
Chapter 9

“Don’t get your panties in a twist. I vote we go get some food, wait until at least an hour past sundown maybe more, and have a little nose around the outside before we make a final decision,” Kurt said.

“I noticed that food was first on that agenda.”

“I’m hungry.”

“Per usual.”

“We passed a place on the way over here that was advertising tepsi baytinijanas their special of the day,” Kurt said.

“It figures your fluency in Arabic mostly extends to reading food signs.”

“Be logical. It is way too risky to even think about doing any more than a walk around the building in the daylight.” Kurt pointed through the window. A car pulled up close to one of the building entrances and a man got out carrying a box. “See? Too much traffic. But, it’s pushing toward 1800 and chances are that means whatever pretense at legit business will knock off soon. We just need to kill a little time.”

“Fine. You’re buying.”

Kurt smirked. 4

“This is good tepsi,” Kurt commented, with his mouth half-full.