
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

this is not a reincarnation thing

Fuqyou · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Season 2 episode 1: Gotham state penitentiary

The courtroom crackled with tension as Sincere, his hands restrained by cold, unforgiving handcuffs, stood stoically at the table. Through the dimly lit room, illuminated by occasional flashes of lightning, a storm raged outside, mirroring the turmoil within.

The judge, draped in a somber black robe, cleared his throat and firmly addressed Sincere. The weight of the accusation hung heavy in the air as he recited the charges. "On the count of 1st degree murder in a criminal offense on Lazlo Valentin, how do you plead?"

Time seemed to stand still as every eye turned towards Sincere. His gaze, once filled with warmth and humanity, now held an unsettling darkness. Pitch black eyes with white irises stared back, unyielding and enigmatic. It was as if his very soul had been consumed by shadows, leaving only a haunting presence behind.

Sin looked up and breathed in and out. "Guilty your honor." He muttered just enough for everyone to hear. "And on the count of interfering in a police investigation, how do you plead?" The judge looked at the papers waiting for a response. "Guilty your honor." Sin responded and adjusted his cuffs. "Finally on the brutal assault of Casey Thomas, Edward Smith and Alex Brown how do you plead?"

Sincere heard many whispers such as, "He's no hero.", "Maybe he was working for Pyg.", "Everyone and their mom thinks they can be heroes now." Which made him look down before he muttered. "Guilty." The courtroom was filled with gasps and murmurs as Sin's guilty pleas echoed through the room. The judge, taken aback, paused for a moment before continuing. "Very well, the court will take your pleas into consideration. The sentencing will be held at a later date."

As Sin was led away, the whispers grew louder. The once revered hero was now seen as a villain, a criminal who had betrayed the trust of the people. The news of his guilty pleas spread like wildfire, causing shock and disbelief among the citizens of Gotham.

Back at the penitentiary, Sin was thrown into his cell. He sat on the cold, hard floor, his mind racing. He had willingly accepted his fate, but the reality of his situation was starting to sink in. He was no longer a hero, but a criminal. His actions had consequences, and he was now paying the price.

2 months later

Sin walked with a jumpsuit and clothes in his hand with two guards on each side. He was led to a small room, where a man well none other than Bruce Wayne was sitting down in a suit and was waiting for him. The man, a lawyer appointed by the court, looked at Sin with a mix of pity and curiosity. "Sincere, I've been assigned to your case," he said, extending a hand towards Sin.

Sin looked at the man's hand but didn't take it. Instead, he sat down on the chair opposite the lawyer and placed the clothes on the table. "I don't need a lawyer, and especially not some random one like you." he said, his voice cold and detached, not knowing who his lawyer really was.

Taken aback, Bruce tried to reason with him. "Sincere, you're facing serious charges. You need legal representation."

Sin looked at the lawyer, his pitch-black eyes unblinking. "I've already pleaded guilty. What's the point of a lawyer now, I hurt my friends now I pay the price, isn't that what a real hero does?" he asked, his tone devoid of any emotion. "Just let me do my final heroic act." He said with a empty smile.

The lawyer sighed, realizing that Sin had accepted his fate. He left the room, leaving Sin alone with his thoughts.

As Sin sat in the room, he thought about his friends and how they were being treated in the hospital. But most of all, he thought about his transformation. The power that had once made him a hero, now deemed him a villain. He looked at his hands, the same hands that had once saved lives, now accused of taking one.

He was no longer Count Chocula, the hero. He was Sin, the criminal. And as he sat in the cold, lonely room, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choice. But deep down, he knew. He had done what he thought was right. He had made a choice, and he was ready to face the consequences, no matter how dire they might be.

