
In Love with a Serial Killer

Charlotte Reeves, a wealthy middle aged painter must face the reality of raising a troublesome 8 year old son alone after the divorce from her husband, Detective Jon. All efforts from her best friend Sheila to talk her into a new relationship proves futile until one day. Charlotte is invited to her son's school after he is involved in a fight and there she meets a thrilling young man who later introduces himself to her as "Smile". They start talking and in no time a lonely Charlotte is drawn into his dark secretive world. Just then, women begin to die in the small town of Manhattan and as investigation goes deeper, Charlotte fears that she may have fallen in love with a serial killer.

Wekpe_Efe · สมัยใหม่
129 Chs


"You are right," Jacobi nodded. "Alberto is still safe for now. Gavin would not kill his father until he has the pin to that safe in is hands. Let's go save him shall we?" They started towards the building with all the stealth they had and a few times, they had to duck quickly to avoid been seen by some of the men that guarded the top of the building.

"Can't believe this many people stayed behind," Jacobi grunted. "It has been how long I came here now and the number of people manning these walls seem to increase by the day. You people don't go for wars and die or something?"

"Not at all," Smile grunted. "Alberto has always been known for a lot of bad things but we tend to forget the good side of him and it is that good side that is the reason why we still have this huge amount of people manning his walls today. It's only terrible that we are going to be on the opposing side. I don't like the sound of that. Do you?"