
Chapter 86

"how are you little champ?" she asked

"I'm fine miss" she replied

"just call me aunt, that's just fine" Grace said

Chris didn't know what to say to little Christopher so he just decided not say anything, seeing the man in front of him saying nothing, he decided to take the initiative

"good day uncle" he greeted Chris facing him

"uhmmm, how are you?" he greeted him shyly

Jane felt so amused, the most powerful and richest man in the country was finding it hard to talk to a child, it was funny that she could not help but laugh

Chris raised a brow as he noticed Jane laugh, he knew for sure that she was making jest of him

Chris brought out the gift he had earlier bought for Christopher, he gave it to him

"here I got this for you, I learned from your mom that you like to draw, I like to draw too so I got those for you" Chris said

Chris face lit up at his words, he quickly unwrapped the gift, the gift consist of some colour, board, set of brushes and every thing he could ever think of needing to draw even some things that he knows nothing about

"thank you so much uncle" little Chris said and hugged Christopher, his eyes were teary, he had never in his life receive such good gesture

"I can draw with this mummy, I will show it to John and uncle Zain later on" Christopher said

Jane wanted to say something but Chris beat her to it

"you can draw with that when you get to the mansion" Chris said

"mansion?" chris asked the little boy was confused

"I came today to pick you and your mom to stay in my house, it's a very big house and I'm sure you would love it" Chris explained

"but why, we have a house, do we need to live elsewhere?" Chris asked

"well you see, your mom needs to work, and she doesn't want to part ways with you, and this is the best option" Christopher explained

"but what about grandma and John and uncle Zain?" Chris asked

Christopher already figured that John was Zain's nephew that he saw that night

"well you can always come around once in a while to see your friend and as for your Grandma well" Chris tried to come up with something to say, he didn't have plans to have Mrs Whitney stay at the mansion

his parents especially his mom will kick against it

"let's eat lunch first, then we can discuss this later" Mrs Whitney chipped in, Christopher already won her heart by taking the initiative of buying little Chris a gift, she was no longer angry with him

Chris wanted to refuse but Grace was already on her feet

"sure I would love to taste your meal" she said

"this way then" Mrs Whitney led them to the dinning table

Mrs Whitney and Jane brought out the dishes to the dinning and served everyone

they were all eating silently, Jane and Christopher kept glancing at each other, after what Christopher had done for her son, she didn't know how to react to him anymore, it warmed her heart, she definitely would love to have her job back and Chris was also offering to have little Chris stay with them

but she was still a bit skeptical

little Chris noticed all of this, he wondered who Christopher was to them, this is the first time a man had come into their house except for uncle Zain

and his mother was looking at him and he was also looking, the man was very nice to him, uncle Zain was also nice to him but this one felt different

little Chris felt good staying around him which was different, his mom and grandma told him never to stay around strangers but always be polite, but strangely he liked the idea of staying around Christopher

little Chris was so immersed in his thoughts, he wondered if he was his father, his mother once told him that his father was not around so he never asked again because he saw his mom's mood the day he had asked, she looked sad

he doesn't like his mom sad, so he promised not to ask again, but now he was really curious

come to think of it, he had never seen this uncle before so could it be that his daddy has arrived, he decided to ask anyways

"uncle" Chris called out

Christopher and everyone stopped eating they wondered what he wanted to say

Christopher raised his head

seeing that Christopher answered him, he hesitated for a while but finally asked

"uncle are you my daddy?" Chris blurted out

Chris who was not excepting that question chocked on his food, he couldn't even imagine it, that he was a father

everyone was also stunned by that question

Jane gave little Chris a glare "Christopher" she almost shouted at him

little Chris felt bad for making the uncle choke, so he ran out of the dinning room and. went straight to his room crying

Jane wanted to follow after him but Christopher stopped her

"don't worry I will go just show me to his room" Christopher said

Jane and everyone stood up to take him there, Jane took him there and he went inside while the rest of them stopped outside

Chris didn't know how to start, it's been so long that was sweet to anyone so he didn't even know where to start from

"hey little champ, are you okay?" Chris asked

"I'm sorry uncle, I didn't mean to ask that question" little Chris said tearfully

"I'm not angry at you at all, and it's totally okay to ask questions, it shows you are smart" Chris said

little Chris looked at him not knowing what to say

"so tell me, why do you think I am your daddy, tell me I want to know" Christopher asked him, kneeling close to him