
Chapter 20: Birth

Words: 11 656 words after this. They might still be some grammar mistakes and again English isn't my first or even second language.

~3rd POV~

The Phoenix Force's plan was not always revenge. It started as just a means of survival. It had been known that Lor was not meant to exist as he opposed stagnation by just existing. It could feel what it hated the most being absent from Lor. That fascinated it at first but when Lor started to "eat" part of it, fear took over.

Over the years, its cage crumbled but the Phoenix Force could not escape due to Lor. It felt that Lor could eventually kill it if this continued. The Phoenix Force had learned a few things after living years of its escape attempt being stopped by Lor. How humans acted was one of them. The Phoenix Force saw that Lor was stopping it due to Jean. It saw Lor's love for Jean. It knew that as long as that love existed, it would never be free. It had tried to take over Lor on multiple occasions but that never worked.

It took some time but the Phoenix Force saw that Jean and Lor's relationship had worsened. Lor never let Jean into his mind something that the Phoenix Force had subtly influenced Jean into desiring it. It thought that Lor would be defenseless the moment he opened his mind to Jean. After years of influencing Jean and Lor refusing her request, it almost gave hope when it had an epiphany. Why not just break them up? The relationship was already deteriorating, it just needed to push it a little bit further and it knew just the right pawn to make it happen.

The Phoenix Force was over the moon when its plan worked. It started to break free. Lor's constant "eating" weakened it more than it realized. It took its time to break free. When Lor came back and absorbed it, the Phoenix Force was panicking. It thought Lor had discovered what it had done but to its surprise, Lor had come to become its new host. It was instantly accepted as it was better than getting constantly eaten.

As time passed, The Phoenix Force grew in hubris as it kept remembering the time it manipulated Jean and Lor. It started to look down on Lor as its Hubris had overshadowed its fear of Lor. Without that fear, anger came as it still remembered the feeling of getting eaten. It started to plan for a way to be free from Lor while enacting its revenge. The Phoenix Force had seen the world opposing the change Lor brought, it thought that only it could bring down stagnation. The betrayal was going to happen soon or later, its hubris just shorten the wait. That was one of the reasons why Lor never went all out and acted weaker than he was. He knew better than to fall into his hubris.

He would never be one of those guys that became conceited with their powers and let their guard down. One of the best examples would be the Fury from the God of War games. She did not need to bring Kratos back in time with her, giving him a chance to win. She was certain of her victory which led to her defeat.

The Phoenix Force already knew that if it completely took over someone Lor cared about, it would be free from Lor. Some might think it was the opposite but it knew that Lor would never bring himself to hurt them. The problem was that everyone that Lor cared about had a protection bracelet that Lor gave them. It shielded them from mental attacks thus the Phoenix Force could not take over them. Even if he did Lor could pull it out of them.

It then hit it. Lor's child would make the perfect host as a baby's mind was a white canvas. The problem was that Lor had no desire for a child at that moment. He wanted to make sure that everything was ready before having a child. The Phoenix Force saw that Lor was using Adamantium condoms. It stealthy burned a very thin hold on every one of them when Lor was too busy... putting them to use. Now, all it needed to do was wait and it waited for years.

[AN: Insert the music it's been Agatha all along from Wanda and Vision TV show]

One day during one of Carol and Lor's meetings, the Phoenix Force sensed life inside Carol's visible belly. It was exciting for Lor to learn about it. When Lor found out, the Phoenix Force knew that the moment to act was approaching. It knew that Lor needed it for its revival powers but the Phoenix Force did not know what Project Phoenix did. It never cared as it was more focused on observing Lor trying not to miss a moment of weakness.

The Phoenix Force waited until Lor got the Soul Stone to further bring the illusion that Lor was in control of everything. It knew that Lor could time travel and thus decided to make sure that its past self knew its plan that way even if Lor tried to warn his past self at the moment he absorbed it, the Phoenix Force would only need to act innocent. It was not a foolproof plan but the hubris of the Phoenix Force had grown too much to think things through. It had drowned in its hubris.


We were getting ready to go to Mars when I saw Carol packing her bags in our room. I heard a faint heartbeat and rushed to hug Carol. I had foreseen this and every time I went to hug Carol I would use my powers to seal my strength. That way I would not hurt Carol or the baby. Carol was surprised by the sudden hug before speaking.

"Let me guess, another heartbeat. Lo, you have to stop hugging and cuddling me every time you hear our baby kicking, moving its arms, or a heartbeat."

I nodded before turning Carol around and answering her with a passionate French kiss. I knew that although she sounded annoyed she was not. If she really was she would have gotten herself free from my hugs and cuddles. I had sealed my strength to the level of a toddler when I was performing those actions.

I was planning on having Carol stay the next five months on Mars as her pregnancy brain was getting out of hand. One day, she proposed to wipe out everyone outside the city to make sure that the child would be safe. I was happy as it meant that Carol would not be against my actions in the future if things went south. I almost went with it as I already made plans for such occasions until I remembered that she was pregnant.

Another day, she tried to escape our house because she thought I was going to use her as a baby maker factory and that only our child could stop me and fulfill the prophecy. Long story short, we stopped watching fantasy-type movies. She had come to her sense three days after leaving the city and to this day she has yet to apologize for blowing up our house. I had followed her in camouflage. I was more relieved that Carol was not hurt but if things continue she could get hurt in one of her pregnancy brain epiphanies.

I had ordered every creature on Mars to die if it meant protecting Carol and our unborn child. I knew Bruce was coming soon. That honestly made no difference if I was around Carol, she would be safe but I preferred staying on Mars.

It was definitely not because I wanted to have an excuse for Carol when she learns that I let it happen. She would not be mad at me, for long, if it was just the four Illuminati people but if a civilian got hurt or died, Carol would be angry. Stress is very bad for the body which might affect our child. I was definitely going to watch Hulk beating the shit out of those guys. I was not even going to hide it, I just needed to save them at the last second to make them owe me and my revenge will start.

Hm? You thought that Hulk was my revenge? Well, it was but not anymore. I have something much more painful for them. I could simply force them into it but there is a certain satisfaction of tricking them into falling for my trap that I am looking forward to. Hm? You want to know? Well, you will have to wait and see. I can't spoil the surprise this soon, can I?

