
First Time Seeing Her Husband/Boss (4)

Chase stepped out of the bathroom feeling refreshed but then she realized that she had nothing to wear, not even a spare underwear! She couldn't go walking around the house in a bathrobe.

She was contemplating on what to do when her eyes looked towards the closet.

She could borrow his one of his clothes. He wouldn't mind, right?

She took one of his plain white shirt. The pants though was long so she had to roll it up. But it was very uncomfortable wearing pants without a lingerie underneath.

She went downstairs afterwards to have her breakfast. She entered the dining room and Lu Min and Lu Yang were already there with three other people whom she didn't know.

"Chase, this is my wife Charlotte Lu." Introduced the woman sitting by his side. "And he is my Eldest son, Ethan Lu and the lady with him is his fianceé, Valerie Cheng. My daughter is already married so she isn't here with us."

"Welcome to the family Chase." The woman who Lu Min introduced as Charlotte said.

"Thanks ma'am."

"Oh, drop the formalities. Call me mother instead."

Chase nodded.

"Well we wouldn't want you to starve. Let's have our breakfast." Lu Yang said.


"Boss, Ms. Chase is at the mansion." Yan Qi told Declan who was busy on the computer.

He paused for a moment before he continued typing.

"And you have an appointment Don Alessandro regarding the gun sales in twenty minutes."

Declan stood up from his chair and left the office with his Consigliere following behind him.

In an almost dark room, two men could be seen sitting down with a glass of wine in their hand.

"Are you ready to buy it now?" Declan asked with a nonchalant look on his face.

"I still think two billion dollars is too much but I'll buy it. I am in desperate need of arms right now." Said Don Alessandro as he drank a the wine.

"Good." Declan stood up and adjusted his suit, throwing the glass on the ground. "I'll have my underboss complete the formalities left." He left the room.


When Declan entered his room, the first person he saw was a woman sitting on the bed with a book in her hand wearing... his clothes?

The woman looked up from the book giving him a full view of her face.

Chase Griffin.