
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

Familiar Stranger

As we walked back to his stand outside, I stood behind them as I watched them walk and how she constantly wanted to hold him. He looked behind severally trying to hint at me to stop her but I honestly don't know how, it would have been easier if I could hold him, then I would have been at advantage.

   He looked behind again and hinted at me. I immediately rushed and held her hand.

"Why don't we walk together Selena, I have a lot to ask you". I said as I held her arm really tight and dragged her away from him.

"Why are you holding on to me like that? We are not close. She said, trying to pull her arm away from my grip.

I still held on to her tightly as I pulled her to another direction. 

"Hey! What are you doing? He's going the other way. She yelled.

"I thought you wanted to show me the clothes you brought to the set". I asked, still holding her and walking really fast.

"Yea but it's not that way... It's already at his stand". She said loudly but I still didn't let go, as I looked behind to see if he was gone  we bumped into someone.

"Ouch!!! I said loudly as I looked up.

"Oh it's you", she said and pulled her arm away to stand with him.

Is my eyes deceiving me or is this Greg Daniels. He grew up well, still handsome and all but still as childish and arrogant as before, I thought.

"Hey!! What's going on darling". he said looking at her.

"She's what's going on. She's been holding unto me and literally pulled me here out of my consent. Selena complained.

"Hey you! Who do you think you are to touch the hair on her arm? Do you know who she is? Greg asked.

I just stood there staring at him and wondering if he thinks he's still in high school. I rolled my eyes and just kept staring at him.

"Are you dumb or something? Should I slap some sense into you?" He said, raising his hands.

"If you dare raise those filthy hands on me, I will make sure I break your fingers one at a time and after which I will sue your ass for harassment". I said angrily.

"Hey!! Leave her alone. She's a lawyer and a very good one, I heard". Selena said.

"You heard from who?" He asked.

"Me…" A voice replied from behind. 

Oh he came back to see if I managed to discard his girlfriend. I thought and rolled my eyes.

"Oh it's you, of course it's you. Only you would bring a lawyer on set". Greg said.

"Sean... You need to see what she did to me". Selena said and rushed to stand in front of him but he moved back a little.

"Still scared of women are we?" Greg grinned.

"Shut your damn mouth!!  Sean said, pointing at him.

"Unless you have evidence don't try to defame my client if not I will sue you for defamation". I said looking at Greg. I can't believe i'm defending him. I thought.

"Is that why she's here? To be your shield and buckler?" Greg said

"Anyways I don't have anything to say to you, just don't you dare raise your hands on my people again. Sean said and surprisingly he held my hand and walked away.

I turned to see the shock on both their faces as they watched us leave. I looked up at him and he still didn't stop, he kept walking down the path to his stand.

"Hey man... What took you guys so long? Mike asked and immediately gasped as he noticed we were holding hands.

"What is it? Why do you look like you have seen a ghost? Sean asked Mike.

"Well I think I have…" He said pointing at our hands. Sean followed his gaze and saw he was actually holding onto my hands. He immediately let go and rushed into his tent.

"What was I thinking", he mumbled, looking at his hands as he kept breathing loudly. After a while he looked at his hands again... 

"Wait, why is nothing happening? Why are my hands not shaking?" He asked himself.

"Hey man... Are you okay? Mike rushed in looking at his hands. He stared at Mike and back at his hand, still shocked.

"You are okay.. Mike said, shocked. Or have you taken your pills already?" He added.

"Honestly speaking man... I haven't, you know I always wait till it's time to shoot before taking the pill. So I haven't yet". Sean said seriously.

"Then... That means you are cured?? Mike said, getting excited.

Sean stared at Mike as he walked around the place. "There is only one way to find out. Sean said as he walked out of the tent and even walked past me. 

"Are you okay?? I asked but he didn't say anything.

"I'm sure he is... Mike replied as he went after him.

Sean saw one of the crew's female members and walked up to her.

"You are really working hard... Keep up the good work". He added as he extends his hands for a shake. The lady blushed and held his hands tightly. Immediately he felt his breathing changing and was suffocating. Mike immediately rushed and removed the lady's hands, while he dragged Sean and rushed him into the tent. 

Mike went straight to his bag and brought out the pills and helped him swallow it. After a while he started feeling better.

"So... You are not cured.. now we know". Mike said, hiling  a sigh of relief.

"So what happened to her?" Sean asked, confused.

Or am I immune to just her. He asked, looking at Mike.

"Tell me how it all happened so I can analyze it". Mike said.

Sean started telling him everything from the beginning till the end.

Mike walked around a little trying to analyze it.

"I get it now, I think you acted on impulse. You just felt the rush of protecting her that's why nothing happened to you". Mike concluded.

"What if I am really immune to her, what if I can really touch her? Sean asked curiously.

"Uhmm man... You sound weird. Touch her? You want to touch her somewhere else? Mike asked curiously.

Sean clears his throat and sits on the seat avoiding Mike's gaze. "What are you talking about? Sean finally said shyly. 

"Are you really into her?" Do you still have wet dreams about her? Mike asked anxiously. 

Sean coughed and took a bottle of water to drink.

"You still do! Wow... Man... You really like this chick". Mike said smiling.

"She's not a chick". Sean snapped jokingly.

"Oh, I'm sorry...." Mike said, raising both his hands up. 

"It's becoming a stigma... I can't sleep a night without seeing her, still in the same position. My hands still chained... Not being able to touch her". Sean explained.

"Sorry to bother you guys". I said entering the room while looking at me stunned. The director said I should call you Mr Sean. He wants to go over some scenes with you".

"Okay... Sean said standing up.

"Grab the water please. Mike said standing up too.

Immediately I bent to pick it up while Sean bent too to pick it up. As I grabbed the water he grabbed my hand instead of the water. I looked up to see him very close to me. We stared at each other, not moving.

"What lovely eyes filled with secrets. Why do I find you familiar? Why? Sean thought.

"Damn... He smells so good, it's a pity I hate his guts so much. I thought.