
Chapter 30 A hot day

“But is fine if you don’t want to, I wouldn’t force myself on you”.

Christy didn’t say anything, she didn’t know if to say yes or no. But she needed Paul’s touch, it makes her pains go away.

She just buried her head on Paul’s chest, making him think is an invitation. He try to raise her face up but she refuse to left up her head.

“Christy are you ok? Did I do something you don’t like?”

“No,” she said still placing her face on Paul’s chest.

“Look at me, let me see your face”.

She lifted her head from his chest to face Paul and her eyes were fill with so much desire.

Paul kissed her but she didn’t refuse, she kissed him back.

“This time I want to know how it feels like to make love to you” Paul whispers into her ear with his hand moving up and down Christy body searching for something, oh.. here it is, he slide his hand into her bra and touch the tip of her nipple making her moan with so much pleasure.

Paul looks into her eyes and saw that she needs him so badly but he keeps playing with her untill Christy could not take it anymore and let out a soft cry.

“Please Paul make love to me,” she said in a whisper.

“I will,” he whispers back, “but I just want to go down and see how you taste"

"Huh…. Christy eyes open wide as Paul move down and took off her underwear.

She gaps and hold on tight to Paul, her whole body shaking because of the vibration she now feels, she has never feels this way in her life.

“What is happening to me? What is Paul doing to me?" She try’s to stop him but it was too late, Paul is as hard as a rock by now.

"Please don’t try to stop me ok, I can’t stop myself now." He whispers to her.

"Am going to be gentle on you ok."

Christy nods her head hoping and trusting him not to hurt her.

"But why is he using his fingers on me? I thought he is going to use his…." Oh.. no, Christy could no longer remember her name.

Paul could see that she will never forget him no matter what, is time to get a feel of her, he went into her and they both swim in the clouds of love making.

“Why did you do that?” Christy ask Paul when she finally gain consciousness.

“Because I love you, I hope I didn’t hurt you?”

She nods, "No you didn’t."

“Come here”, he hug her and place her head on his chest.

“Stay here with me ok, and don’t leave me”

“I will never leave you” Christy said.

“You promise?”

“Yes? I promise” Christy said.

Paul didn’t feel like leaving, he wanted this moment to last for ever but they have to go.

He took her back home and drop her off in front of their house.

“Go inside”, he told her because Christy was just standing there making it hard for Paul to leave, she didn’t want to stay away from Paul again, is like a part of her is going with Paul and she hate to not feel whole again.

“I will call you when I gett home.”

“Ok bye”, she waved at him while Paul drove off.

Christy didn’t know how to get into the house, so she call Bridget on the phone.

"Hello Christy where are you now?, why did you switch off your phone.?"

"But I didn’t, and am outside can I come in is mom around.?"

"Yes, she is around, but just wait for me outside, am not at home.?

"Ok", Christy went away from the house, hang around the neighborhood to wait for Bridget. Because without her, she is not sure of what would happen.

After one hour Bridget call back.

"Hello Christy, I told you to wait for me outside."

"Yes, am still outside."

"Then where are you?"

"Am coming", she rush to meet Bridget.

"Heyy.. where did you guys go? I have been worrying about you."

"Really? Christy ask, you don’t look like someone who is worried about me."

"Whatever, just give me my own share."

"Share of what?"

"The money, what else?"

"He didn’t give me any money."

“Meaning? I don’t get you, ok tell me, did he sleep with you?"

Christy just kept quiet.

“You see, you see yourself? He slept with you and drop you off just like that and when you get pregnant what will you do? Let me tell you now, boys are snakes, they bite you and run away. You will be the one to treat yourself.”

Christy never thought of pregnancy, but she didn’t think Paul would do such a thing even if she was to be pregnant.

“Ok, let me give you from the money he gave me last time.” Christy said.

"Ok, let’s go inside but remember this, that guy is swimming in the pool of money, don’t just go there and be playing love, or don’t you want to own a house?"

Christy looked at Bridget and thought she is going too far. "Own a house? For what?" But she just kept quiet and went inside with her.

Paul got home and all he could think of is Christy, he has fallen so deeply in love with her. He keeps smiling as he walked into the house.

"Heyyy.. look who is here?" Sharon got up to hug Paul.

He wanted to push her away but his mom and Sharon’s mother were staring at him, so he just smile and hug her back.

“Son, she has been waiting for you”  his mother said.

“Really?, am just tired, I need some rest”, he walks out on them to go into his room and his mother motion for Sharon to follow him inside.

“What? Why are you following me?” Paul ask Sharon as she keeps following Paul to his room.

“I don’t know, honestly am just following orders.” Sharon said nonchalantly.

“Orders? What orders”? Paul ask surprised.

“Seriously I shouldn’t be the only one wanting this to work, I will just go in there and tell them you don’t want to see me”, she pointed at the sitting room where her mother and Paul’s mom were.

“Wait,” he stopped her as she makes her way back to the sitting room.

“Come in”, he invited her into his room.

“Thank you," she rush pass Paul and throw herself on the bed.

“I said come in, I didn’t say throw yourself on my bed”.

“Whatever, so how is your girl? I think I like her”  Sharon said.

“So  you know I have a girl and yet you keep throwing yourself at me”, Paul ask hoping to make her mad so she just leave.

“Yea, she is your girlfriend, but am your wife to be.”

Paul turn in a flash, “what did you say?”

“You heard me, those two women out there will stop at nothing until we are made husband and wife.” She said clapping her hands together.

“So how do you feel about it? Paul ask.

“Well, I feel fantastic, at least it gave me something to think about”

“Something like what?”

"Look Paul I have my own life to live, I just want to make my mother happy, I don’t want to disappoint her, but what about you? Your mom what’s you to marry me”

“And that’s because she didn’t know who you are, but just wait until I tell her who you are” Paul threatened.

“You can’t do that Paul, you said you have forgiven me, you can’t turn around and break your promise.”

“I won’t if you just leave me alone.”

"Fine, am going", Sharon got up to go.

"No, you can’t go like that". Paul stopped her.

"Why not? You said I should leave you alone."

"Yes, but if you walk out like that, my mom will know something is wrong."

"So what do you want me to do?, Sit here and be watching you like TV?"

"Yes, you can watch TV." Paul turn on the TV and Sharon rolls her eyes.

"Huh… do I look like Christy who is so naïve? look, I need a hot party and not TV."

"Then go get one, but just not now ok,  am going to take a shower just stay there."

"Mtcheeeew, tell that to Christy not me" Sharon got up and went to the mini bar stand and took a bottle of hot drink and start helping herself.

Paul got out of the bath room and saw her drinking.

“Maybe you are right” he said.

"About what?" Sharon ask.

“About Christy, that is why I love her.”

"Really? Hahahaha, me too I love her, she could be a really good lesbian partner” she said without knowing. Because she was starting to get drunk.

Paul took the drink from her by force.

"Are you a lesbian?" He yells at her.

"Yea, so what?"

"Are you serious? What did you do to Christy when you took her to that house?" Answer me… Paul yell at her but she pass out.