

Evelyn just wanted to spend a memorable new year's eve with her boyfriend but he gave her a cold shoulder on such a special day. She was left heart broken by him. In such hard times, a stranger consoled her and saved her from being robbed. she thought him to be a good guy but... Is he really what he seems to be?

KTM_sisters_rock · ตะวันออก
20 Chs


As Evelyn drove to her home, her mind was still filled with thoughts of how to find a new investor. The dinner invitation by Dayun had totally slipped through her mind and suddenly, he called her. 

Dayun's call surprised her which made her heart beat fast. He reminded her of the dinner invitation. She hesitated but he convinced her to come. She couldn't say no. 

Evelyn knew that Dayun was a kind man but her mind wasn't ready to take the risk of going empty handed at his house. So, she put the pepper spray in her bag in case something would happen. 

After all, he was still a stranger in her eyes and she can't fully trust him yet.

Evelyn knocked at his door and he opened the door with a gentle and warm smile on his face.

He was wearing a kitchen apron and his face had some flour on it. His hair was messy but he looked..kinda cute. 

DAYUN: Ahh, finally you came (excited). I thought you just ignored my invitation. Well, come on in. The dinner is almost ready. I've prepared all the things that world suit your palor. (Guides her in and locks the door behind her)

EVELYN: (looks at the locked door) no, it's not like that. I got caught up in something. So the invitation slipped through my mind. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you (guilty)

DAYUN: "It's okay, Eve-chan. I understand. I'm just happy that you're here now. Please, let's not let anything ruin this evening. Dinner is ready, come and have a seat." (reassuring tone)

He took her to the hallway where a small table was set with chairs for 2 people to sit. 

The lights were slightly dimmed and a soothing R&B was playing in the background. He pulled the chair for her in a diligent way and made her sit across the dining table. 

DAYUN: Wait here.. I'll be back in just 1 min. (Excuses himself and excitedly goes in the kitchen)

His house seemed to be warm and cozy.. and filled with expensive furniture. ''His art is sure to be famous enough that he is earning too much from them.'', she thought to herself.

As Evelyn was looking around the house, Dayun came back with some dishes in his hand. He placed the food on the table and sat right in front of her. 

Eve noticed that he seemed to be different from the time he opened the door just a while ago. 

His hair was set and combed well. He had cleaned the flour on his face and had taken off the apron he was wearing earlier. He was looking good.

Her eyes moved to the dinner table. He had prepared spaghetti and radish kimchi with jajangmyeon ramen. He had also bought ice cream for dessert.

She was surprised to see that all these things were her favourite but she couldn't recollect when she even mentioned these in front of him. But that might be just a coincidence. So, she ignored it. 

DAYUN: Please help yourself before it gets cold. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I spent the whole afternoon cooking and preparing this dinner for us. But please judge the meal, not the process. (Laughs and Serves the food)

EVELYN: Thank you.. but there's no need to prepare so much. It's just a casual dinner. (Takes a bite) And you already took too much trouble for me. I'm really grateful. (Smiles)

DAYUN: "It's not trouble at all, Eve-chan. I usually eat alone but today, i get to cook for someone else. It's really heartwarming to see that someone enjoys the food you cook. It's like a special treat for me. (Looks at me taking a bite) So.. How is it? Is it to your liking? I can prepare something else real quick if you don't like it. Please don't hold back and eat to your full. (Smiles softly)

EVELYN: It's delicious. I'm really enjoying it. (Smiles and eats)

DAYUN: I'm glad you're enjoying it. (Watches her eat) You have to eat well and stay healthy. (Smiles affectionately)

EVELYN: Please, you have some too, Dayun-sshi (Serves him) It feels like I'm going to finish everything before you could even start. (Laughs lightly)

DAYUN: It's alright, Eve-chan. I don't eat much anyway. (Smiles) My appetite is usually not that great. (Goes on eating) So tell me, how's your day? Are you adjusting fine without your boyfriend? (Concerned)

EVELYN: yeah! Everything is good now. I was such a fool to think that the breakup would make my life difficult but I realised that it's better to break free from a toxic relationship rather than dragging it. I have no regrets and.. my mind is at peace now. (Smiles)

DAYUN: I'm glad to hear that. Toxic relationships can be suffocating and it takes a lot of courage to break free from them. I'm happy that you have found peace and happiness again. You deserve it.

EVELYN: I also wanted to thank you, Dayun-sshi, that you were there with me in my hard times otherwise..I wouldn't be able to face Alan. 

DAYUN: "You don't have to thank me, Eve-chan. I'm just glad that I could support you in any way.'' (Smiles warmly)

They were talking at the dining table, pulling away their whole day's tension. Meanwhile, a phone call on Dayun's mobile interrupted their conversation. 

It was from a dealer who wanted to buy his latest painting. Dayun discussed the details of the painting and arranged a meeting with the buyer. 

DAYUN: Excuse me, Eve chan (takes up the call) It's Dayun Shin. Yes, that portrait belongs to me. I'm glad you appreciate my work. (Smiles) The price is a bit too low for my liking but I can negotiate if you're interested. (Casually but confidently) What? Flight in the evening? Hmm..Then you can come to my office tomorrow at 9 am and we can make a deal there. Kk then, have a good day. (Hung up the call) 

Eve was listening to his business deals and waiting for him to hang up the call.

EVELYN: Your paintings.. seem to be quite in demand. 

DAYUN: I'm not famous. Just talented. And I don't do it for fame, I do it to express myself. Anything for money? It's just a bonus. (Smirks) 

EVELYN: Being an artist is a great way to make a living rather than sweat and slave at a gaming company. You even make a ransom amount of money with enjoying creating your art. (Raises her eyebrows and looks around) That's impressive! 

DAYUN: I don't believe in living a conventional life. Art is my passion and my escape, I don't do it for the money. The money is just an added bonus. Do what you love, right?

''It's easy to say when you are rich'', she thought to herself. 

But if he's such a big deal, then why bother to live in such a shabby place. Her curiosity was increasing with each passing minute and at last, she gathered up the courage to ask him.

EVELYN: Dayun-sshi..., I'm just curious to know why you are living in a place like this built in an isolated area with small apartments when you have enough money to afford a villa of your own. You could ignore it.. if it's because of some personal reasons.

DAYUN: No, it's nothing personal. I believe in live art. So, I have to randomly switch places in order to get inspiration for my new art pieces. It's troublesome but worth it for my paintings. This time, i was in the need of a middle class region and this site seemed to be perfect. It's just a coincidence that you became my neighbour but I'm glad to have a sweet neighbour like you (smiles) 

EVELYN: (blushes a little) I.. I see. That's really unique but.. nice (smiles)

''Is it the only reason he has shifted here as my next door neighbour. Is it really just a coincidence or am I being too suspicious? I guess I misunderstood him.'' , She was feeling guilty. 

Suddenly, A message from Maxwell popped on the screen of her phone which made her come out of her thoughts. ''Eve, i have talked to the director today and he gave us 2 days to find an investor for our game. I know..it's hard but. don't worry. We will find a way somehow🥲 ''

Evelyn felt overwhelmed by Maxwell's message. The deadline for finding an investor was too short and the pressure was building up. 

She knew that she had to put all her focus into finding a solution or else her job would be at stake. 

Under that turmoil, she failed to see that Dayun had already noticed her gloomy face.