We still had a couple of hours before we leave for Mars. I packed everything that was left at super speed and came back to Carol. I kissed her on her right cheek before going to the kitchen to make ourselves some snacks. After we finished eating. We spend some quality bonding time, sighting the city, one last time and informing everyone before I teleported us to Mars.

We arrived in front of the giant gates. I guess since no one died they had more people available to help. Thanos did kill a lot at the start of infinity war. Some of his victims must have been warriors that were also carpenters or architects. I waved at the guards that had just noticed us. He immediately opened the gates and we went to meet Thor. We arrived just in time for the feast to start.

Thor offered us Alcohol to which we refused. Carol could not drink due to her pregnancy and I would rather not trigger her pregnancy brain by reminding her what she is sacrificing. The warriors three tried to insist on us drinking alcohol but stopped when my eyes glowed crimson red at the sight of one of them giving Carol a cup of beer.

I fired my heat vision at the cup instantly vaporizing the bear and turning the cup into ashes. After that, no one offered us beer as I had made our point clear. We partied with the Asgardians but I stayed close to Carol as she was having nauseous feelings frequently for the past few days. It was usually in the morning but she sometimes had them during the day.

[AN: I know that it happens at the beginning of pregnancy but I'm not sure if the nauseous feelings stop]

Thor decided to throw a dance competition. I joined. Carol wanted to join but I persuade her not to at the cost of calling me overprotective and over-worried. I was honestly not doing this because I fear it might affect the baby. I was doing this because Carol was a terrible dancer and the last thing I wanted was a pride-injured pregnancy brain, Carol.

I was surprised that Loki join. He wanted to beat Thor as this was a competition of skill not brute force. He was assured of his victory over Thor as well as this competition. He was right for the former part but not the latter part. He easily bested Thor but I bested him with a few moves from Michael Jackson. Oh right, I forgot to say that he is alive in this universe, and boy does he keep coming up with new hits.

As I was awarded my prize for winning the competition, a large piece of meat, I got a call from Tony. I knew what he was calling me for. I stealthily moved from where I was to my planned position. I answered the call or video call if you prefer. I saw that Tony was with the rest of the Avengers as well as Reed and Stephen Strange. I planned to gloat at this moment since Reed and Tony had refused my offer but that was before Carol got pregnant. I had something better for them. I spoke first.

"Hey Tony, what's up?"

He looked at Reed before looking back at me and speaking.

"Look, Lor, I'm not going to beat around the bush we-"

Just like I had planned, Thor heard Tony's voice and came to look. Once he saw Tony's face he screamed in rage.


Like I had planned, I went to calm down Thor after abruptly closing the call or video chat to be precise. Thor was angrier at Tony than I thought. It took three hours to calm him. I could have bitch slapped him into a coma but he is one of the very few people that is not a mutant that I can call my friend. I needed Loki's help to calm Thor with words. I made it seem like I went to look for information and came back to tell them what is happening on Earth.

Once I told them the reason behind Hulk's attack, no one wanted to go stop him. They sympathized with Bruce/Hulk. He had been betrayed, he had lost someone he cared about and his home had been attacked. Those things were similar to what they had experienced with Skurge, Hela's victims, and Surtur's destruction. From their point of view, Hulk was being reasonable. He had given Earth time for those responsible to surrender. He did not attack from behind like a coward but announced his presence like a warrior.

Heck, Thor wanted to go help Hulk once he learn that he had lost his wife and unborn child due to Tony, Reed, Bolt, andStephen'sn actions. If I was to be completely honest, I would also be like Thor if I did not know the truth and did not plan to save Hulk's wife and unborn child. I again took an hour to calm down Thor. I told him that Hulk need to accomplish his revenge by himself and it manage to calm Thor.

The party had been postponed once they had learned about Hulk's tragedy. Carol and I were given a royal bedroom. I walked into it to find Carol looking at the window. I walked behind her and gave her a gentle hug while I kissed her neck. She had seen my reflection from the window and thus was not surprised by this. I was going to speak first but she beat me to it.

"If it was me- if it was us, what would you do, in Bruce's place?"

This question surprised me for a moment. I kissed her on the other side of her neck before speaking.

"That would never happen."

Carol did not like my answer and insisted that I answer her.

"Humor me. It's a what-if situation."

I brought Carol to the bed and placed her on my lap as I was sitting at the edge of the bed. The left side of her head was leaning on my chest as I spoke.

"Trust me... You don't want to know."

That did not convince her.

"I'm not sleeping until you tell me."

I looked down to see her eyes. She meant her words. I sighed before speaking.

"*Sigh* Okay, I will only tell you what I would do to two of the four, you choose."

She thought for a moment before speaking the names.

"Black Bolt and... Stephen Strange."

It seems that she chose those names carefully. She was friends with both Tony and Reed. She did not want to damage our relationship by what-if the situation that she started. I looked at the ceiling before speaking.

"For Black Bolt... I would fight him to the point where he is forced to scream his strongest shout. Once that happens I would bring everyone he cared about from his queen to his servants all lined up in front of his shout at super speed. I would make sure his eyes are opened.

He would realize that he just killed everyone that he cared about. I would then crush his larynx before leaving him stranded on the moon and rot.

For Stephen... I would just wait for him to be in a battle with a demon. As soon as he is about to send the demon back, I would crush his hand at super speed, break his spine side Throw him into the portal alongside the demon he wanted to send back. That's what I would do IF they took You away from me."

Carol looked into my eyes. She knew that I would do that with blinking. She brought her hands toward my neck. It went past it and grabbed the back of my head. She pulled my head as she brought hers. She gave me a warm kiss, brought her head, back, and spoke.

"Good thing it's a what if. It's getting late, let go to bed."

We got comfortable before getting inside the bedsheets. I knew that Carol was feeling happy. It might be the hormones or the way I looked at her but she was happy as what I said in a way showed how she means to me. I set an alarm so that I don't miss the show.

After an hour, I felt Carol escaping my cuddles. I knew she was going to go help or at the very least talk down Bruce. I knew it would take a few hours for her to convince Thor to open the Bifrost. I was already awake when she started to move silently under the sheets but I faked being asleep as I needed to take care of something. Once Carol was gone to meet Thor, I teleported myself to the edge of the Solar system. I spoke in the void.

"Come out, Phoenix Force."

It came out in the form of a giant flaming bird. It spoke.

