
In Love With A Japanese Girl

Fifteen-year-old Alex Martienez's life is turned upside down when he moves from a tough neighborhood in the United States to the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. Leaving behind everything he's ever known, Alex is thrust into a world of unfamiliar customs, a new language, and the challenges of adapting to a different culture.

zoneyz · สมจริง
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Big Move

Okay, I've got my clothes, games, and chargers, and that should be it.

Wait, damn it, I forgot my hygiene. How stupid can I be?

I still feel nervous, even in the middle of my room, about leaving the United States and moving to Tokyo, Japan. I'm leaving behind my friends and other family.

But I'm going along with this because of my mom, and I know this will make her happy in the long run.

Wait, I should be excited. I'm not going to be living in a rundown area like we are right now. Dude, it's Tokyo! They've got everything, like anime, games, and other stuff too.

Damn it, I feel like a mix of emotions. I've had so many memories here, but yet again, there's more to be made over there.

What was my life like being here? I've never really given any real thought to it.

Well, for starters, me and my mom would have to hear our neighbors being loud in the middle of the night. And of course, I would have to be cautious about the whole homeless situation. It's like they're on every block of the neighborhood.

I also would hear gunshots all the time; it basically became normal, and I don't think that's good at all.

But the good memories of where I live are pretty good, like the time my mom and I made dinner together; I almost burned down the house.

Oh yeah, at that time, we used to have movie nights almost every weekend until my mom got her dream position as a nurse.

I would also hang out with my friends almost every day after school. They were practically the best friends I've had since kindergarten. Man, those were some good times.

Okay, enough thinking about all that. I should really get going on finishing packing.

Part 2

I see my friends; I should go say farewell to them along with my other family members.

"Alex! We're gonna miss you!"

"Dude! Make sure to grab stuff from there to bring back for me if you come back!"

"Will do! Everyone, stay safe!" I shouted back.

It feels weird; I've never thought I would be moving away from a place that I've lived in for so long. It basically means my entire childhood is fading away.


"Gate three will be denaturing in approximately thirty minutes," the intercom announces.

Man, I'll really miss them. Everyone here I know is really close to me. Like how my friends were brothers in my eyes.

We would always be together and would defend each other no matter what. Even after the countless times I've gotten into fights at school, they've found a way to defend me.

They were also the reason I never joined gangs.

One time I was very set on joining one of the gangs that was very popular; they were known as active at the time, but as soon as my friends caught wind of it, they rushed me and had a huge talk with me. I thought of it as just they were jealous, but thinking about it now shows how much they cared for me.

I honestly was ignoring the factors of what would happen if I had joined one. It would've meant that I was putting my life on the line to have some brags.

Here in the United States, so many people die in gang fights and stuff, for that matter. It's a huge issue within the school district and, overall, in the cities.

But I've changed my ways now. Starting from now on, I'm going to become a light novelist while I live in Japan. I'll try to learn Japanese and make a book; that's my goal.

"First Class may enter the aircraft at this moment."

"Mom, come on, wake up!" I shouted.

"Huhaha?" My mom slurs her words while sleeping.

We had to wake up early, so I'm not blaming her. I'm probably just going to have to fall asleep on the aircraft because these seats are just not working out. I have no idea why they are made out of this metal-looking material, but it's not comfortable at all!

"The economy can board at this time."

"Sweet, Mom, come on!"

"Huh? It's time already?" she asks while rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, we gotta board now." I explained.

"Well, alright, let's head over there," she

responded while in the middle of yawning.


"Ugh, we have been on this plane for twelve hours." I muttered while waking up from a nap.

"I'm pretty sure we're almost there. Give that screen a look; I'm pretty sure it'll tell you." She commented while sitting next to me.

We're only an hour away?! I thought it would've taken more time than that. But yet again, I did fall asleep, so everything felt like a flash for me.

I think I can see Japan from here; at night, it looks so cool. I can tell where the big cities and countryside are.

Most of the big cities have a bunch of little dots that are lights, I'm pretty sure. And the countryside is all dark on the more eastern side of Japan.

Something that's been on my mind for a bit is how my life is actually going to turn out living here. I can tell it's going to be a hassle to learn a completely different language.

But I won't ever find out if I continue to have the fear.

Part 3

"We have arrived in Tokyo!" a voice announces.

That hour went by fast, and watching a movie on that tablet-looking screen on the seat was the go-to.

Wow, the airport is way bigger than the one I had back home. But, considering how big Tokyo is, it does make sense for a city this big to have a huge airport.

"Alex! Look, it's one of those trains I see everyone getting on!" Mom alerts me while pointing at a train arriving at a platform.

"Mom! How can you even see that far?"

"Hm? I don't know!"

"Mom, you're so clueless, you know that?" I shrugged with a worn-out face.

"Did you already give a message to your friend?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean the friend that helped me get a job over here?"

