
Chapter 109 Chasing after me

They Chase after him but he got away.

“What was that?” He keeps asking himself because he knows that he has not been in any argument with anyone who will want to harm him.

“Maybe they are thieves who wants to rob you of your car” James said.

“I don’t think so, something is wrong” he call home but everything is ok.

“Should I call Christy again?, No she is fine when I saw her”

“You have to be careful, am really worried for you. But wait a minute, don’t you think is that guy you and Patrick beat up because of Christy,?”

“Yea, you maybe right, but I doubt if is him”

“It might not be far from the truth” James insist.

“I think your right, let me go and see if Christy is alright.” He drove back to Christy’s house but got the surprise if his life.

The same car chasing after him was park at Christy’s front house.

“Are you serious? Christy send them after me? Why will she want to harm me?”

He turned his car and left.

“Guy you wouldn’t believe what I saw, the car chasing after me is parked at Christy’s house front as am speaking, meaning she send those guys after me” James was reluctant to believe that.

“Ok, I know that you are paranoid right now but do you think Christy can do something like that?”

“Then how do you explain this?, she doesn’t want to see me and I keep bothering her so she has no option than to send people after me” Paul said.

“Hmmm, which woman does that? If she didn’t want you bothering her, that’s not enough reason to send people after you”

“So what do you think?”

“I think maybe is just the guy, Christy doesn’t know anything about this.”

“I just hope what you are saying is the truth”

“Am right because I have handled too many cases as this one, but you have to report him to the police in case”

“I think your right”

Paul went to the station and lay a report against lucky in connection to Christy.

Going home he was surprised to see a woman in his house, he wanted to ask who she was but remembered yesterday, his mother has brought her to be his wife.

“Welcome” Bianca greets Paul kneeling on one leg not knowing what to really call him, if is honey, love, sweet heart. So she just said “welcome”

“Yea, and where is my daughter and nanny?”

“In their room”

“Ok”, he walk pass her going to his room but remember that he now stays in his daughter’s room.

“Daddy… welcome” she rushed to her father who pick her up throwing her in the air while she laugh happily.

“Have you eaten?”

“Yes dad”

“What did you eat?”


“Just rice,!”

“Yes, am not hungry, I want to see my mommy”

“Your mom; yea, you will see her but not today ok”

“Ok, but when?”

“Soon, soon my dear” he wonders when that soon will be.

Bianca was getting tired of the whole thing, she has been telling herself to Calm down and is already two days but her supposed husband has neither spoken to her nor eat her food.

“Excuse me” she stop Paul as he was about leaving the house again.

“I…I.. Am sorry to disturb you but I have cooked your food, you need to eat something before leaving”

“Did my mother ask you to do all this?”


“Hmmm, as you can see, am going to work and besides I will eat out so I will advise you don’t waste your time cooking and as for my mother, tell her that am man enough to look for my own wife” he said and left Bianca.

“What? All this in one sentence?, I can’t believe my ear” she went into the room and start to cry after she finish crying she took her time to go round the room, she opens the drawer and saw pills of magazine. “What’s he doing with this? She looked at them, they look like the women I see on this picture with him”

She brought the magazine close to the picture and is the same person, but she is more beautiful in the magazine.

She turns the picture and saw on the back “my one and only Christy, love you forever.”

“Hmmm this must be his wife, is she dead or something?”

She carried the magazine and the picture to Nancy.

“Please tell me, is this your boss’s wife?”

“I think so, yes”

“So where is she? Is she dead or divorce?”

“I don’t know, I only work here”

“I see, I just want to know what is going on because my mother in-law didn’t tell me my husband is married, they only pay for my bride price and took me here”

“Really? And you followed them? sorry to ask oo”

“Will you blame me? The way she said it, one can not suspect anything.”

“Hmm, I felt sorry for you though but you still have to wait if he will change his mind” Nancy advise her.

“Is ok, thank you”

She went back and stated thinking of a way to make Paul notice her.

She went out to get a new hairstyle, put on her mini short and start cleaning the house like there is no maid in the house.

“Are you sure this is going to work on him? Because my boss love only one woman and that is the women you saw on that picture” Nancy try’s to warn her.

“What are you talking about? What did I do wrong?”

“Oh… sorry, I thought you were doing all this for him”

“Am not doing anything for anyone, I just want to clean that’s all”

“Am not talking about the cleaning, am talking about this…” she pointed and waving her hand up and down at Bianca.

“So you mean it won’t work?”

“Well, just keep trying maybe it will work who knows”

Christy notice that Paul wasn’t coming to visit her anymore but she didn’t know what to feel like, she should be happy that at last she can breath a sign of fresh air but she wasn’t, she some how miss his presence.

“What is it with me? I should be happy that he has left me alone but am not”

“Is anything the matter?” lucky ask as he walk straight into Christy office without restrictions.

“No nothing”

“So why are you like that?”

“Like how?”

“You are not bright, ok I know what to do, let me take you out, is been a while”

“Yea, your right”

Lucky took Christy to Paul’s restaurant but this time Christy did not object, because she wanted to see Paul again.

They went there and all Christy keeps doing was expecting to see Paul.

“Are you expecting someone?” lucky ask seeing the way she looks at everyone going out and coming in.

“No, am ok, can we hurry up?”

“What happened are you ok?”

“No, but I will be fine”

“Oh.. why are you always sick?, I was planning we go to my place today, you have been posting me all this while but I think is getting too much” lucky complained.

“I know but we are still getting to know each other, plus am having stomach ache”

“Ok, let’s finish this then we can go”

Christy got home and ask Bridget for Paul’s number.

“What? Are you for real?”

“Just give me the number”

“Ok I will”

She took it and hurried up to her room.

She dialed the number but press cancel. “What do I tell him? Hello or I just want to call you?, No that will sound odd, maybe I will just call him some other time”

Paul got home and saw Bianca walking about with this mini short and she is attractive but no, “this is my mother’s trap, am not going to fall for this”

He wasn’t feeling comfortable sleeping in his daughter’s room again because he hardly sleep as Sharon will be disturbing him in the middle of the night. “daddy I want my mommy, I want to drink water, I want to eat, I want to do this or that” the nanny no longer stay with Sharon because of Paul, so he thought of moving back to his room.

“You have to sleep in the guest room today, because I want to use my room” he told Bianca.

“But your mother ask me to stay in this room”

“My mother you say, this is my room, not my mother’s room, please just use the guest room and better still go home”

“What?, Do you know I can not go home just like that?”

“Why?” Paul ask surprised.

“Your mother has paid for my bride price”

Paul raised an eyebrow, “hmmm, am not surprised, my mother is capable of so many things and paying your bride price without me been present is not a surprise to me. But you, how can you agree to get married like that?”