
You're Such A Dork

A white cat with black patches came over and curled itself around Roman's ankles as he stood there in a stupor. He knew that its name was Domino but he was also fairly certain he had never owned a cat. 

All of this was making his head hurt. He suddenly felt suffocated by his tie too. He needed to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable. Maybe that would help him get his head on straight. 

Before he got the chance, Penny's voice sounded from the kitchen. "Roman? Is that you?"

Roman was overwhelmed with the urge to cry again but held himself together. Why was the sound of her voice affecting him so much today when he obviously knew she was perfectly fine? This wasn't normal. It was almost as if he thought she had died or something. 

"Yeah," he said around the lump in his throat. 

"Well, get over here. I can't exactly leave the kitchen right now."