"Yes, mom, who else are you friends with over here?" I gave a depressed expression.

"Look, people are already grabbing the luggage; we have to go!" she observed while getting up.


"Damn, we got out of that crowd. People kept bumping into me while I was trying to get into security." I told my mom with a furious look.

"Calm down; let's just head to our hotel," she responded while hitting my back several times.

"Wait, our apartment isn't ready for us to go to yet?" I asked while walking towards the exit sign.

"No, the landlord said I had to find a place for us to stay until we finish more documents to live there."

"So we're staying at a hotel?"

"Not exactly; I've found out there's this app where people let other people pay to stay in a house for a few nights for a smaller charge than a hotel." She responded with her phone in my view.

I didn't even know something like that existed, but we didn't really travel that much, so it wasn't like we needed it before we came here.

"Well, I'm going to find out a way to the bus on my phone. My friend said it's useful in the city, so if you have to go use the bathroom, use it right now." She suggested it while tapping a bunch on her phone.

Well, I might as well head to the bathroom while I can right now.

Whoa, that's a view of the roads and everything! The roads are so packed, and lights are flashing everywhere!

Even tall buildings are scattered in this city; there's so many of them. Compared to where I previously lived, this is like paradise!

This window view is nice; I should take a picture and send it over to my friends back home.

"Alex! My friend is here to pick us up!" my mom shouted.

"I thought we were hopping on the bus, though." I asked with a confused look.

"Yeah, but she was around the area, so she wanted to pick us up!"


Well, this is going to be awkward. I don't speak Japanese, and I don't even know who she is.

Hm, Narita International Airport. I never thought in my life I would step foot in here.

"Over Here!"


"Hey! So you're Maya's son?" Her friend asked while putting her mirror in front of me.

"Y-Yeah." I responded nervously.

"You don't have to be so nervous! Just think of me as your aunt or something in that nature," she responded while smiling.

"Well okay."

"So, I kind of got those documents worked out for you, Maya. I'll take you to your guys apartment."

"But, what about that house that we're going to stay at?" I asked.

"I'll just refund it; don't worry!" my mom replies with a happy face.

"Thanks for helping out, my mom." I told my mom's friend.

"No problem, kid; I honestly was in her debt because she helped me out before," she responded.

She seems nice; maybe she'll be with us a lot since my mom doesn't really know that much around here.

"Also, I didn't get to know your name." I commented.

"Maya, you didn't tell him?" she responded with laughter.

"I-I forgot! There was so much going on I forgot to tell him!"

"My name is Ayano; sorry I didn't tell you earlier." Ayano responded.

Her English is really good for a Japanese person. I would have expected her words to be okay, but they're spot on!

"Say, what's your goal while being here, Alex?" Ayano asked.

"I just want to fit in with the community at my high school and try to get accepted, I guess?' I responded.

Why am I not telling her that I want to become a novelist? Is it because I'm nervous to say it? I have no idea why.

"I'm pretty sure they'll welcome you!"

"Are you sure they will? I'm a foreigner after all." I added on with a downtone.

"Look, don't worry. Just try to be yourself, and people will want to be with you. Don't try becoming someone you really aren't."

I've learned my lesson from doing that already. I won't make that same mistake again.

Part 4

"This is your new place!"

Wow, it looks actually good—way better than the apartment we were previously living in! There's so much space as well; there's even a second story!

"Did you help my mom find this place, Ayano?" I asked while being curious,

checking each hallway to see where it leads


"Yeah! She had told me that she wanted a house near Tokyo. So you guys shouldn't be that far from Shibuya and those popular areas." Ayano explained it to me.

"It's so beautiful! I'm going to keep this place shiny and clean every day!" My mom shouts while going off on her own adventure throughout the house.

I'm glad my mom finally got something she'd wanted. Back then, she wanted to get stuff for me that she couldn't afford at the time, and she would have to work overtime every night to even afford rent and utilities.

But she hid that situation from me; honestly, I would do the same if I were a parent. I wouldn't want my kids to think that they live in a horrible economic state. I soon found out about it when I accidentally eavesdropped on her talking to the landlord on the phone one evening.


"Man, I'm exhausted!" I shouted while lying back and dropping towards the side of the bed I have in my room.

That entire flight used up my energy, including packing and unpacking stuff into my new room.

I made sure to bring pictures of my friends and my family to put into frames on my desk.

I feel like I can just fall asleep with one blink. I really wonder how my first day at school will go tomorrow. I'm just overthinking it at this point; I have to stay positive.

One thing I found different from school here and back where I lived was the dress code. Here, I have to wear an actual uniform every day. But before I could wear anything, I wanted to.

So that means I have to take off my nose and ear piercings. Also, I have to wear less baggy pants; this stinks. But it's fine; little changes won't affect my school life.

Plus, I don't even know if I'm going to even find a girlfriend since I'm not from around here. Hell, I barely even know Japanese.


Next: The First Day of School