

Evelyn just wanted to spend a memorable new year's eve with her boyfriend but he gave her a cold shoulder on such a special day. She was left heart broken by him. In such hard times, a stranger consoled her and saved her from being robbed. she thought him to be a good guy but... Is he really what he seems to be?

KTM_sisters_rock · ตะวันออก
20 Chs


That voice was familiar enough for Evelyn to recognise the person but the problem was how she was going to face them. 

She turned around in shock and became pale after seeing Amelia standing in front of her.

Her heart was beating rapidly as she tried to come up with an excuse. Amelia had always been protective and intuitive, she would see right through her lies.

Evelyn just hoped that she wouldn't ask too many questions.

EVELYN: A.. Amy? (Surprised but nervous) W.. what are you doing here? 

AMELIA: I must be the one asking you that. What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be out of town right now? And who's he? the client you were busy with? (Raises her eyebrows in anger and suspicion)

EVELYN: Amy.. i.. i can explain. Please give me a chance. (Panicking)

AMELIA: (skeptical) Explain what? (Crosses her arms) It seems like something fishy is going on (looks intensely at Dayun) and you're not telling me the truth. Don't you know you can't keep secrets from me, pie? (Disappointed yet determined)

Eve didn't expect Amelia to come to the cafe out of the blue. Things were getting out of control. 

She needed to explain the situation to Amelia and clear the misunderstandings before it was too late. But first she needed some privacy with her. So, she decided to see off Dayun first. 

EVELYN: (takes a long sigh and turns to Dayun) Dayun-sshi, I think I'll be staying here for a little longer. Please you go first. And thank you so much for today (bows politely)

DAYUN: "Are you sure? I can wait for your friend to leave." (His tone is calm and curious, with a hint of concern towards her)

EVELYN: Yes, please you leave first. I'll catch up with you next time. 

DAYUN: "Alright, Eve-chan. if that's what you want. But be careful. I'll call you later." (Gives Amelia a suspicious look and turns to leave)

Amelia watched Dayun leave with a suspicious gaze before turning her attention back to Evelyn. 

Eve could see the disappointment and concern on her face. Determined, Amelia asked her for the whole truth, refusing to leave until she got it.

AMELIA: "Eve, I've known you since we were in diapers. I know when you're hiding something from me. Now tell me everything. Who was that person? Is he bothering you in any way? Tell me babe, why did you lied? (serious and concerned)

EVELYN: (feels guilty) Amy, it's nothing like that. He is the new investor of my game. We have a very professional relationship. I lied as I didn't want you to misunderstand anything. 

AMELIA: (narrows her eyes) This doesn't seem to be the whole truth. Eve, You think I'm studying criminal law just for a show. You can't fool me with your alibi... (Frowns) There's still something to the story, right? How come you two seem to be so comfortable with each other like you are already acquainted. And the way he addressed you was also informal. 

EVELYN: (determined) trust me Amy, he's just a client and yes, he is an acquaintance but..we are not as close as you think we are. 

AMELIA: But I saw the way he touched your hand and whispered in your ear. That's not how a professional relationship looks like. Is he a friend?.. a colleague? If it's like that then why do you need to hide your relationship with him? 

EVELYN: (irritated) what's gotten into you today? Why are you so persistent? (takes a deep sigh) Amy.. listen i-

AMELIA: You are the one who's acting strange today and I need to know what forced you to hide him from me. I'll not listen to anything else except truth.. and this time, the whole truth. (Persistent)

Feeling overwhelmed with her persistence, Eve finally gave in and told Amelia the whole truth about Dayun.

As she recounted her interactions with him and the strange bond that seemed to have formed between them, Amelia's expression changed from concern to worry. 

EVELYN: So, that's the whole story. Dayun is just a stranger who met me on the night of the breakup and now, is my neighbour. 

AMELIA: This is insane, Eve. Why would you have to rely on a stranger. You should have just called me that day. Why didn't you told me before? 

EVELYN: Don't worry Amy. He's not like the other guys. He's really nice and kind. He didn't harm me in any way that night and even helped me out many times. 

AMELIA: But babe, he's still a stranger. You can't trust him just because he helped you once. What if he has ulterior motives? You should be more careful, you know I worry about you.

