
Chapter 57 Huge surprise

    “Look, I think there is no point for us staying married,” Sharon storm out of the room to the guest room.

    “Better, I thought you are dumb, and you better take that car back to your mom.”

Paul slept peacefully for the first time in his room.

   “Hmmm, life is good without some people” Paul said and took out his phone to call Christy’s number.

He try over and over again but not connecting.

He called James.

    “Guy how is it going, any news?”

    “Not yet, we’ve search everywhere in this city but no sign of Christy.”

    “Just keep looking, I believe she is still around, keep looking and I will be looking too.”

 “Ok, so how is your marriage life?” James ask.

   “Boring I guess, but I think this night is going to be beautiful”. He said smiling.

   “Really, you guys have started making up?”

“I will see you tomorrow,” Paul hang-up the phone.

“What do you want to hear,?” he ask the phone after he hung up.

   “What is wrong with this guy? He wants me to look for Christy and still he wants Sharon, this guy has gone mad. I don’t blame him let him enjoy himself, I will see him tomorrow, he has to tell me if he is planning on marrying two wives. My guy, I pity you.”

Paul' s mom saw Sharon coming out of the guest room the next morning.

“Did you sleep here?”



“Is Paul”

“Didn’t you do what I ask you to do?”

“I try but it didn’t work”

  “That boy is getting on my nerves” she foamed and went to meet him.

   “Paul… Paul… open this door.”

“Mom what is it? Why do you always come to my room shouting like that?”

“Are you talking to me?”

“Mom am only asking a question”

“Why did Sharon slept in the guest room?”

“I think that question should be directed to her not me”

“Why did you make her sleep in the guest room, that is what I want to know”

Paul turned and saw Sharon walked in.

“Yea, mom is asking why you slept in the guest room, I think you are in a better position to answer that.”

Sharon kept quiet

“She is not saying anything  mom, so I guess am good to go”

   “Will you stop playing dumb with me? I know what you are doing, and I promise you I will get to you,” his mom said and left the room.

“What did you tell her now? Because I know that am innocent of any accusations you guys are accuse me of.”

“Why can’t you forgive me? Is been two years Paul, two years, just forgive me already, and let’s move on, I love you Paul and I will do what ever you want” Sharon pleaded with Paul.

“It would have been easier if you are Christy but you’re not.” Paul said.

Sharon slapped Paul without knowing because she was so angry at Paul for always bringing Christy into their conversation.

She hates it when ever he did that.

“What! You slap me?”

 “Am sorry, please am sorry” Sharon went on her kneels.

   “I will pretend you didn’t slap me, but if you try it next time, I will forget that you are a woman” he left angrily.

“What have I done? I’ve lost him completely,” Sharon started another cry that morning.

“Look at this girl, She slapped me?” Paul complained as he drives to work.

“That is why I will always love Christy, she can’t do that to me, she is so loving and gentle. But why can’t I find her? I think I will go look for her myself”

He turned the car and went a different direction asking everyone he met if they have seen Christy.

Some say no, others simply pointed to one house or the other which Paul ends up meeting someone called Christy but not the one he was looking for.

“Where could this girl be? Maybe she is not in this town,” he thought of calling Bridget but no need, that one is a different case all together.

What if she is back home? Maybe I should just try calling Bridget after all there is no harm in trying.

He called Bridget and she picked almost immediately.

   “Hello Paul, this one you remembered me what’s up?”

“Am fine and you?”

“Am cool”

   “Have you seen Christy? Is she back?”

  “Not yet, I don’t think Christy is coming back.”

“But why?”

  “I don’t know, why do you still need Christy? I heard you got married.”

“Oh… that, is not really true but I just want to know how Christy is doing, I will call you some other time.”

“But… Paul hang up.

“What is with him? I thought he moved on? Paul is something else”, Bridget shakes her head. “Men will always be men.”

He kept searching for Christy for the rest of the day and then he went home.

Sharon got to the office the next day but couldn’t do any work, she was so emotionally shattered, she needs someone to talk to, she just wants to break down and cry.

“Hello Mrs. How is your day?”

  “Am fine, fineface how are you?”

“Am fine just like my name,” trying to make Sharon smile but he didn’t see that coming.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, there is no problem,” Sharon trying so hard to fight the tears back but she couldn’t, she let it all out.

   “Oh.. no, you are crying,” fineface hugged her to comfort her.

“Am so sorry stop crying, am here you can tell me anything.”

“Am tired, fineface am so tired”

“Is ok, just go ahead and cry it out, am here” he let her cry on his shoulder.

They stayed like that for some minutes and Sharon didn’t know when she kissed fineface.

“Oh.. am so sorry”

“No..no.. no.. am the one who should be sorry, is my fault,” fineface getting up to leave.

“Is not your fault is mine,” Sharon said, trying to take the blame, after all she’s the one who kissed him.

  “I..I..I.. will just be in my office, fineface try to leave but got stock “ what just happened? She kissed me? But why do I feel like I have know her for years? Why does the kiss feels so good?

Stop it fineface, she is someone’s wife.

“I will see you later”, he managed to drag himself out of Sharon’s office.

“Ok, bye see you later”

“Sharon what are you doing? Don’t add salt to injury please” she scold  herself.

“If someone should see you like this what will they say about you?. But I need someone, I need Paul so badly why is he treating me this way? What has that Christy given to him, why did he like her so much? The thoughts of Christy keeps coming to her mind.

Did Paul wants me to start behaving like Christy?”

A knock brought her back to herself.

“Yes, come in.”

“Ma’am the manager wants to see you.”

“Ok am coming right away,” Sharon hurried up to go and see the manager wondering if she has done something wrong this time or maybe he want to give her a sack letting or something.

Reaching there she finds everyone standing in circle, fineface was there. She scan the faces to see and they were not angry, instead everyone was smiling at her.

“What is happening? She ask fineface with her eyes but didn’t speak out.”

Before she knew it the circle parted and her mom walked in.

“Mom what are you doing here?” she try’s to whisper so the manager wouldn’t be angry.

“Congratulations Sharon,” her mother said.

But Sharon was still confused, what ever it is she should have come to the house to congratulate her of her marriage not in the office, she didn’t want the manager getting angry at her when her mother leaves.

“Mom what is going on?”

“I have been waiting for this day to come, I thought it will never come but here we are.”

“Sharon this is your hospital, I built it for you, but I was waiting for the day you get married before handing it over to you”

“What! I see, that explains it, the big office, the odd looks, but what I don’t understand is why they will treat be like am not fit to be here.

“Yes, is not their fault dear, I ask them to treat you like one of the staffs until you know why you decide to be a doctor.”

“I see,” was all Sharon could say, she turned and looked at every one of them, those you treated her right were smiling, those who treated her more than bad were putting their heads down”

But Sharon was not raise to be that arrogant, so she let it slide.

“ I don’t have anything to say for now, but I want to speak to my mother in private”

“Yes ma”, they all answered and went back to their work.