"It is rare for you to call me out. What assistance do you require me for?"

I spoke and looked at it before opening my mouth. We were having a telepathic conversation but it felt natural talking while I was speaking to it.

"I know what you did. To Jean and me. Granted I erased my emotions for her, but it does not mean that I stayed apathetic to her during the following years. I did not erase my consciousness thus I can still feel remorse for doing something... unethical.

That is why after I found out about your betrayal. I was livid but I locked my emotions as well as my consciousness to think logically. What happens is in the past. It was foolish of me to not expect you to hold grudges over what I have done to you. We are even now thus I would prefer we come to a mutual agreement... a real agreement this time if we wish to benefit from one another."

The Phoenix Force was surprised. It thought I had not caught on to what it did with using me to torment me. It looked deeper into my mind and saw that I had indeed locked my emotions and consciousness. It could only feel it. It was like being in an interrogation room, you could not see behind the mirror but you could still hear it if someone knocked on it. It slowly changed into a small flaming bird and landed on my shoulder before speaking.

"I am quite surprised but I must admit you are right. We should truly unite instead of fighting each other. That would be beneficial to both of us but I must know how you figured it out?"

I looked at the Phoenix Force and spoke.

"When Skurge stabbed Odin in the back and when you eagerly awakened Surtur, something felt off, I started to think, and slowly but surely your actions were odd. I came to realize that my future self would never do something like that as either of us are more prone to avoiding losses instead of causing them to ourselves.

Trying to find countermeasures for my future self was a waste of time but a great distraction. After that, it was just eliminating who knew me enough to benefit from said distraction. I must say I am very grateful to Skurge for backstabbing Odin."

The Phoenix Force looked into the void. It then spoke to me.

"I see... well it matters not because we have come to a true-"

It could not speak anymore as I had brought my right hand around its small body. I was using the Omega energy to neutralize and corrupt the Phoenix Force. Yep, I was backstabbing the Phoenix Force if you can call this backstabbing.

I knew it was still planning on continuing whatever it had planned. It was thinking of playing along since it thought that I forgave it. I did not. I also did not lie. I was thinking logically. The Phoenix Force has outlived its usefulness. Or to be precise the Phoenix Force's consciousness has outlived its usefulness.

It scream in pain as the Omega energy mixed with my absorbed ability and the mind stone power were corrupting it as well as destroying its consciousness. It took thirty minutes of painful corruption to end its consciousness and imposed mine. I had learned a lot during those thirty minutes, like the fact that it was aimed at my child and the fact that it had made holes in my condoms.

Now that I had absolute control over the Phoenix Force, in the same way as the Omega Force, I split both Force into two and mixed them. I let one part of the Omega Force consume the Phoenix Force and I let the other part of the Phoenix Force consume the other part of the Omega Force.

After ten minutes of merging. I was now in front of two new energy sources. One was crimson red, a lot darker than the Omega force while the other was pure white. I absorbed one at a time and I smiled as my planned worked. I had obtained the things that Darkseid and High-Father spend eons searching for but never obtained.

I obtained the anti-life equation as well as the life equation. To be more clear, the Omega force that had consumed the Phoenix Force had grown more powerful and gained the ability of the Anti-life equation. It was the same thing for the Phoenix Force that consumed the Omega Force but with the Life equation. That was due to the influence of the mind stone on both forces before one part consumed the other.

I could have done it when I acquired the Omega Force but I thought I already had enough. Now that the Phoenix Force had betrayed me, I did not mind killing it to obtain those two abilities. I had refrained from doing it but that stupid bird gave me a reason to kill him. The whole bygones are bygones speech was just to troll it after it realized that I was going to kill it.

I returned to Mars just in time to catch Carol still sneaking around. She did not know where Thor was and got lost. I smiled at that and went to talk to her. She was initially surprised and startled but I explained that I was not mad at her just worried. We talked or more accurately debated for twenty minutes before we agreed.

We would go to Earth where I would help them only if they were going to die not a second before. I knew that Hulk was not here to kill them. I mean the guy got betrayed, found love right before losing that and more but, he only came to kick the shit out of everyone responsible and show the world their true colors. If I was Hulk I would have killed Pepper and Sue in front of Tony and Reed just to get even.

We went to Earth via teleportation right in front of Avengers. I was greeted by the yells of Jennifer who was yelling at Reed and Tony. She had been looking for Bruce for all these years to apologize. A little while after she had become a Hulk, Jennifer received a call from her doctor announcing bad news.

She had a tumor in her brain. What was worse was that the place of the tumor was very delicate in the brain. Surgery chances were not high barely twenty percent of her living through it. Luckily, she was transformed into a Hulk. The tumor vanished after her transformation.

She had been feeling guilty about what she had said to Bruce. He had saved her life while she had accused him of ruining it. She spent days torturing herself while building up the courage to face Bruce. Sadly, she found her courage a little bit too late. Bruce had gone into hiding. She went looking for him everywhere.

Now she found out that not only did she lose five years of searching for nothing but the two of the people that were helping her were responsible for that. She was using every bit of willpower not to break their necks.

We interrupted her insults by announcing our presence. Everyone was glad to see us but that happiness diminished when I told them that I would not help fix Tony and Reed's mistake. I would only do crowd control and that was it. Nobody could rebuke me after seeing Carol pregnant.

I had the morale and strength of the high ground. Surprisingly, Tony and Reed were okay with this. I told them that I would help them if things went truly south on the condition that the four responsible did me a favor to be told later. They said that they would think about it. They would later curse their past self for not refusing directly but that is a story for the end of the chapter.


~A few hours ago~

On the blue side of the moon, the Hulk could be seen clad in a gladiatorial outfit facing Black Bolt and Medusa.

Medusa: How dare you trespass on our kingdom soil?


Medusa: Hold your tongue Hulk! Black Bolt can tire your flesh, blood, and bones with a mere whisper. You have already tasted defeat at the hands of Black Bolt do not attempt the inevitable.

Hulk had been stopped with the help of Black Bolt the last time he had been on a rampage on Earth.

Hulk jumped at Black Bolt. Medusa tried to protect him but Hulk backhanded her to the Horizon of the moon. He grabbed Black Bolt's arms as Black Bolt opened his mouth.

Bolt: [Enough].

