
Chapter 102 Stalker

“What is this?” Patrick throw a magazine at Paul’s table as he stopped by his office one hot afternoon.

“What do you mean?” Paul took the magazine that Patrick throws at him, looking at it he saw a very beautiful lady.

“But what do you want me to see in this?” He turned to Patrick.

“Are you blind?, Can’t you see is Christy”

Paul looked at it again. “What?, Where did you get this?, And how come she is in the magazine as a topnotch?”

“I should be the one asking you, how did you just let her go?”

“I didn’t, she decided to leave me”

“But have you divorce her?”

“Kind of, why did you ask?”

“Oh, nothing, am just thinking maybe I will just say hi to her”

“Don’t even dream about it, because she is still my wife, anyone that wants to marry her will answer to me”

“Hahaha, keep dreaming Paul, are you sure she didn’t have a man already?”

“I don’t think so” Paul said.

“You don’t have to think about it, you need to find out”

“Will you help me?”


“Will you come with me?, She doesn’t want to see me so I need someone with me in case”

“Hahaha, Patrick keeps laughing at Paul and he hate it, that is why he prefers James to Patrick.

“Ok, I will come with you, am sorry, stop looking at me like that” Patrick said still laughing at Paul.

Just then someone walked in.

“Oh.. shit, what is she doing here now?” Paul murmured while Patrick just open his mouth wide looking at Sharon as if is the first time he is seeing her.

“Hello Paul, hi Patrick” she greeted them but none answered. Patrick was just staring at her.

“Hey..” Paul snap at Patrick. “ what are you doing? Let’s go”

“Where are you guys going? Can I come with you?”

“No. No..no.” Paul said but Patrick said yes, you can come along.

“No, she can’t come along” he said shaking his head for Patrick to understand.

“Ok, you can’t come along am sorry” Patrick told Sharon.

“Paul why are you doing this? Am bored and I need to go out, why can’t I come with you?”

“You can stay in my office and wait for me” Paul said not knowing how to tell her off.

“Ok, you can go, I will wait” she place her handbag on Paul’s desk and sat on his chair turning round and round on it.

“Let’s go” Patrick and Paul left Sharon in the office to go to Christy.

“Let me call Bridget to get the address.


They got the address and went there.

Getting to Christy’s office she was so busy with her clients.

“How do I get to see her?” Paul ask Bridget.

“You just have to wait a little longer, she will be through very soon, or wait let me talk to her” see rushed inside to talk to Christy.

“Someone is here to see you”

“Who is that?”

“You need to see him first” Bridget knew that if she said Paul, Christy might not want to see him.

“Ok, let him in” she was hoping that is the man she has an appointment with, because she was hoping to extend her business abroad and he has promised to help her but he needs to see and inspect the business to see if it will make much profit before investing in the business.

“Paul and Patrick went into her office and Christy was so disappointed.

What is wrong with Bridget?” she murmured, “ who even let them in here?”

“Hello Christy” Paul greeted but Christy didn’t answer.

“Are you a stalker?, Why do you keep following me anywhere I go?, I’ve told you I don’t know you, I have never been married to you, so please leave me alone”

Paul was dumbstruck, he turned and looked at Patrick who ask him to leave her alone.

“Let’s go man” Patrick said but Paul couldn’t move, he just can’t find his legs, he stood there looking at Christy, she was so beautiful like the angel he has always wanted her to be, the more he looked at her the more it became hard for Paul to unloved her.

Christy is now so classy, beautiful, elegant, in fact she is everything that Paul ever dreamed of.

“Christy what do you want? What have I done wrong to you, you can forgive me right? Please I need you; look, am willing to do anything you say” he was about going down on his knees when Patrick stopped him.

“Guy stopped this and let’s go”

“Listen to your friend and go with him” Christy said and Paul felt like a thousand knives has stuck his heart.

He stood up and Patrick carried him out but Christy felt for him even though she didn’t know why, is just that she felt sorry for him for thinking that she is his wife”

“But why will his wife leave him to suffer like this?” Christy ask herself “Now he’s mistaking me for his wife, lord have mercy”

Patrick took Paul into the car and for the first time he felt sorry for him because Paul has started crying.

“Guy take it easy, I know is hard to let go of such a beauty but you just have to try”

“What do you mean?, Are you asking me to let go of her?”

“Yes, because that girl we saw in there is not the Christy we use to know, so approaching her that way would not work”

“So what do you suggest?”

“Let her be”

Paul thought, he can’t let her be, not now that she is looking like a diamond, and the thought of another man having her is killing Paul slowly.

Each time he thought about another man getting close to Christy, he will have to get drunk to clear the thoughts.

“You are going to kill yourself Paul” James warned.

“What can we do to help him?” Patrick ask James because Paul is slowly expiring.

He will buy every magazine that Christy is in it, his whole room is filled with such magazine and he will keep staring at them until he fell asleep.

He follows every news about her, even when she bought her first estate Paul knew about it.

“But why is she not getting married?” Paul keep asking himself.

“Maybe is a good thing, maybe she still loves me” he will console himself with this words.

“Guy, you need to get married and move on from this?”

“What if I don’t want to move on” Paul ask. Patrick and James looked at each other but didn’t say anything.

“Well, am here to invite you to my wedding” James hand his marriage card to Paul and Patrick.

“Wowww.. bad guy, I thought you were joking” Paul said.

“Am not joking man”

“How did you get her?”

“Well we were just doing our thing, quietly you know”

“And Bridget didn’t tell me anything all this while and you too, you no try guy” Paul said angrily.

“Is not my fault, Bridget ask me not to tell you guys anything that if she heard it, she will leave me, and you know man.. I don’t want to loose her, abi will I marry you guys?” hahaha they all laugh.

“You are a mad man I swear” Patrick told James.

“Yea I know, ladies first before gentle men”

“Wow.. this is good news, but what about you?” they turned to Patrick “ what are you waiting for?”

“If I tell you, you wouldn’t believe it”

“Tell us, we will believe you, even though you are very crazy, we will still believe you”

“He didn’t want to say it because of Paul, but this is the right time to tell them the truth”

“Is Sharon”

“What!!!, Sharon?, Why Sharon?” James ask while Paul kept quiet.

“Look, I know it sound somehow but we have been going out for sometimes now” he said looking at Paul who was so quiet the whole time.

“Paul.. Paul,.. why are you so quiet?, Say something” James said so concerned that Paul will react because Sharon is his ex wife and as he could recall Paul and Sharon are still seeing each other.

Paul turned to James and was like “ am cool, what else do you want me to say?, Am just cool”

James took Patrick outside and start talking to him.

“Guy, you are always pissing me off, of all the women in town?, Why Sharon?”

“Look, Sharon don’t care”

“What about you?”

“Well I felt bad though because Paul is my man, but he has Christy, what is wrong if I get Sharon?”

“You no try man… you no try.” James went back inside and met Paul staring at Christy’s picture on one of the magazine.

“What can we do to help Paul?” James ask.

“I guess nothing, she doesn’t want to see me, she has forgotten me, everything we had together is all gone with the wind”

“So what about Sharon? Are you not angry with Patrick about Sharon?” James ask wanting to know Paul’s stand.