
Chapter 76 Kidnap

“Our daughter Christy is getting married and I have come to tell you people about it”

“Christy our brothers first daughter?”


“Ok then we will attend, ask them to come and see us, we are ready to receive our in-laws.”

“Thank you my people” she said and went home.

Fineface and Sharon are hoping to stay there until the marriage between Christy and Paul is over.

Fineface is finding it so hard to stay away from Sharon, he wants her so badly, but he wasn’t raise anyhow, he knows how to respect other people’s property.

“Sharon is still married to someone else, I can’t do this, I need to hold myself in” he always tells himself even though he was not that too much of a religious person but the little he knows kept him from doing what is bad.

Sharon on the other hand has learned her lesson of not throwing herself at men again be it the man after her or the man she is after, she is going to be a lady from now henceforth and make the men come after her, she has also learn that any man she went after always run away from her even though they told her she is beautiful.

Growing up Sharon has thought that she can get anything and anyone she wants, but Paul has made her to understand that you can’t always can want you want if they are not meant for you.

So Sharon pretends not to be noticing fineface all through their stay in fineface house abroad.

Is killing fineface, because the more Sharon try’s to avoid him the more he is madly in love with her.

“Sharon why are you avoiding me” fineface ask.

“Am not avoiding you, am just been careful”

“Careful about what?”

“I don’t want to make anymore mistake” Sharon said.

“You are not making any mistake with me, so please stop avoiding me”

Sharon didn’t say anything.

“Will you like to drink with me? He ask Sharon.


Fineface brought out some drinks and they start drinking.

Sharon got drunk and start saying things.

“Is ok, we need to stop here, you are getting drunk.”

No, let me drink some more, Paul will pay for what he did to me” Sharon yells. And fineface hate the fact that Sharon can not get over Paul, he brought her here so they can have time together and she is going on about Paul, what did she see in that Paul?.

“Sharon please stop talking about Paul ok, and you need to stop drinking now” he took away the drinks.

“No give it back, let me drink some more.” She struggle with fineface.

Sharon was putting on a reviling night wear making fineface struggling to keep a distance.

“No, I can’t do this,” he started feeling heat all over.

“I will be outside” he manage to take the drinks from her and walk away from her.

Sharon fell on the floor and sleep off.

By the time fineface cool off Sharon has slept off.

“What is she doing now?, Do I leave her here?” he make to go inside the room but came back and carried her inside the bedroom struggling at every move he makes to keep himself from having her.

“Will she stop doing that?” fineface murmured.

“Please don’t go stay with me” Sharon keeps turning on the bed making it hard for fineface to leave.

“Am here with you”

Getting to the day of the introduction Bridget came running.

“She has been kidnapped” she cried.

“Who has been kidnapped?”

The mother and everyone else ask Bridget who just keep shouting and crying.

“Christy, Christy has been kidnapped”


“We went to the market to buy things when a van pull over us and men with guns ordered her into the van and drove away.”

“Oh my God am finished” her stepmom yells.

“Is she, is she,.. she is the one who kidnapped Christy” Bridget mom yell.

“Who is the person that will do such a thing?” the people start asking Bridget’s mom.

“The mother of Paul, she doesn’t want her son to marry Christy, now she has kidnapped her so that the marriage will not hold.”

“God forbid, that can not happen” the elderly people who are invited keep saying.

“Mom, please stop saying things you don’t know” Bridget said.

“Why won’t I say that, were you not there when she was threatening to deal with us?”

“That is just a threat, she can’t do that” Bridget defend Paul’s mom.

Paul went mad hearing that Christy has been kidnapped.

“By who?”

“I don’t know, that is what I heard” his dad said.

Paul rush down to Christy’s house to confirm the story.

“Is true, men with van and guns stopped us as we are coming back from the market and took her away” Bridget said.

Paul and Bridget rush down to the police station to report the case.

“We need to wait for twenty four hours before we can declare her missing'  the police said.

“We didn’t say she was missing, we said she is kidnapped by gun men and they are with a van.” Paul said angrily.

“Hey. Don’t come here to teach us our job, what is the van plat number?”

Paul looked at Bridget who looked back at Paul.

“Yes, what is number?” Paul ask Bridget.

“I didn’t look at their number”

“Shttt..” Paul curse.

“You see? You want to teach us our job, common plat number you don’t know, my friend get out of this station, go home and wait for 24 hours then we can declare her missing,” next… the office call another case.

Paul could not believe his eyes, this is the first time he is coming to the police station, he thought the police will go into action immediately.

“What are you still doing there?” The police man yell at Paul “you want me to detain you here?, Move away from there and always remember police is your friend”

Paul turned and look at the man, he felt like cutting of his head.

“Where could this men taking her to and who is behind this?, My mom!, No, it can’t be my mom, but she is the only one against my marriage with Christy” Paul thought.

“Any luck son?”

“No dad, the police say we should wait for 24 hours to declare her missing, how does that make any sense dad?”

“Declare her missing? For what?”

“I don’t know dad, I just don’t know, but my problem right now is who could do this?”

“That’s what I have been thinking too, who would want Christy kidnapped?”

“It could be someone who don’t want me to marry Christy” Paul said not wanting to call names.

“I hope she’s not behind this”  Mr. Brown thought

“Excuse me”, he left Paul and went to his wife who is still preparing for the marriage.

“And what are you doing?”

“Preparing for the marriage what else?” she said smiling.

“What have you done”

“What do you mean?, What have I done?” Mrs. Brown ask surprised.

“Did you sent people to kidnap Christy?”

“Kidnap Christy? No.. why will I do that?”

“Because you don’t want Paul to marry her, what is wrong with you?”

“Hey.. excuse me, will you stop accusing me of what I don’t know?”

“Am not accusing you, but is only you who is against this marriage, so please I beg you, just let her go please” Mr. Brown beg his wife.

“You are embarrassing me Mr. Brown, for God sake why will I do a thing like that?”

“I don’t know, I’ve been asking myself the same thing, why will you do a thing like that, am giving you 24 hours to bring that girl out or my marriage with you will end.” Mr. Brown threatening his wife and walk away.

“What is this? Is this an insult? But wait who will kidnap her? Sharon’s mom is cool with Paul marrying her, she even promise to buy them gift which makes me want to attend and now she is kidnap and I am been accuse of doing so”

“This is hilarious, are they trying to joke with me? I know is that wicked woman who called herself her stepmom, she wants to take money from us by kidnapping Christy, but I promise her she wouldn’t get a dime.”

She storm out of her room.

“And where are you going?” Mr. Brown ask.

“Am going to confront that witch, I know she is a gold digger, she has kidnap that girl in other to collect money from us”

“What are you talking about mom?”

“I know what am talking about son, that woman is a gold digger, I know when I see one, she is going to bring out that girl and am going to prove you wrong for calling me names” she said pointing at her husband.

“I didn’t call you names, I was only concerned.”

“Concerned that your wife is now a kidnapper? That is the height of insult I can take from anyone” she said and walk away.

“Then who could have done this?” Paul ask.