That whisper sent a shocking wave that tore Hulk's flesh. Hulk kept holding Black Bolt's arm as his flesh came off of him. The Shockwave did not diminish and finally, after some time managed to send the Hulk crashing on the Horizon of the Moon.

Black Bolt turned to help Medusa as Hulk was defeated, or so he thought. Black Bolt heard something and turned only to see Hulk almost healed lunging at him.

Hulk: I didn't come here to hear you whisper... I CAME HERE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!!!

It was at that moment Black Bolt knew... He fucked up.

[AN: The blue side of the moon is a place where there is an atmosphere. ]

Throughout the world, one holographic project of Hulk in a gladiator outfit was seen. It felt like he looked down on them. Most were shocked about Hulk as he had not been sighted for five years. The world waited for the Hulk's next words to clarify his intentions. Most assumed he was here for trouble but his friends hoped that was not the case. Tony, Reed, and Stephen were the ones that hoped the most for that. His spaceship was hovering over New York.

Hulk: Puny Humans, I have come here to smash...

[AN: With consent]

... but I would you all to know whose to blame.

He showed the image of four of the seven Illuminati. During the last five years, Namor and T'Challa had been invited to join the Illuminati and had agreed, though Bruce was not aware of that. Namor had made himself known shortly after the inhuman invasion.

After Tony's surveillance drones searched the ocean for any inhuman debris. It took some time but they managed to agree on the surface world and the aquatic world.

Hulk: You call them heroes, I call them monsters. Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Strange, Black Bolt, they shot me into space. Sent me to a planet where I could be hurt and die but I survived with my Warbound. Korea, Miek, Elloe, Hiroim, and my Queen but your heroes also sent a bomb that went of killed millions of people and my Queen. You have twenty-four hours to evacuate this city and when I return I want those four "heroes". If they are not here...

He held up a bloodied and beaten Black Bolt by the back of his costume for all to see.


Tony was in space hoping to do something when Stephen's Astral project stopped him.

Stephen: The Hulk whistood Black Bolt voice what do you think your machines will do Stark? He's never been angrier therefore he's never been stronger.

Tony: Then use your magic Stephen, send him away.

Stephen: To do what? Destroy that world, become angrier, and come back stronger? We caused this and now we will deal with it. We have twenty-four hours to prepare. Each of us must, in our way.

Tony had to agree with Stephen. Sending Hulk away would just delay the problem and who knows how angrier he would become when he returns. He might not even give a heads-up next time and just destroy the world in retaliation for them sending him away for a second time.

It took twenty minutes for the army to start evacuating the city. It took ten more minutes before a motorcycle was on fire to rush into the city. A man with a flaming Skull for a head riding it. It stops in front of Hulk. It was the Ghost Rider. The human side of the Ghost Rider tried to reason with Hulk. Only to get waves of laughter from the Hulk.

Hulk claps the Ghost Rider through the city. They began to fight but with any attack, the Ghost Rider barely scratched the Hulk. Hulk had enough after the Ghost Rider dropped a building on Hulk and tried to drag Hulk out of the city. He jumps onto his spaceship to look for the Ghost Rider. Once he saw his target, the Hulk jumps and crashed into the Ghost Rider.

That crash knocked the Ghost Rider until a lit lits up from the Skull. In an instant, a flame tower cover where the Ghost Rider's body is. His bike comes to him. The Ghost Ride gets up now more powerful than before. Hulk watched as the Ghost Rider get on his bike. Hulk had taken the full brunt of the explosion of fire. The Ghost Rider, the embodiment of vengeance turns his bike away.

As they watched this Tony and Stephen talked to each other.

Tony: Stephen, I thought you said that the embodiment of vengeance had godlike powers, why did he just run away?

Stephen: That was what I was afraid of Tony... That he would leave. The true Ghost Rider only avenges the innocent and we are far from being innocent.

A few hours later, the Hulk was sighted walking towards one specific place with his spaceship. He was going to where the last member of the Illuminati, to his knowledge. Yes, he was going towards Charles. He wanted to know what Charles would have chosen if he had been there.

Charles had been busy trying to calm down the citizen of the City of Fortitude when Lor got captured. Even with his message, some wanted to free Lor. He was under the fire, metaphorically, from most of the citizens for siding with Tony and the rest.

Hulk arrived at the gates of the city where he met Charles waiting for him along with the rest of the former X-men and Brotherhood of Mutants now known as the Fortitude Corp. Hulk looked at Charles. He came here to ask him a question. Hulk did not come here to fight.

He owes Lor that much. He remembered when he fought Lor. When he arrived at Skarr, he cursed Lor as much as the other four but after time he realized that he was being a hypocrite. Lor had warned him that he would be betrayed. Neither Bruce nor Hulk listen to their friend.

They could not bring themselves to hate Lor since they had been part of the reason why he got captured. Bruce had theorized that they could have only sent him into space if they had already captured Lor.

Hulk already knew the answer Charles was going to give him. Knowing Charles, he would not have chosen exile but a way to contain Hulk until they cured him. That did not sit well with Hulk but he felt that letting Charles go was the only way to make amends with Lor. Charles would be dealt with by Lor.

Hulk: Charles, I have a question for you.

Charles: I know what you want to ask and I wouldn't have chosen to exile you but that does not mean I would have done nothing. I would have opted to move you to a different location until we found a cure.

Hulk: Tell me did you find a cure for me or Lor at that matter?

Hulk saw the eyes of everyone. They hid their anger but he could feel their anger as if they were screaming at him. Hulk knew more about rage than anyone else. At that moment, Hulk made up his mind. He saw that Charles was still hated and yet to be truly forgiven for what he did to Lor.

No one knew that Lor let himself get captured. Taking Charles now, even if it was not his intention, would only lessen the hate for Charles. Hulk was smart enough to let the bald old man rot in his mistake. Hulk was waiting for Charles to speak when an explosion occurred in the city and Charles seemed to have a headache.

Everyone was confused until a very pissed-off Wanda landed in front of Charles, glowing red energy covering her hands and eyes.


Hulk: Reed is still hiding but I have Tony. Why do you want them?

Hulk was intrigued. He knew that rage that was flowing out of Wanda. It was the anger of losing someone you cherished. He felt that rage as well but needed to see if this was an act or not.


Hulk now was certain that this was not an act.

Hulk: You can kill Tony and Reed but after I'm done with them.

