
In Love with the Dragon - Chapter 11

In Love with the Dragon - Chapter 11

"Am I really beautiful?" Even Qila could not believe her eyes when she looked at herself in the mirror. Was she that pretty woman in a red dress?

"Yes," Spike expressed his admiration to her appearance openly. "I knew that dress would suit you perfectly."

"You chose it?" Qila felt self-conscious because her long legs were bare. Good thing, Tita Sol gave her a pair of stockings. She seemed taller and looked like a gazelle. An animal that was graceful and light on its feet.

"I saw the dress on display and, when I saw the mannequin, I thought it was you," Spike quipped seriously but with twinkling eyes.

"So, I looked like a mannequin?" Qila giggled girlishly.

"Did I say that?" he chuckled lightly. "Seriously, you have been hiding yourself with loose clothes."

"My old clothes were comfortable." Qila shrugged slightly. "But I like the new dresses that you've provided. Thank you, Spike!"

"Glad to be of service, milady!" Spike bowed to kiss her hand.

Her merry laughter filled the tall room of the dining area. "You are so old-worldly, Spike!"

"I'm sure, you'll bite me if I kissed you on your luscious lips," he murmured softly. "So, I'll be content for now with your hand." He held her fingers for her to see the sparkling ruby ring.

"What--? How--?" Qila gasped. She was overwhelmed with the splendor of the gorgeous ring. It fitted her ring finger. "It's exquisite!"

"Do you like the ring?"

"Um, yes! But I can't accept it," she shook her head as she pulled the ring off her finger.

"Keep it on. Just for tonight, darling," Spike whispered tenderly. He put the ring back to her finger.

Qila shivered. "Must you keep on calling me darling?" she complained to him in a light tone.

"I aim to win." Spike's mouth lingered around her cheek and the corner of her lips.

"Do we have a war?" she asked innocently. Her lips had a mind of its own. She grazed his mouth gently.

"You started it, Qila darling." Spike stroked her arm and naked back sensuously. "We have twenty-eight days."


"I don't cheat, darling. I'm counting the days," Spike chuckled wryly.

"What is it about you that makes me tremble with anticipation... of what you'd do to me...?" Qila teased boldly.

Spike's arms tightened around her body. "Oh, Qila! You know how to ignite me!"

"Kiss me, Spike..."

'She was uncontrollable.' Qila wanted to stop herself but the other Qila seemed bent on tempting Spike...

"No, Qila darling," Spike demurred while putting distance between them. "We must learn to anticipate the sweet fruit of our desire." His eyes were suddenly watchful. He had sensed a change in her...

Qila had felt the subtle change in her character. She started to feel the tug of war inside her when the ring was put on her finger. She did not want to separate from the ring!

"Yes..." Qila sat on the chair pulled by Spike. His hands remained on the rounded back. His warm breath touched her vulnerable nape when he bent forward.

"You seemed nervous. Do you regret teasing me?"

"Well," Qila started nervously when her other character forced her to speak enticingly. "I think I'm losing my touch. I can't persuade you..." She covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were rounded as she stared at him.

"Qila darling, please, I'm at the end of my tether. Do not push me because I'll haul you with me..." His hot tongue tasted the smooth skin of her neck provocatively.


"Don't forget... Anticipation..." Spike smiled almost mercilessly. He knew how to hang a girl like a fish caught in a fishing rod!

Soledad appeared with a platter of roasted whole chicken, complete with the sliced slivers of lemon, cucumber, and tomatoes. She was assisted by three women, who brought steaming white rice, fragrant hot soup, and bottles of ice-cold water.

"It looks delicious, Tita Sol!" Qila exclaimed smilingly.

"Thank you, Miss Qila," Soledad grinned.

"Thank you, Soledad." His voice was somber.

"Miss Qila, Sir Spike, hope you'll enjoy your dinner!"

"Yes," she answered nervously. She did not know why she was getting apprehensive.

Spike sliced the fleshy part of the leg until it separated from the bone. Wordlessly, he transferred the roasted chicken on her plate. He repeated doing it on his plate.


Qila avoided glancing at him when they started eating. Spike was staring at her.

"What do you know about Abigor Limrick?"

"Mr. Limrick? Um, he is one of the bosses who--"

"One of the bosses who?"

"Well... he always gives me lots of folders to encode. Even when other encoders have no load."

"What do you know of his character, his... personality?" Spike's face was enigmatic.

"I don't want to be accused of bad-mouthing a department head..."

"He was fired this afternoon."

