
Chapter 100 Don't know you

“I can see you are not serous, leave my room and don’t come back” she yell and start pushing him.

“Ok..ok.. I will give you the money, so can we go?”

“No, deposit first.

“Am not with cash here, I will give you the money when we get home.” 

Bridget heard the noise and came to knock.

“Go away” Christy yells at her.

“Christy is me, open the door”

“I know is you Bridget but get out of my door” she said so aggressive.

Paul got up and opened the door.

“Oh. you are here Paul, so how is it going?”.

“Bad” he said.

“I can see that” she walk inside the room but Christy didn’t give a damn.

“Christy why are you behaving this way? This is your husband and you really need to follow him and see your daughter.”

Christy thought for a second, “I really need to go and see this girl they call my daughter, I can’t remember having a child.”

“Fine, I will go with him but on one condition.”

“Which is?” Paul ask.

“ You will have to pay for a hotel room, I don’t want to go with him in his house, I don’t trust him”

Bridget turned to look at Paul, and he did the same.

“Yes, he will do that” Bridget agreed on behalf of Paul and he nods his head in agreement too. But then he drag Bridget out of the room.


“Why did you accept that?” Paul ask.

“Because I want her to follow you first, I know how I communicate with her these days, she is no longer the Christy you use to know.”

“But I need her in the house”

“I know, but how are you even going to do that when your mom already takes it that you and Christy are divorce? Is even better that she stays in the hotel.”

“I think your right, thank you Bridget”

“Your welcome” she went inside and helps Christy with her bag.

“Why are you packing so many things? Am I going to stay there forever?” Christy ask Bridget.

“No, is just that you need them”

“I don’t need those, put it back because am coming back tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!!” Paul wanted to yell but held his peace.

Paul drive Christy to the big city and into his house.

Christy walk straight into the house without talking to him.

While Paul just follow after her carrying her bag.

“Mommmyyyy…..” little Sharon rushed to hug her mother.

She looked at her but didn’t hug her back, she only force a fake smile.

“I think I’ve seen this baby before, why is she calling me mommy?” she pull the little girl away from her.

When little Sharon change her expression because she felt that her mother is pushing her away she called her back.

“How are you?” She smile at her and Sharon put on a smile again. 

“Mom am fine, I have a lot of things to show you, am coming” she rush into her room and brought out all her papers she made 100% mark, and all her toys that her father has bought for her and started telling her stories, but Christy wasn’t interested, she wants to go because her mind is occupied with her fashion business that she has no time for children talks.

Paul was really pissed off by Christy’s behavior towards him and their child, he made up his mind to let her of go.

           He then took her to the hotel and book a room for her because she refuse to stay with Paul in the house, she claimed that Paul wants to sleep with her.

That night Sharon came back to check up on Paul because she heard the information that he is back from his travel.

“What do you want?” Paul ask.

“Why do you ask? You are supposed to me mine, but she stole you away, now I have you all to myself.”

“No your wrong,  you don’t have me, what happen was a mistake and I promise you it would happen a again.”

“Hahaha, you are funny Paul, how can that be a mistake?, you really needed me, and I was there for you, what else do you want?”

“Look, I know you, I know you can get any  man you want but why do you keep coming to me?” Paul ask in anger.

“Because I love you and because you are the only one who knows me and understand me”

“Your wrong, there are lots of men out there who will love you and understand you, just stop throwing yourself at me”

“You think I’ve not done that already? The last one found out about me and dump me a mouth to our wedding” Sharon said almost in tears.

Paul didn’t know when he hugged her to console her.

“Am sorry about that, but throwing yourself at me wouldn’t help you at all, the right one will come”

“When? When will the right one show up? Is it when I have gray heir?” Paul almost laugh at her but held his peace.

“What? Are you laughing at me?”

“No, am not, am only laughing at the way you demonstrate.”

“Yea, you can go on and laugh all you want”

“Am not laughing at you Sharon, you are a good person with a good heart, I know you will find the one someday, and right now I think we are on the same boat”


“Christy left me, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me and I think am giving up on her”

“How? No, I don’t think you can give up on Christy, you love her too much”

“Yea, your right, but am getting tired”

“Am sorry Paul, can you take me to see her? Maybe I can help you”

“What? How?” Paul ask.

“Am a doctor remember? Even though I have my own problems that wouldn’t stop me from helping others. I need to run another test on her”

“Really!!! That will be lovely, thank you Sharon” Paul hug her again.

But then, his excitement stopped.

“What happen?”

“I don’t think she will agree”

“Oh.. yea, your right. So what should we do?”

“Nothing I guess”

           Christy went home and thought the big city is beautiful, this is where I will come to start my fashion business.

“How did it go?” Bridget ask Christy when she came back.

“Fine, he showed me a girl who keeps calling me mommy, did he think I don’t know those tricks? That you will go and bring a girl from nowhere to call me mommy?, look I don’t have time for those things” Bridget was so dumfounded, she couldn’t believe that Christy could forget her Paul and baby just like that, what a world?”

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she ask Bridget”

“I can’t believe you, after all you and Paul went through”

“Look, I’ve tried, I’ve search everywhere in my heart and mind, I can’t find this Paul and that child you guys are talking about, do you think that am not hearing what you and mother are saying? I do hear everything, but I can’t remember anything about them. So I told myself that am only going to focus on my career, and that is what am going to do”

Bridget listened with all the attention in the world and she felt sorry for her.


“Is ok, I wouldn’t force it on you again, just take your time, but what are you doing?”

“Am preparing to go back to the big city”

“To do what?”

“To start my fashion business, that Paul of a guy gave me the money and I need to hurry and start.”

“Really?, can I come with you?”

“Sure, I will really need you by my side”

“Ok, we have to tell mother first before we leave”

“Yes” she said so excited because she will really love it if Bridget is with her.

“Are you sure is a good idea?, There are lots of opportunities where ws are, is not only in the big city that one can make it” their mother advice.

“Mom, what I want to do will work only in the big city” Christy answered.

“Really? Ok, is fine with me since Bridget is going with you”

“Thank you mom” the next day the two girls set out to the big city”

“But what will I be doing with you there?” Bridget ask as they prepare to leave.

“You can look for another job” 

“Am tired of looking for job, this country is man know man, been a graduate is useless if you don’t know anyone” Bridget foamed in anger as they drive to the city.

“But you can just join me in fashion, there is enough money for the two of us”

“Yes!! Thank you, but things would have been more easier for us in the city if you just accept Paul back”

“Enough, I don’t want to hear about that Paul again”

Bridget knows better than to annoy her right now, so she kept quiet.

“So what do we do now” Bridget ask after a long silence that followed.