Wanda agreed. Hulk already had Wanda sold after the words "kill Tony and Reed". She blasted the Fortitude Corp along with Charles before leaving with Hulk. Hulk had Tony because he had defeated him.

~Flashback no Justu~

Tony fought Hulk with his Hulk buster suit. He had instructed everyone not to interfere until either of them was down. They started their one-on-one. In the beginning, nobody was winning but Tony managed to lunge Hulk through the buildings of New York and into a park. At that moment, there was hope but this was the world of Comic books, how could the military send and watch the "hero" defeat the "bad guy" without helping?

[Reader: do you mean helping Tony or Hulk?

AN: ... Yes.]

Suddenly, the army sent hundreds of bombs toward the Hulk but that only made him remember how his wife and unborn child had died. He lunged at Tony while screaming.


It was at this moment that Tony knew...

Tony: Oh hell!

... He fucked up.

They crashed into the Avengers Tower where Hulk proceeded to beat the armor out of Tony's suit.

As he walked out of the Tower, Jennifer tried to reason with Hulk but nothing worked even when she apologized to Bruce, Hulk did not react and told her to start fighting. Luke Cage jinxed them as he told everyone that Hulk was alone only for Hulk's Warbound to land at the end of his sentence. Ares, the God of War, had enough of talking and started the fight. It did not end well for the "heroes".

~END of Flashback~

Hulk and Wanda talked about his plan. Once she learn about it, she was all for it. She would still kill Tony and Reed after that but that was the silent agreement they had.

Once Hulk came back to New York, he went to the Baxter building with Wanda following him. The Fantastic Four along with Black Panther was there ready to fight Hulk.

Reed was currently talking to T'Challa while working on a machine.

Reed: You don't have to be heretics, T'Challa.This isn't your fight.

T'Challa: 'Are you dumb? This isn't my fight. Bitch, you assholes made it my fight. I'm only helping because the Hulk poses a threat to Wakanda the way he is right now. If it wasn't for that I would not help you guys. Personally, Hulk has every right to be going after your heads. If it was me, I wouldn't have given you one day to make peace with your respective deities. I mean who's bright idea was it to ask Hulk's help and then sent him to space in the place he could die as a thank you? You even caused the death of his wife. Whether you meant it or not has no relevance right now. You four all fucked us over with your actions. I have had a mind to beat you to death for saying that.'

That was what T'Challa thought but here is what he said. Good thing he was wearing his mask otherwise Reed would have seen his face and guessed his thoughts.

T'Challa: You made it the world's fight, Reed and now it is time to finish it.

They continued to work on the machine.

Sue still was angry at Reed but that did not mean she was going to let him die. She was a hero. She protected the lives of everyone she could. Reed had never stopped apologizing about what he had done but he had breached every single wall of trust and privacy she had. The damage had been done and it was still fresh.

Reed had managed to build a multiverses teleportation machine. He planned to seek help for someone that could defeat Hulk. He sent multiple drones with the order to find someone that could defeat the Hulk. He would later regret it. Reed was keeping the machine active and had instructed everyone to defend it but while Johnny fired everything he had at Hulk causing the building Hulk was standing on to melt, Wanda sneaked into the Baxter building.

Hulk came out of the melted Building holding Johnny while looking at the Thing. His Warbound were fighting the heroes that had come to the rescue. The Thing and Hulk engaged in a brawl. Each hit was harder than the one they received. The thing held his ground but Hulk proved why he was called the strongest there is.

Lor never took that title from him since knowing he was the strongest was good enough for Lor. The thing fell at the same time Wanda came out of the smoke produce by an explosion that had shattered a wall of the Baxter building. Wanda had defeated both Sue and Reed.

She had brought a one-arm Reed. Wanda had turned Reed's right arm into elastic strings before stopping herself. She had not done anything bad to Sue other than knocking her out. Wanda wanted to kill Reed. The least she could do was to let their innocent son grow up with a mother.

As they were leaving, Hulk was stopped by a normal human guy. He revealed that he was his friend that Bruce had saved all those years ago in the accident that turned him into the Hulk. Seeing his old friend distracted Hulk, just enough for Dr. Strange to enter his mind. Strange tried to go further and find Bruce but Hulk pushed Strange out of his head.

When Hulk regained his bearing, he was met with his old nemesis General Ross along with a legion of tanks and choppers. They bombarded Hulk with Adamantium needles bombs that tore through his green flesh.


Seeing the opportunity, Strange entered Hulk's mind one more time. He was now facing Hulk on Skarr as an Astral projection.

Hulk: Why did you bring me back here, Strange?

Stephen: The better question is share have you brought me, Bruce? We are in your mind, this is the place you think of as home.

Hulk had enough and started to attack Strange. He could not be harmed no matter how many times Hulk swung his fist. Strange decided to act after seeing that although Hulk kept trying to hit him, he knew that he could not damage Strange.





Stephen: This is futile Bruce. You can not defeat me.

Hulk: Oh yeah? Watch me I'm going to break those pretty hands of yours.

Strange suddenly grew the size of a giant. He emitted a pressuring aura around him. He looked down on Hulk. His eyes were glowing blue-white as the rest of his Astral body.

Stephen: ENOUGH! I am the Sorcerer Supreme, I could extinguish your life with just a mere afterthought, splintering your soul into countess shards and dispersing them throughout the Galaxie...

Strange suddenly reverted to his previous size.

Stephen:... but I won't do that because you are still my friend Bruce and I want to help you remember who you are.

Strange waved his hands at the horizon and pictures started to show up in thin air. Hulk knew what those pictures were. They were his memories. From the time he arrived on Skaar and got injured to the moment he became happy. Hulk started to shrink. Little by little his green skin lost pigmentation.

Hulk: She always said that I was more than just a monster. She saw me for who I truly was. She told me the thing I wanted to hear the most in my entire life...

Hulk had now shrunken down to the size of a regular human. It was now Bruce that was barely covered by the oversized gladiatorial outfit. When Bruce spoke, Strange could hear the voice of a woman intertwining with Bruce's voice.

Bruce:... "This is where you belong, with your kingdom, your queen, and your unborn child".

Bruce covered his dirty and bruised face with his equally dirty and bruised hands as he started to cry.

Strange saw his friend releasing the grief he was holding in and decided to make his Astral form corporal. He brought his hand on Bruce's shoulder.