EVELYN: I know..you care for me more than anyone else. And any guy wouldn't dare to hurt me if I had you by my side. (Laughs and hugs her) I'm really sorry for lying today. 

AMELIA: (pouts) No, I can't forgive you so easily. You literally broke my heart. 

EVELYN: Amy.. Plse don't act like that. I promise I'll never hide anything from you in future. 

AMELIA: Okay! But only on one condition. You better keep that promise of yours and tell me right away if that guy troubles you, okay. (Hugs) Now, Let's grab a bite. You really worked me up today. 

EVELYN: Ahh..Sorry, I forgot to congratulate you on the completion of your thesis and also forgive me for spoiling your mood. By the way, what is the topic of your thesis? (With Curious eyes)

AMELIA: well, it's a felony general...Uhhm... How should I say it..yah! Something about serial killers. I'm currently conducting a research on their behaviour and psychology. Sounds interesting, right? 

EVELYN: hm.. it's kinda odd.. but nice. (Smiles and teases her)

After ending their hot argument, they walked out of the coffee shop, Amelia still fuming a bit but ultimately forgiving her. 

As they walked down the street, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her unwavering friendship. They hung out for some time and then she dropped her off at her office. 

Eve was feeling kind of uneasy to face Alan but had to gather up the courage to go to her floor. 

As she entered the office, she felt a sense of unease washing over her. Her interactions with Alan had always been tense and awkward, but now after their messy breakup, it was even worse. 

Realising that she was out of options, she gathered up the courage to face him but as she reached her cubicle, she was relieved to see that Alan was not there.

She looked around in confusion to know the whereabouts of Alan and then 

saw Maxwell coming in her direction.

Maxwell approached her with a warm smile and a cup of coffee, silently indicating that he knew she needed it.

MAXWELL: Hey Eve, I saw you coming in. Are you okay? You look a little tense. Here, I got you your favorite drink. 

EVELYN: Thanks Max... Do you know where Alan might be right now? 

MAXWELL: Alan? I saw him leaving in a hurry earlier. He looked pretty upset. Did something happen between you two? Sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

EVELYN: No.. It's Nothing serious. I just asked out of curiosity after not seeing him in his usual place. (smiles)

MAXWELL: Just remember, you don't have to put up with any nonsense from him. (Excitedly) Anyways, you really did an incredible job today by bringing in the investor. How did you manage to find a wealthy investor like that. Director was really on the 9th cloud today (laughs).. good work, Eve (smiles)

Eve didn't want to repeat what happened earlier between Amelia and her. So, she decided not to lie again. 

EVELYN: He.. just happened to be my neighbour. And he was eager to help after hearing me out. 

MAXWELL: Oh really? That's lucky. (smirks) But hey, you deserve all the credit for sealing the deal. I've always admired your determination and hard work. Keep it up, Eve. And don't let anyone dim your shine.

The day flew by as she worked diligently on her tasks with soft music going on in her earphones, and Maxwell popping in occasionally to check on her. She packed up to leave for the day.

Evelyn drove to her building but as she reached there, she saw a shadow lurking around her apartment. She tried to get a closer view by taking slow steps towards the door but saw no one there. 

She took a glance at the next door (Dayun's house) which was still locked. ''It seems like he's still out at work.'' she mumbled to herself. 

Thinking of it as the part of her imagination, she unlocked the door of her apartment and entered the house after locking it behind her. 

As she settled in for the night, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. But she thought that she was just hallucinating due to over-exertion from work and went straight to her bed. 

But after reaching her bedroom, she gasped in horror as she saw someone standing near the window. 

He was not clearly identifiable but his features were visible in the moonlight, and his face was covered with a dark hood. 

She was terrified and tried to scream but he seized her mouth and backed her against the bed. Her mind stopped working.

Her heart was racing as she struggled against the intruder, kicked him in the abdomen and screamed for help. 

He groaned in pain which gave her some time to act. She tried to escape but he was strong enough to have her pinned down against the wall. 

EVELYN: W.. what do you want? 

INTRUDER: Well well well, looks like someone is getting a bit too much attention these days. (chuckles) I must say, despite the messy breakup, you still haven't lost your charms. (smirks)