
The old Goat

Hope you have a good day :)


In a certain school, a certain old man was lying in his bed sleeping. Suddenly a tool in one of his many shelves made a really loud sound like the one you hear when you have tinnitus. The Man woke up walked to his shelf to see what was wrong with the tool. As soon as he looked at the tool he was wide awake even if it was 3 am. The tool was to look if someone with a magic core was born who could potentially ruin his plans for the return of the 'boy-who-lived'. But the tool could only show if someone like this was born but not who or where this person was the only thing this tool could do else is showing in which country the baby was.

The old man shouted: "Nixi" and a house-elf popped into the room. The house-elf asked, "What can Nixi do for the great master Albus Dumbledore?" "Let 100 house-elves search for a baby with a gigantic magical core for his age. If you found him lead him to me." "Nixi is now going to complete masters task," the house-elf said before apparating out of the room to inform the other house-elves of their task.


In a hospital near London, a man watched helplessly as his wife screamed in pain while giving birth. The only thing he could do was sitting by her side and he hated it if he could at least take the pain for his wife. 'In the movies, the man all say we get through this together but it is just the woman who does all the work while the man can enjoy his life,' the man thought.

Two hours later you heard a baby cry and you could see a happy wife with her husband. The wife held the baby in her hand and gently put the baby to sleep. The man turned to his wife and said: "How do we name him?"

"How is the Name Rian?" the woman replied. "Just as beautiful as you" the man answered. "So it is Rian Black" (A/N: Yes the Black from the magical family Black, but the parents don't know that they are the result of a squib black who decided to escape the family and who married another squib who also escaped from her family named Peverell. Yes this is my story so I decide who is a descendant of whom)

### 9 Months later ###

In a house, you could see a happy family sitting at a table eating dinner. The man cried jokingly "I can't believe my son betrayed me" while the mother held a phone and showed how a baby said "Mama" in his cute baby voice to the camera. " The mother said in a mocking tone "That happens if you focus too much on work instead of your son, Jacob." "But this is not fair Faye, I love Rian as much as you and I play with him every free second but he said mama even before he said something at least remotely close to dad." Meanwhile, the cause of this quarrel laughed at the despair of his Father.

### 2 Weeks later ###

"He said it. He said it." Jacob jumped out of joy. "Sai it again," Jacob said. Rian looked cutely at him and said "Dada" Jacob turned to the kitchen and yelled: "Did you hear that honey?" "Yes I heard it." a smiling Faye came out of the kitchen with a plate of food in her hands. "Now come eat and help Rian in his seat," Faye said.

### 2 Years two Months and 2 Weeks later ###

"Master. Nixi found the baby. It's a baby called Rian. He lives with his Parents at ################# in London(A/N: Couldn't think of a street so if you have an idea please post it in the comments)

"Good, Good. It didn't even take as long as I assumed. Now take me to an alley near the house," Dumbledore said while reaching out with his hand. Nixi took the hand and apparated to an alley near the house of the Family.

But nobody noticed a shadow-like creature that followed them.

As Dumbledore walked in front of the house and simply send a 'bombarda maxima' to the door. He was met with a scared family and a crying baby in a cradle. He quickly stunned the parents with 'Stupefy' and walked to the cradle while talking in a monologue. This scene looked quite like how Voldemort walked to little Harry, which was quite funny if you think about it. One was the greatest dark lord in history and the other was the protector of the light, anyway.

As Dumbledore stood before the cradle and pointed the wand at the baby and said "Sorry little man but you could ruin my plan for the 'greater good'." 'Obseres magicae' (A/N: I don't know exactly what this means I just took google translate and simply put Magie verschließen in the box and this is what came out. It sounded cool so I simply took it).


I hope you liked my second chapter I wrote.

If anybody has an idea for a chapter you can write it in the comments.