
IN Harry Potter With a System


Dreamer_1297 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
118 Chs


Thinking about the events about to play out after Hagrid's arrival, Harry scrambles to tear off a small piece of paper and pen. Writing something on it hurriedly but carefully, he put it in his pocket.

He knew he can not ne careless. A little mistake may cost him dearly at the moment.

One more minute to go and he'd be eleven. Thirty seconds... twenty... ten.. three.. two.. one..


The whole shack shivered and I sat upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, wanting to come in.

Uncle Vernon skidded into the room carrying a rifle." Whose there??"he shouted. "I warn you... I'm armed.. "

Hagrid entered after unhinging to whole door. Now whatever many would say but I dont think Hagrid is as innocent and naive as he portrays himself to be. He is not allowed to carry a wand but then how did he make a pig's tail grow on Dudley's back.

There are many coincidences when it comes to Hagrid. Like him taking Harry to gringotts to withdraw philosopher's stone and then during one of Harry's visit to Hagrid's hut he saw the news on paper. Similarly him not telling Harry the way to enter platform and then Harry was helped by a very loud and very vocal Molly Weasley. Then him taking dragon egg and 'unintentionally' telling Harry about it. During their detention in forbidden forest also, he seperated into two groups with one group only consisting of Harry and Draco, two first years. There are many more examples that doesn't set a good image of him.

I have decided to not trust anybody completely without verifying myself. So I have to tread carefully with everything.

I left the cake Hagrid brought to Dudley, who knows what he has mixed in it. Hagrid took me to leeky cauldron and I hid my scar and tried to be as invisible as I can. Now dont think I'm afraid of attention. No sir.. Its just that I believe in the saying 'The first impression is the last impression', and I dont want to be seen for the first time with Dumbledore's man.

Anyways I was able to remain hidden for now and we went to Gringotts to withdraw funds. Standing in front of the goblin teller, Hagrid gave him my vault keys, that Dumbledore has so conveniently kept with him for so long.

Just when we started going towards the cart, I looked at Hagrid and made the most innocent and caring expression as I can. "Hagrid, if you feel uncomfortable then you can wait here while I retrieve my funds. I dont want you to get sick. "

Hagrid adorned an uncomfortable expression for a brief moment before saying with determination "Harry You dont have to worry about me. Its just these fast rides makes me feel uncomfortable but I can manage it. Moreover I too have to make a withdrawal."

Just as I thought. Hagrid will not leave me alone even for a minute. He really has been trained by one of the best stalker out there.

We both sat in the cart and a goblin named Griphook lead us towards my vault. Going inside I see a heap of gallons and some other items scattered here and there. There must be hundreds of thousands of gallons in it. This confirms that there is no concept of secondary vault and primary vault. This is all what the potter family is left with, which to be honest a lot. A wand is a very precious and expensive product and it costs only 7 gallons.

I took 5000 gallons in one coin pouch and secretly stuffed another pouch with 100 gallons.

"Harry take about 50 to 100 gallons, it will be sufficient for your use."

"Yes Hagrid, I only took 100 gallons with me." I assured him. I kept my keys in my pocket and we went to retrieve the stone.

Reaching there just as Hagrid went to collect it inside the vault I swiftly stuffed the note and that 100 gallons coin pouch in Griphook's hand. Now I can just pray that everything goes according to my plan.

Hagrid swiftly came out and we went back to the entrance.