As he was led back to his cell, he looked at the jumpsuit in his hand. It was a stark reminder of his new reality. He was no longer a free man. He was a prisoner, bound by the chains of his own actions. He laid down, planning to get some rest and closed his eyes. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and was introduced with a loud voice. "Hi roomie!!" A boy with ebony skin, black locks with pink tips, with a rather small figure and he appeared to have just gotten out of a shower as he did not have any clothes on besides a towel. Sin sat up and bowed his head. "Wassup." He muttered and sat up, rubbing his face. "Wow, lucky me to be roomed in with a real vigilante. I heard you worked with Batman, is that true?" The boy asked with an amazed tone while getting dressed behind Sin. "I'm no superhero, just a murderer." Sin said to the boy and walked out of his cell and unfortunately for him the boy followed. "I'm Teddy, Teddy Lone!" When the boy said his name, wolf whistles and chuckles were heard from the inmates who were either eating, playing cards or working out.

"You can see I'm pretty popular around here." Teddy said cockily with a mischievous grin. Sin walked past the shirtless buff men and began doing pull ups. "Don't care." Sin grunted with his eyes clothed while doing workouts.

The area got quiet and everyone froze when everyone saw a group of guys walking. "Shit." Teddy muttered and kept his head down as the group walked towards him. "Hey Teddy." The man who seemed to be the leader said and puts his hand on Teddy's shoulder. He had scars on his body, a strong physique and tattoos on his face. "H-hello Travis." Teddy said with a stutter as his body shook.

As Travis was about to begin talking again he and his gang heard creaking noises behind them, it was Sin, who was still working out. "Ain't this some crazy stuff huh? Superman here must be deaf or something." Travis said, causing his whole gang to burst out in laughter. Sin jumped down off the pull up bar and sat down getting ready to do curls. "I'm talking to you, pyg." Travis kicked Sin off the bench and said with a chuckle. "Stop!" Teddy yelled but was then slapped by one of Travis's members. "Shut up, twink! Looks like we gotta teach Superman a lesson."

Sin laid on the concrete and sighed. "Look at this guy trying to be cool, get him." Travis orders his gang to beat up Sin. "Ha! You think you can handle someone who beat up killer croc?!" Teddy said with enthusiasm as he was about to finally watch his hero in action.

Sin, however, didn't move. He remained on the ground, his eyes closed, as if he was in deep thought. The gang members looked at each other, confused. "What's wrong, hero? Too scared to fight?" Travis taunted, kicking Sin again. But Sin didn't react. He just laid there, taking the blows without a word.

Teddy watched in disbelief as his hero was beaten up without putting up a fight. He felt a surge of anger and disappointment. "Fight back, Sin! You're a hero!" he shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears. Sin didn't move. He didn't fight back. He just laid there, taking the beating.

After a while, the gang members got bored and left, leaving Sin alone on the ground. Teddy rushed to his side, tears streaming down his face. "Why didn't you fight back, Sin? You could have taken them down easily!" he cried.

Sin slowly sat up, his face bruised and bloody. He looked at Teddy with his pitch-black eyes and said, "I'm not a hero, Teddy. I'm a criminal. And criminals don't fight back. They take their punishment."

Teddy was taken aback by Sin's words. He didn't understand. He couldn't understand. To him, Sin was a hero. He was someone who stood up for what was right, someone who fought against injustice. But now, he was just a broken man, accepting his fate without a fight. "One of these days Sin, you'll find your spark, and you'll be able to get us out of here." Teddy said as he laid in his bed. Sin coughed and wrapped up his wombs then laid in bed. "I take it you're the jail twink, is that right, Travis must take advantage of you?" Sin said and turned to face the wall. Teddy blushed, looking away. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, but his voice lacked conviction. "Why are you in here anyways?" Sin asked with a cough. "It's a long story." Teddy muttered and covered his face. "You're 18 right? You're only one year younger than me? How'd you get involved with prostitution?" Sin asked with a mutter and groaned from the earlier fight. "H-how'd you-? That has nothing to do with you!" Teddy turned to face the wall and went to sleep. "Just let me rot in here." Sin muttered to himself and pulled out a picture of him, Casey and Bloodshot and hung it up with a piece of gum.