
Chapter 155

“Ok, just give me anything you have”. She went to the kitchen and brought her food.

“ I have to feed you ma”


“Your hand ma”

“What happened to my hand?”

“You have a dislocation ma”

 “Oh my goodness I’m totally useless now”  Sharon said.

After feeding her she took everything away.

The guy got to work but call home to know how Sharon is doing.

“She’s doing fine sir”

 “The lady will come by 12 to check her leg, make sure she’s ok”

“Yes sir” he hang up when his friend walk into his office.

“How far” his friend greeted him smiling.

“Ok, what’s it with the smile?”

“How is the  girl you brought ?”. his friend asked him.

“She's fine, and  responding to treatment, she even woke up today”

“Thank God I was a bit worried for your sake, do you know you're taking a risk”

“What are you talking about?”

“How can you bring somebody you don't know into your house and you start treating her, what if she dies?”

 “But she's not dead, she's still alive and doing well too”

“ I know but I was just worried about you, please next time don’t try that kind of risk again”.  his friend warn him.

“Yes my lord, I’ve heard you thank you for worrying about me.  so how is work?”

 “Yeah, work is fine thank God you're here today, you know you left work for two days because of that girl”

“Yeah I just have to be there because it was so terrible for her”

“I see.”

The guy came back from work and meet Sharon  shouting because the pains, they are unbearable.

“Madam take it easy on her” the guy told the woman that was changing the bandage.

“Yes I know, but if I don't do this she will have herself to blame. She just have to bear the pains if she wants to be beautiful again” she smiles at Sharon to ease her. The guy went over to Sharon and hold her while she hold on to the guy so tightly.

 “Am so sorry you have to go through this kind of pains” the guy said.

And after the woman left Sharon was still holding him.

“So what's your name?” she  ask him

“My name is Ben, I'm doctor Ben”

“Oh I'm Sharon, doctor Sharon” she said smiling.

“Really! you are a doctor?”


“ Oh that's lovely, so where were you going before you had the accident?” if I may ask he added.

Sharon now flashback. “How will I  tell this guy where I was coming from?, surely that is not a good thing to tell someone.

 “When I was returning home from work but I had a lot on my mind so I didn't see the other car coming and then the accident happened and I find myself here”.

 “That must have been very terrible for you, I'm sorry”

 “You don't have to be, I'm just lucky to be alive” Sharon said.

Trying to be strong in front of the guy.