
In Love with a Forest Prince

I couldn't help but find myself happy that I was falling for a man I'd never met, most girls in my position dreaded the day they'd meet their husband. Arranged marriages were being fought against by many lately, but I'd grown up with the idea and hadn't ever hated it. I was, of course, very anxious to see how he'd look, how he'd speak, how he'd act, but those things were exciting to daydream about. If I hadn't had that daydream growing up, I might have given up on life. My father was a prince, younger brother to the king, so I was bound to marry someone of high social class. Even if I didn't love my husband, I'd be taken care of and have an okay life. I wasn't sure there was anything more to life than that, just being okay. I had my daydreams at least, I could always just lock myself in a room and wish things were different. I wasn't prepared at all for who I was about to marry.

brynsie · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2

As I walked into the great hall I felt my pulse start to race. This was really happening. Or was it? Was I dreaming? I pinched my hand. Nope, definitely awake. Any excitement I was feeling was just adding to my anxiety.

Everyone stood up once I entered. My dress trailed behind me as I walked forward. I noticed some people I'd never seen before to my right, they were most likely my husbands family. I didn't even dare to look up to see who I was marrying yet, my anxiety wouldn't let me. Scary thoughts ran through my head as I kept walking, would I be treated well? Would he be kind? Would he expect things of me on our wedding night?

I finally reached the end of the aisle and everyone sat back in their seats. I turned to face my husband and finally looked up. A small gasp escaped my lips. Before me stood a man who looked almost exactly like the men in the fairytales I read. He had bright green eyes and light skin, he was at least six feet tall and wore rich green robes that made his eyes pop. The nicest thing about him was his smell though, he smelled like grass after rain. Such a soft and comforting smell.

One odd detail I noticed was his ears, they were pointed at the ends. For some reason I liked this, it made him unique. He looked into my eyes and I felt my heart race even faster, I just hoped his personality matched his soft yet incredibly handsome outside. He smiled down at me and I almost felt myself swoon, did he have this effect on all women? He was very handsome, I wouldn't be surprised.

The officiator started speaking, "Welcome to the union of the kingdoms of Driol and Northbreak, as we marry Prince Eroan and Princess Madri." Prince, I thought. He was a prince. I wasn't sure if I'd be married to a prince or not since my father wasn't the king, but he had such a regal aura about him that I wasn't surprised to learn he was royalty.

The officiator continued talking, but I barely heard it. My eyes were still mesmerized by the man who stood before me, Prince Eroan. I marveled at the name, it was unusual and I hadn't heard it before. It definitely matched him though, it sounded just like a name out of a fairytale. My thoughts were interrupted by the officiator ending his speech.

My father stood up, "Welcome to our new allies and family, we hope for a long and steadfast union between our kingdoms." My uncle, the king, was also seated nearby, he looked satisfied with the ceremony. I knew my father would be watching him, he always had to be careful under the kings watch. My uncle wasn't above killing his own brother if he sensed a threat. Perhaps he was the reason I was marrying a prince, he'd long wanted to become allies with Driol.

My husband offered me his arm, and as I took it I felt chills pop up on my arms. He was real, this was all real. I'd be leaving my family and would be taken to Driol, a kingdom I knew almost nothing about. There were rumors that it was a place where magic was real, but those were of course just rumors most likely spread by the kingdom to make sure others were afraid to attack them.

As we exited the great hall my mother came up to me, a sad smile was on her face. "Madri," she whispered, her voice cracking. I nodded and we hugged. I'd miss her so much, and I knew she'd miss me too. There were no words to express it, so we stood in silence as we held each other. She let go of me and smiled, but I knew she was praying I'd be taken care of and happy. As she walked away I turned back to my husband.

"It is a privilege to meet you Princess Madri," my husband spoke. My eyes widened at his voice, it was soft and almost sounded like a song. He smiled at me, and I responded, "It's nice to meet you too, Prince Eroan."

"May I ask how you're feeling about all this?" he said. I was surprised that he even asked me, it wasn't like I had a choice. "Well," I said cautiously, "I'm honored that your kingdom decided to ally with Northbreak."

He laughed, a ringing and sweet sound, "I meant how are you? I know you may be not used to being asked that, but I want to start off on the right foot. I'd like to know your true feelings." My eyes widened and he laughed again, a sound that made my heart melt a little. "I promise I have no agenda, I just want both of our lives to be happy."

"Well," I started again, "I'm quite nervous. But honestly happy. I've looked forward to this day for a long time."

"Interesting," he responded, "most princesses I've met dread marrying a stranger."

"I guess I've read too many fairytales," I said, and he smiled even wider.

"I like that," he said. I smiled back at him, his personality absolutely matched his magical looks. I had no idea my husband would act like this, but I was incredibly happy. I felt hopeful about my life, maybe it really would be like a fairytale.

I couldn't have guessed where my fairytale would take me though.