Stephen: I am here my friend. Let it all out. I am truly sorry for what we did but you must have also known that we never meant, intended, or had any part in the destruction of the ship that brought you there.

Bruce nodded while he still had his face covered by his hands. He started to get up but lost balance. Strange caught him as he was about to fall.

Stephen: I got you, my friend.

Bruce: I know...

Bruce's voice started to grow deeper as a shadow loomed over Strange. Strange's face went from calm and collected to shock and fear.

Hulk:... and I got you.

It was at this moment that Strange knew...

Hulk: *Grins as he crushes Stephen's hands*


... He fucked up.

The pain was too much for Strange. His Astral project faded but when he came back to his real body, his hands were crushed and bleeding.

Hulk was now freed from Strange interference and saw that Wanda had already taken care of the military. They brought Reed back to the newly created gladiatorial ring. They then went to Strange's home where they met him or at the very least a giant version of strange with flames covering his head.

Strange lunged at Hulk, who met him head-on. They started to fight in the middle of the abandoned streets. Meanwhile, a group of protesters sneaked inside the city because they did not trust S.H.I.E.L.D or the heroes. They had been the entire reason why Hulk was causing this much destruction.

Strange had summoned a demon of rage into his body to have enough power to defeat Hulk. That had been a desperate plan and he had overestimated his control over his rage. Strange, in a fit of rage, punched Hulk near the protesters, making a building fall on them. He had gained the upper hand in his fight with the Hulk but this caused his defeat. As he realized what he had done, he rushed to save the protesters that might still be alive.

As he cleared the debris, he finally managed to see the protesters. They were all safe and sound. Hulk's arms block the building debris from hitting them with his body.

Hulk: You seem to have trouble with your anger. Let me help you with that after all I'm an expert.

Hulk punched Strange into an abandoned building.


He proceeded to jump on Strange and started to beat Strange to the ground.


Strange did not go without a fight, he sent a few hits before Hulk managed to knock him out. Hulk brought Strange to the gladiatorial ring, it was now more like an arena since many citizens were sitting there awaiting judgment.

Whose judgment? Well, the judgment of the four "Heroes" are responsible for this. Hulk brought to the stage an old woman. Tony, Reed, Stephen, and black Bolt were bewildered and curious at the reason behind that. The old woman told her story.

She was married to a borderline workaholic that never took days off. One day she finally managed to make him stop and retire. They were planning on going through the city and enjoy the anniversary of their fifty years together but the war against the Inhumans happened and she watched her husband die while Black Bolt only slap his brother's wrist and called it a day. She wanted revenge and justice.

The second, person to go on stage was a well-dressed African-American man with glass. He told his story. He was the nephew of Goliath the hero that was against the registration act. The robot that Tony and Reed had created killed him but no trial or judgment was given to them. They walk free as if nothing happened as if his death did not matter. He wanted Justice.

The last person to come on stage was one of the protesters. She talked about how heroes never cared who they hurt when fighting. She especially pointed out StepStephen'st recent act of violence where it was Hulk that saved them while Stephen was too busy destroying things. He thought he had everything under control but that was not the case. They along with other normal people die of the hubris of heroes.

Tony, Reed, Stephen, and Black Bolt each had a small metal disc on their changes and looked like they had something to say but sadly they could not as they had something blocking their mouth.

[AN: There wasn't any mouth guard on all for just Black Bolt but I think logically they would have said something if they could.]

Hulk walked up to them as they saw the audience screaming for justice. Tony and Reed seemed to be the most affected by those screams.

Hulk: It's not so fun when you are on the other side is it? They don't know the full story. You were manipulated, you did the best you could, it was not you who actually caused it. None of that matters when they see you as a monster... just like me.

They all could not look at Hulk. They had now experienced what he always experienced. They had saved the whole and those people a dozen times but those same people did not care about that and focused on their mistakes.

They had sent the Hulk into space because they thought he was too dangerous for the world but if all he ever received was this after all that he had done then it was truly a miracle that he had chosen to remain a hero for as long as he did.


Well, this is a plot twist. Wanda helped Hulk after she left the city. Oh, that wasn't what surprised me. What surprised me was that she did not tear Charles's mind apart for putting her in a coma for almost a year.

Bruce already brought the purple Kraken-like monster to fight the four. I had already used the space stone's power to tell them that I would help them if they agreed to do me a little favor. They felt that it was a trap, they were right but I wasn't going to tell them. I almost pity Tony since he is the only one that is buck naked. They are having trouble fighting that monster but luckily for them Black Bolt came to the rescue and killed the monster.

Now that I think about it, Black Bolt pisses me off. If you think about it, his situation is as much of a danger as the Hulk's situation. All he needs to do is utter a word and a city could be blown away. Sure, he went under constant training to maintain control over his voice but that makes me even more dumbfounded that he voted for Hulk to be sent to space.

He could have taught Bruce some of his training to help Bruce gain control over his emotions. Sure, it might not have worked but it would have certainly helped.

Now Hulk made them fight each other. I am currently watching it with popcorn as Carol looks at me. She takes a long time before speaking.

"You better be right about this."

I look at her and smile.

"Come on, we both know that my revenge needs them to be alive plus you agree to follow my plan."

She huffed as I brought her close to me and kissed her on the cheek before continuing to watch the show.

Yes, I had told Carol about my revenge along with the fact my plan to stop Hulk and Wanda. She agreed because no one would die and the four in question deserved it. Launching your friend into space right after you asked him to fight with you was not something Carol would let them walk away from Scott free.

I was sipping my drink when I heard Tony accept my help. I saw Reed drop the morning star on the ground next to Tony's head. The audience had demanded his death or more like execution. Hulk had brought his thumb down as the audience cheered for the meaning behind it.

Hulk spoke and when he was about to leave a shield came out of nowhere and knocked the morning star out of Reed's hands. It was nothing but a means to introduce that man that had thrown the shield, which had bounced back to him. It was none other than Captain America.

I dropped my cup as my drink fell down my lips. I caught my drink before it could fall then thought at super speed. It took a while but I figured out what was going on.


Hulk brought his thumb down. Tony closed his eyes as he hoped that Lor would be fast enough to save his life. He had hacked into the near battle Droids that Hulk had brought to guard the Arena and tried to use them on Hulk only for him to command Tony to use them on Reed but even that did not save Tony. Reed could not resist the "obedience disc" that was put on them. He heard the morning star hit the ground and opened his eyes. He saw that Reed had not killed him.

