
Chapter 142 I regret

“Thank you very much” Christy told Paul. Thanks for bringing us here; at least we cannot sleep peacefully in this house”

 “You don’t have to mention it, this is what I should have done for a very long time but I promise you none of them will come close to you again. None of them will hurt you again, I am here to protect you”

“Thank you”.

 “Come here”. He hug Sharon and Christy.

“Are you okay?” Paul ask Christy as she keeps throwing up.

“Yes, I think I’m fine. I think I’m having a little fever”

“Then we need to go to the hospital”. Paul rush her to a close by hospital and the doctor came out after examining her.

“Congratulation Mr. Paul your wife is pregnant”

“Really! oh my goodness thank you,.. thank you..”. Paul jump and hug the doctor and he was like-“ok ok.. okay.. thank you… but can I go?”

“Oh, I’m sorry for that” Paul left the doctor and rush back to his wife. “Oh my sweetheart I love you” he kiss her all over.

“And I love you too” Christy said.

“Christy thank you for making me a father again”


“You're pregnant the doctor said you’re pregnant” Christy just smile and wondered if she is doing the right thing, how can she be pregnant in a time like this?

Paul keeps smiling at her, is as if he should spread the world at her feet.

“Look I don’t want you to do anything again in this house. I don’t want you to go to work, I don’t want you to do anything. Just call me and I will be at your service” Paul told Christy and they both laugh.

“Guys… guys…. Guys… I have good news for you guys” Paul told Patrick and James over the phone can we hangout tonight?

“Sure” they answer simultaneously, is as if they have been waiting for this call.

“Guy what is this good news?, we can't wait to hear it”

“Okay, my wife is pregnant again” he said looking at his friends with a smile.

“Really?, which of your wife?”. They both ask.

“Which one do you know? it's Christy of course”

“Oh, so what about the other one?”

“ I don't know, she’s should be somewhere I don't know” Paul keeps murmuring as he said those words.

“ hahaha” they all laugh.

“Okay guys, today all drinks on me” Paul said.

“Wow I'm really happy for you” Patrick said.

“Yeah, thank you… thank you” Paul said raising his glass higher and smiling heavily.

 “So what about you?, what's going on with you?” James ask Patrick but he just shook his head.

 “Guy I don’t know, up on till now Sharon has not been able to give me a child”

“But she’s a doctor she should know what is wrong” Paul said.

“Well I’m beginning to regret why I married Sharon” Patrick said.

“Guy don’t say that” Paul stopped him.

 “Why? Why should I not say so, look at everyone is celebrating their children, Christy has giving you another child.

Bridget has given James two kids, what about me? Nothing to show for it, nothing to show for it and you tell me to be happy?”

 “Guy calm down, I believe she will still get pregnant” Paul said.