills will also be great.
I still had one last GP left but I saved it for another day and exchanged the useless things for GP. All of them just fetched 2 GP but it made me realise a hole in the matrix.
I can pull for as long as I want until I get what I want but just exchanging.
So as a man of grind, I did so without hesitation.
I exchanged and pulled like a mad man with 3 GP till I got something useful.
And I finally did after spending 2 GP to pull in the powers category.
Mimicry- The ability to mimic any power that is acting on you or is in physical contact with you.
Fuck yeah!
The ability that'll truly make me broken.
Feeling happy I stood up and walked away from my desk and cheered silently. This has been a truly wonderful day.