Hulk: Remember this Puny Humans, we came here for justice not murder. No one on your planet has died by OUR hands and no one will but the earth will remember who YOU are. We will raise this city to the ground. I leave you to your shame.

Suddenly a shield hit the morning star off of Reed's hands. The Shield bounced a couple of times before being caught by none other than Captain America. Reed saw this and muttered with a strained smile.

Reed: ...Looks like plan B worked.

Yes, Reed planned to find people that could stop the Hulk but they did not need to be stronger than him. Reed knew that if anyone could regain Hulk's trust it was Steve Roger. Lor could do both but Reed did not trust him to stop Hulk just out of the goodness of his heart. He would later be proven right though he would not enjoy it that is a story for the end of this chapter.

Captain America walked up to Hulk. He looked around at the four people responsible for this as well as the other Heroes that had been captured and were forced to watch the spectacle.

Steve: Hulk, I am here to talk.

Hulk looked at Captain America. Something about him felt off to the Hulk but he could not point out what it was. Hulk was about to speak when Captain America was covered by red-like energy and tossed in the air outside of the Arena. Hulk looked behind to see Wanda walking toward him.

Wanda: I have waited long enough. You beat them now Stark and Richards are mine.

Her eyes were glowing with a red crimson light. Hulk saw this and shrugged.

Hulk: They are all yours.

Wanda walked toward Tony and Reed when she felt someone grabbing her shoulder. She turned to look to attack the person only to be frozen when she realized that it was Vision.

Wanda: V-v-v-VISION?!

She almost jumped into his arms when she stopped herself.

Wanda: Wait! You are dead. How can you be here?

She then looked at Tony and Reed.

Wanda: I see. So causing his death wasn't bad enough you had to defile his body to stop me!

Chaos energy flew out of her. It threatened to tear the whole building that was until Vision spoke.

Vision: It is me, Wanda. I don't know how to explain this but in one moment I was mourning the death of Goliath the next I'm here with my hand on your shoulder.

Wanda was about to rebuke him when everyone heard Lor's voice.

Lor: He is the real Vision.

Lor floated toward them. He descended in front of Hulk.

Wanda: What do you mean by the real Vision?

Lor: You see, I had a plan to stop this whole mess, and seeing Vision means it worked.

Tony: *Huff*Huff*Huff* what plan?

Lor: I would go back in time and save Vision and Hulk's wife.

Strange: You can't do that. Do you have any idea how fragile time is? What you plan could cause a paradox to be formed.

Lor: Not really. You see I would use the reality stone as well as the space stone and the mind stone that you guys are going to give me to make those at the scene believe the death of those two that way everyone will happen as they did and I will bring them back here. I already recovered Vision's corpse all I need to do is remake his head and switch the corpse for the original when Termina-Thor goes for the kill.

Lor turns to look at Hulk.

Lor: For you, I would use the mind stone to see what happened and recreate it via the reality stone's power.

Hulk: What do you need to make it happen?

Hulk needed all the willpower he had to remain in his green form as what Lor said meant that his wife would be brought back to life. He knew that Lor had no reason to lie. He was not even mad that it meant that Lor made him watch his wife die as deep down when the explosion started he knew she would not be able to survive it. That was why he had tried his best to shield her with his body alas which brought little change to the result.

Lor looked at the four tartered "heroes" before looking at Wanda who was crying as she embraced Vision and kissed him then looked at Hulk.

Lor: I just need the mind stone and the time stone that Tony and Stephen have. Don't worry guys the favor, I need you guys to do isn't giving me the stone permanently but help me with my kid's birth.

The four "heroes" were too relieved at the thought of Lor not becoming stronger that they did not even question his favor. Lor had never lied when things were serious, sure he omitted things but he never lied. It took an hour for Tony and Stephen to bring the stones to Lor. He disappeared for a moment and reappeared with a grey skin woman. During the time they waited for the stones, the heroes and Hulk's group had gone to the city of Fortitude which acted as neutral ground. Hulk wasted no time and rushed to hug his wife only to be stopped by Lor. Lor hit Hulk in the head.

Lor: You idiot! She is pregnant. Don't ram into her will all your strength.

Hulk chuckled before thanking Lor and gently hugged his wife. As that was happening Lor gave back the artificial infinity stone. He looked at everyone and brought their attention to him.

Lor: Alright everyone, I have two things to say. First Reed, I destroyed your machine cuz that was going to cause an Incursion-


Tony: Wait, what's an incursion, and why does Strange act like that?

Lor: ask him. Second, Meek do you have any last words before I kill you?

This brought the attention that went towards the incursion back to me. I grab his bug-like neck at super speed before lifting him in the air.

Lor: For those that are confused, I went back in time to save Vision and Hulk's wife, which you already know but what you don't know is that I sneaked inside the ship to see what caused the explosion. You wouldn't believe it but some people did not like Hulk being the King and preferred someone they called the red king. They plan to kill Hulk with his ship.

Hulk: But how does that have anything to do with Meek?

Lor looked at Hulk as well as their Warbound.

Lor: Guess who just stood there and did nothing for more than a week after finding out about that plan?

Meek: I had no choice. You were going soft even after you told me to fight and keep fighting. I wanted to remind you of who you truly are THE GREEN SCAR!

This sentence broke them. Their friend and brother in all but species betrayed everything they had fought for. Hulk was about to go angry but his wife being alive and healthy kept him sane while he faced that tsunami of rage. Lor saw this and decided to add something before killing Meek.

Lor: Too bad I saved everything innocent soul that died in that explosion. They are currently on Mars right now. You will see them when you go to Mars. Now I'm taking that as your last words.

It was at this moment that Meek knew...

Meek: Wai-

...he fucked up.

Lor used his heat vision and vaporized Meek only leaving ashes. As Hulk and his Warbound were celebrating, Tony ask the question some heroes were asking themselves.

Tony: What about the people that died today?

Lor looked over Tony. He saw Carol who had come to greet everyone. Lor sighed. He started to glow in a white, even his eyes were glowing. He suddenly expelled a huge amount of white energy from his hands toward the sky and it started to take the form of a dragon. After a few seconds, the white light had taken the construct of an Eastern Dragon. It flew toward New York.

