
Chapter 130 Your fault

“And who told you I'm dying?” she shouted back at her friends as the nurse roll her to the operating room while she keeps looking at Paul and Christy with this look that says “I will deal with you once I get out of here” Paul turn to look at Christy and they both shake their head.

“Let’s go home” he told Christy, “and as for you girls please you guys should stay with your friend call me if you need anything okay”

“Ok sir” they almost went on their kneels.

“Why are you embarrassing me?” one of them asked the other friend.

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you almost going on your knees saying yes sir… yes sir? And smiling at him”.

 “I’m not the only one, what about you? go away, you are just embarrassing yourself. He is Bianca’s husband just take your eyes off him, you can’t take this one beside he is in love with that pretty face”.

 “Did I say I want to marry him? I just want to spend his money”

“And how do you plan to get him?”

“He said if we need anything we should call him”

“No way… look, take your hands off this one he is out of limit” one of them said

“Says who?, Bianca will do the same if it’s my man, she will not waste time to take over my husband and beside I don’t want to marry him let’s just spend his money hahaha bad girl” they both laugh.

Paul and Christy went home together but Christy was in a hurry to go home.

 “Please can't you stay for today? your daughter needs you and I need you too”

“I would have loved to, but look at what is happening because of me. I need to stay away for now” Christy told Paul but he got upset.

“I don’t like what you’re doing to me, if you don’t love me say so and I will let you go”


“Yes, it’s time you stand up and fight for what is yours? but if you think I'm not worth fighting for then you can go” Paul said angrily because he did not understand why Christy will tell him to accept that Bianca is his wife at the hospital today and she is in a hurry to leave now too.

 “Why are you so angry?” Christy ask so surprised at Paul’s reaction.

“Why will you ask me to accept Bianca as my wife at the hospital today?, I thought you will help me send her out of the house for good”

“But you married her, she’s your wife you even get her pregnant”

“Is that my fault?” Paul ask making Christy wonder if she is the one who impregnated Bianca. “You are the cause of all this, had it been you are here with me will i impregnate that mad dog? He yells at Christy.

“hey.. stop shouting at me, can't you just keep your thing to yourself?” she said pointing down there.

“If you truly love me the way you said why will you even think of sleeping with another woman?” she yell back at him.

 “What about you?, why will you sleep with him?” he ask pointing at an empty space.

 “What do you mean and who are you talking about?”

“I'm talking about lucky, you guys have been dating for half a year do you want to tell me that you didn't sleep with him?”