
Chapter 80 Finally married

“She needs time to recover” the medicine woman said.

“Ok, am not in a hurry” Paul reply.

Paul stayed with Christy for two more days but Christy has completely lost her memory.

"It was hard for her, she must have really hit her head very hard, but I heard that where you come from there are hospital that will help her regain back  her memory”

“Yes, I will have to take her there, thank you for your help”

"There is one more thing, the women pause… who are you to her?" 

Paul wanted to say friend but said husband.

“Then congratulations you are going to be a father, she is a month pregnant”

“What! How?” Paul remembered the last time he has been with Christy, that was at the big city.

This would have been the happiest day of their life if not for this kidnappers, he and Christy would have been husband and wife, and now she is pregnant again.

Paul manage to take Christy home and admit her into a hospital.

He went home to pick somethings and his parents where very happy to see him.

“Where have you been?”

“Looking for Christy and I find her almost dead”

“What?, Where is she now?”

“In the hospital, I came to pick somethings, an going back”

“Am coming with you” his father said.

And me too the mother followed him to go and see how Christy is doing.

"The doctor said she has damage brain and that it will be difficult for her to regain back her memory but they will try their best to help her."

They stayed in the hospital for one month and Christy could still not remember anyone even her daughter, mother, Bridget or Paul.

“Mommy little Sharon cried because Christy would not carry her nor play with her the way she use to.

They were discharge from the hospital and Paul took Christy back to his house.

“Why is she coming back here?, You need to take her back to her house, is not right for you to keep her here” the mother said.


“Because you are not married to her”

“She had my baby, and am planning on continuing with the marriage”

“You can’t do that Paul, she has lost her memory and no longer remembers you, in fact she is now a vegetable”

“Mom stop she will gain back her memory”


“Soon” Paul said.

"Look son, this girl is not in a state of getting married to you, she doesn’t know anything, getting married to her in this state will only complicate issues.” Mr. Brown said looking out for his son.

“Dad, mom, I need to do this, she’s pregnant with my child”

“I understand, I understand she is the mother of your child, but you are not the first, you can still move on” the mother said.

“Mom you don’t understand, she is pregnant again, for me”

His dad and mom were dumbstruck for minutes.

“How do you know she’s pregnant? You’ve not been with her for a long time now” his mom said.

“Well, am sorry mom, I have”

His dad turn and look at his mom in surprise.

"So what are you planning” Mr. Brown ask.

"Am planning on moving on with the wedding, I don’t want her to give birth out of wedlock again."

"There is nothing to marry there Paul that girl is now a vegetable, you heard the doctor, she can not regain back her memory” his mom yells.

“But you forgot the part the doctor said, only God can bring back her memory”

She kept quiet and didn’t say anything.

"If that’s what you want then we will support you” Mr. Brown agree to let Paul get married to Christy even in her state.

“We are going to have indoor wedding, I don’t want too many people” Paul said.

"So now you are hiding from the public?, I thought you will like to showcase her to the world, what are you afraid of?” she ask Paul.

"Am not afraid of anyone, Christy is not feeling fine now, but she will regain back herself very soon, besides she is pregnant”

Mrs. Brown was so disappointed by Paul, because she had this high expectations for Paul. She has brag about Paul to all her friends and made plans for him but Paul has completely gone the opposite of everything she has dreamed for him.

Now she didn’t have any face with her friends. She will never say anything among them ever again.

Everything was arranged and Christy's bride price was paid and the wedding ceremony took place with very few people in attendance.

Patrick and James were present.

Patrick could not understand why Paul change so much, he has been his best guy until Christy showed up and everything changed and up until now Paul is still losing it.

“What is wrong with this your guy?” Patrick ask James.

“Like what?”

“Can’t you see?, That girl can’t talk, she can’t remember anything or anyone, is that how he wants to live for the rest of his life?”

“The best thing right now is for us to support him, if he has decided to live like that then so be it,  a man must make his own decision”

They join both Christy and Paul together and everyone went home.

"Now tell me, who is going to be carrying her up and down the house” Paul's mom asked him.

"Don’t worry mom, I will look for help” he lead Christy by the hand from the sitting room into their room.

“Welcome home my love, this is now your house, sit here am coming”, he made a call asking Bridget to bring his daughter.

Paul was over the moon when he felt like his family is now complete and in one place.

“Now I can protect all of you” he said to Christy who just look on without knowing what he is talking about.

How is she now? His dad ask when Paul came out from their room.

“She is doing fine” Paul answered smiling but his mom keeps making a face.

“Is ok, if you need anything just let me know”

"Thank you dad but we are fine” Paul has made up his mind to take care of his family without the help from his mom or dad, he is going to prove to them that he can take care of his family.

“Mom, I want to resign from the company”


“Because is not my company and managing that company wouldn't let me have my own”

“What are you saying?, I haven’t ask you to leave the company”

“I know mom, but as you can see I have my own family now, I need to take care of them, and I don’t want a situation that you will wake up one day and ask me to leave the company”

“Son I understand how you feel but it hasn’t gotten to that” Mr. Brown cuts in.

“Is obvious that mom don’t like my family, but I like them, so I have to leave this house”

“No..no..no.. son you can’t do that, we want you here, all of you” Mr. Brown said while his wife kept quiet and was just looking at Paul, thinking maybe that girl did something to him.

“You know what?, You can have the hotel in the city is all yours”

“What! no, you can’t do that, I worked very hard to get that hotel up and running, you can’t just give it to him like that, people who don’t know the value of working hard can not just come in and enjoy my hard labor.” Mrs. Brown don’t have anything against Paul taking over the hotel, but she has a problem with Christy enjoying everything she has worked so hard for.

"Fine, I’ve heard you, I will look for something else to do so I will build my own wealth with my family," Paul said and left his mom and dad.

“I don’t like what you are doing”

“I didn’t do anything, he started it, I brought a very good girl for him to marry but no, he prefers this vegetable of a girl”

“Stop it woman” Mr. Brown yell at her.

“Don’t shout at me, go and shout at your son”

Paul went out the next day and finds a job.

"You are not going to stay under my roof while working in another job," his mom yells bringing down the roof.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to be reasonable Paul, you’ve gone crazy, please come back to your senses”

“Is ok, woman, let me handle this” Mr. Brown took Paul outside, they sat down and Mr. Brown was quiet for a long time.

“Son I want you to tell me what you want and why you are doing this, is there something you are not telling me?”

“Dad there is nothing, I love my wife, I want the best for her, but I can’t do that with what mom is doing, she doesn’t like her and my child, mom has never carried my child even for one day” Paul said almost crying.