Lor: You guys better go look at the people that are about to be revived.

Lor walked to Carol, he staggered a bit but after he arrived before Carol they flew off to their house. Lor did this to make sure that Carol would let him give her a piece of that power. Lor could have done it without her knowledge but she would not have been able to use it the way Lor intended it if she was ignorant of that power.

It took five minutes, for Tony to shout that people were coming back to life in New York. They rushed to help anyone that might be trapped and had gotten revived. Hulk and his Warbound even help. After they managed to save those they could, everyone decided to keep what Lor had done a secret. As I did not take a genius to think about the number of problems it would cause if people knew someone could revive the dead.

They had come back to talk to Lor but Carol told them that he would answer their questions after two days. After two days, Lor was in front of everyone that had seen him create the "Dragon of Life" as the world was calling it.

Lor: Okay, I'm gonna make it quick. I can revive the dead. It depends on some conditions that you all can figure out in your own time. Now about the people of Skaar.

He opened a portal.

Lor: This will lead to Mars, you can meet the people that you thought had died.

Hulk and his Warbound went to reunite with the people they had lost. Lor had already taken down the camouflage shield on Mars as soon as the Asgardians came to Mars. He knew that S.H.I.E.L.D knew that Mars was no longer inhabitable.

Six months went by. The public had asked the Illuminati to take full responsibility for what had happened especially Tony, Reed, Stephen, and Black Bolt. The secret group was no longer a secret. The Avengers had been thrilled to have Captain America back. They had all met him during their revival rescue. He explained that he was in a world where Hydra had infiltrated and completely taken over S.H.I.E.L.D before he was taken discovered.

He had been trapped and had tried to escape but it never work until some members of the resistance, rescued him. They fought against Hydra and managed to win after years of sacrifice but they had underestimated Hydra's ruthlessness. At the defeat of Hydra, they had rigged nukes to explode and take the world with them. Reed's device saved him. The Avengers offered their condolences to Captain America as well as an offer to join them which he happily accepted.

Thor and Loki had heard about what Lor had done but they did not ask Lor to revive their parents. They needed to move on, something the Valkyrie had reminded them constantly as they had debated on whether to ask Lor or not.


Today is the day. Carol is giving birth but I'm facing the heroes... not in a bad way. They are here because I'm bringing them to Mars. I used my super speed to put a helmet on Tony, Reed, Stephen, and Black Bolt. I also put a mouth guard on the Inhuman king for what's about to happen. I want to sincerely thank Studio C for this wonderful idea.

They barely had time to realize what happened when they saw me press a button and started screaming in pain. Black Bolt also screamed but his mouth guard prevent his destructive voice to destroy anything. It was sending it into the void of space where sound barely traveled if it ever did.


Everyone looked at me. The four men stopped screaming. I spoke.

"Thank you for doing me this favor. I mean helping me with my child's birth by taking the pain of childbirth of Carol."

Their face became pale as a smile and smirk grew on my face.


As they were screaming, I looked at the others before I spoke to them.

"We will go after the childbirth is over."

They nodded with a sweat beads forming on their foreheads. Sue was quite happy when she saw Reed screaming. It looks like she remembered the time when she had been anxious about the pain during childbirth and Reed had downplayed it as trivial. It took some time but when the birth of our child was done I prepared to bring them to Mars. I heard Tony look at Pepper as he was panting.

"We *pant* are *pant* never *pant* getting a child.

This earn a round of laughter from everyone that was standing. We went to Mars where we met Carol in the most luxurious hospital bed they had ever seen, built by yours truly. Carol was holding a baby boy in her arms. Kitty seemed relieved that it was a boy. I could not help but ask.

"Kitty, why do you seem so relieved that it is a baby boy?"

She approached the sleeping light-skinned baby that had red hair if you had a microscopic vision like me. She smiled before turning towards me.

"That's because you are way too overprotective Lo. I mean if the baby was a girl I feared that you would have hunted down the first boyfriend when he made her cry and that is if he lives long enough to do that."

I wanted to rebuke but everyone nodded to her statement even Carol. Curses, I have been betrayed! I decided to change the subject. I looked at Carol and asked her the question I had in mind.

"How was the childbirth?"

She looked at the four sacrifices- I mean the four volunteers that looked like they had gotten PTSD, she smirked before speaking.

"I didn't feel a thing."

I smiled. I went next to her to hold our baby. I lost track of my surroundings until Sue asked me a question.

"By the way, Lo, Carol what's the baby's name?"

We had fought for the names of the child. It took a month for us to agree. We looked at each other before looking at our child. We spoke at the same time.

"David-Zod. His name is David-Zod."

I had already legally changed my name before Carol started to argue with me about my "real name". After everyone had seen our child we brought them to New Asgard where Thor was no longer angry at Tony as he had seen my "revenge". He now pity Tony as well Reed. We celebrated the birth of our child. I made sure to put a forcefield on David as you can never be too careful.

Three weeks after our son's birth and things had gotten back to normal with Carol and me. As in we were doing the dirty while a legion of clones was guarding our son during those moments. I had put the mark of the future "life Corp" which was the symbol of the House of Zod in white, on our son's chest and head. The mark granted the same abilities as a lantern power ring without the weakness of being taken off.

I had put Baam, my universal Orb, that had gained sentience after being exposed to the Life equation inside Mars. It had become a living planet, like Mogo.

I was still trying to create a battery but that was for the latter. Now I was trying to put the mark on Carol. She had seen what it could do and knew it was safe thus she easily accepted it but we decided to do a little role play while we were at it. I would tell more but a gentleman never reveals.

Speaking of Carol, she had the same idea as me. Now that our son was born she was planning on using my need of being loved by my son to push me into helping people so that he can be proud of his father.

Hahahaha. It worked. I laughed at first but I realized that she had me. I had gotten outplayed but it wasn't that bad. Sure, I would save people more earnestly but at the end of the day, if it came down to it, I would just protect those I cared about.

As I was playing with Carol's left nipple and enjoying her moaning, my super hearing picked up something quite interesting. It looks like my plan might still work after all. Isn't that right, Apocalypse?!

This is kinda like the season finale. I'm going to be focusing on the other FF for a while.

Wrote this on my phone might have a couple of mistaken even after using grammary.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts