
Chapter 52 Why

    “But he can always marry another”, Mr. Brown said to himself as Paul has already left the house. 

“Who are you talking with? Mr. Brown?” His wife ask him as she looked round and couldn’t find anyone.

“Oh no one” he smiles at her.

     “So you now talk to yourself? That’s a good one, but what ever you are doing you must help me talk to Paul, because everything is almost set. He needs to make up his mind as soon as possible.”

    “But if you will only listen to me, I would have said leave the boy alone to marry who ever he wants to marry”

    “I can’t leave my only son alone to make a wrong choice, he must do what I said because that’s the best thing for him” 

    “Am trying my best here” said Mr. Brown.

    “Try more, you know he listens to you more than me” Mrs. Brown said and walk out on him.

    “Yea, and now you want him to hate me” he murmured.

    Paul went back to Christy’s house to see if she’s back but only met Bridget and her mom.

    “Come in and sit down” Bridget’s mom invited him in.

 He went in and sat down looking round the house if he will see Christy.

    “She is not here,” Bridget whispers as her mother went to the kitchen to bring food for Paul.

    “Thank you ma but am not hungry.”

    “You can’t come to my house and not eat anything.”

    “Ok, water will do, because am not really hungry ma” Paul insist.

    “Ok, if you say so, Bridget get him a glass of water.”

“Ok,” Bridget rushed in to get the glass.

    “Can I go with Bridget, I went to show her something” Paul ask her mother.

“Why not? am perfectly ok with it,” thinking that Paul has finally started to like her daughter now that Christy is out of the way.

    Paul took Bridget out of the house and start questioning her.

“Come, did you bring me out here just to question me?” Bridget ask angrily.

    “Yes, because I want to know the truth, ok I will give you money, any amount just name your price, I will give it to you”

Bridget looked at Paul and was so disappointed.

“Do you love her that much?, Why don’t you just love me instead?” she said Wanting to cry.

“Look, there is someone for everyone, when you found yours, you will know what am talking about”. Paul said trying to tell Bridget that he doesn’t love her without appearing to be rude.

“Why must it be her?” Bridget question him.

“I don’t know, I just can’t stay without her and that is why I want you to help me find her.” Paul said.

“Even though she is pregnant for another person?” Bridget ask and Paul thought he heard something he shouldn’t hear.

“What did you say?” Paul ask trying so hard to hold himself.

    “Christy got pregnant for another guy as soon as you left, and when my mother try’s to question her she ran away carrying her stuffs with her” Bridget said and Paul was like he is been struck by lightning

    “Is that why she refuse to call me? Is that why she switched off her phone so I can’t reach her?, how could Christy be so wicked, was she that  desperate to leave me? and all for what?,

    I love her, I am ready to do anything for her, I studied so hard this semester just for her and she did this to me?

    Just four months, was that a long time that she couldn’t wait for me to come back?”

Paul couldn’t take it anymore, he breaks down and cry. 

It took Bridget hours to calm him down.

    “Paul am sorry I didn’t want to tell you this but I guess is for the best.”

“Am fine”, he said after wiping off the tears, am really.. am fine, I am going home now, you go home too.”

“Will you come visit me?” Bridget ask but Paul didn’t answer her, he just enters his car and drove off.

Bridget went home feeling very sad, in fact she didn’t know if to feel sad or happy, but she was relieved from the burden she has  to carry around, is left for Paul to decide how to deal with the information she just gave him.

    Paul went home and fell into depression for days un-end.

    “Paul open this door, you are going to tell me what is wrong with you?” His mother yell.

    “Paul is me your father open the door”

Paul refuse to open the door neither did he speak to them.

    “What do you think is wrong with him?” The mother ask his father.

    “I don’t know, he will be in a better position to tell us”.

    “Please open the door, his mother keep yelling but Paul was not willing to open the door, he was trying so hard to think of a good reason why Christy would do that to him.

    “Maybe she didn’t love me, maybe she was just pretending, maybe she didn’t want to wait for me”, the maybes are getting too much for Paul he has to drink himself to sleep.

    One week pass and Paul is still not willing to talk, but he at least open the door and came out.

    “Oh.. my son what is happening to you?” His mother examining him to see if he is sick.

    “Please you can talk to me, is it about Sharon? I am willing to let you be if you don’t want to marry Sharon, please don’t go mute on me, is killing me” his mom cried.  

    “No, I will marry Sharon,” Paul suddenly said without blinking an eye.

    “What?.. If you want to marry her then why make us worry?” She ask so excited.

“Just do want ever you have to do, and let this marriage thing come to an end so I can live my life in peace” Paul said wanting to end the whole thing after all the woman he loves has disappointed him. What happiness there is left for him?

“Come on son, you will thank me later.” His mother said smiling.

Paul just roll his eyes and walk out on her.

[Author’s Note]

Dear readers here is the first chapter of today, I hope you enjoy, next chapter comes right away as promise making it two chapters for today

Thanks for reading enjoy.