"Oh, poor Mr. Limrick!"

"Why 'poor Mr. Limrick!'?"

"He was fired? Do you think he can find another job?"

"I do think so."

"Well, he seemed to hate me. Every time he looked at me, his eyes... um, boils."

"Why?" Spike was getting interested,

"I don't know... And sometimes, he called me by different names."

"What names?"

"Sometimes 'Wendy.' That was my late mother's name. But of course, it was just coincidental." Qila paused to spear a piece of chicken flesh. "Sometimes, it's Lala or Celine or Dy--"

"Hold it right there! You said 'Lala or Celine?' That was really coincidental!"

Qila was appalled to hear Spike speaking sarcastically.

"W-why? Do you know them?" She was shocked to see his expression had altered in front of her.

Spike was not lover-like anymore. He was gazing at her suspiciously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Spike blinked many times before he spoke again. "Of course, it's pure coincidence. It is totally unplanned." But the way he stressed the last sentence meant the opposite meaning.

He continued eating as though nothing had happened. When he spoke again, all traces of antagonism were removed.

"On Monday, you shall start working on the top floor," Spike imparted calmly.

"Top floor?"

"You were promoted as my personal assistant."

"Oh. I thought you worked on a different building..."

"My offices are located at the penthouse."

"I hope, my attic flat is ready by then," she murmured quietly. She was disheartened. After showing her how desirable she was, Spike seemed lost his interest in her.

"Your attic will not be ready for months."

"Why?" Qila was astounded.

"The investigation shows that in-between the double-walling, there are growths of small plants. It is commonly called cocci."

"I don't understand--" Qila read about 'cocci.' She had been encoding the invention of Abigor Limrick for the last three years.

"You were inhaling the plants spores every day. And it is fatal."

"I don't believe you!" But Qila believed Spike...

Spike pulled out his cellphone. "Here are the photos of your walls. They are stripped to show the plants."

Qila studied the photos. The plants grew on wood: on posts and on panels. Their roots sprouted out to cling and to penetrate on surfaces. They had small balloon-like leaves but no flowers.

"What are these?" She had never seen the plant before. They were just described on paper. "How did they get inside the walls of my flat?"

"My investigators are trying to figure out how," Spike cut in. "What are the contents of the folders that you were encoding for Limrick."

"About cocci..." Qila told him reluctantly. Her fingers massaged her temples. "I don't remember much..."

"How to plant? By cuttings or seedlings?"

"Both..." She closed her eyes to concentrate. She could not believe that behind the walls of her attic flat was a plantation of the strange plant!

"How long do they grow?"

"Months... no, a year?" Qila was fighting an inner war. She could grasp the information being asked by Spike but they were too slippery. It seemed somebody was pulling away.

Her head started to hurt. Her temples were pounding incessantly.

Qila heard someone was moaning. She was staggered when she realized it was her who keened.

"Qila! Qila, what's happening to you?"

Her eyes were closed tightly but she felt his arms carry her.

"Spike! My head!" she complained when she was laid on the bed. She turned to her side. She curled her body into fetal position. Her hands still cupping her head.

'Kill him! Kill him!' The words reverberated inside her mind.

"W-who?" Qila was forced to ask. When she paid attention to the voice, the pain in her head decreased.

"Qila! Qila, open your mouth!" Spike shouted her name authoritatively.

"W-what--mmmph!" He kissed her. His tongue was everywhere. His mouth had snogged her lips. He was sucking her deeply.

She found that she could not breathe. Her mind was dim. Her heart had stopped beating. She was fainting.

She did not know how long the kiss was...

When Spike raised his head, Qila wheezed. She inhaled oxygen eagerly. Her throat hurt when air passed through to fill her lungs.

Spike went out of the room wordlessly.

A few moments, Soledad was rushing to her. "Miss Qila, you must take a shower! Come!"

The older woman helped her in the shower. In their haste, Qila's red dress was ruined. The red outfit was drenched with no respect to its expensive fabric.

Afterwards, Qila was wrapped in a large towel. Her face was pinched. Her lips were blue with cold. Her body was shaking as though she had a fever.

She looked like a wet chick when abandoned under the rain...

"How is she?" Qila heard Spike's voice by the door. He was speaking with Tita Sol.

"She is pale and cold but she is okay now," the older woman replied reassuringly.

"Okay. I'll leave her to you. Goodnight!"

Qila turned again into a fetal position. She held herself to keep warm.

'Why had Spike changed? What had she done wrong? Did he get bored with her already?'