
Chapter 46

When he stretched out on the bed, Maggie knelt at his hip and laid her own leg across his butt, lifting his leg and folding his knee so his heel was near his ass.

“Breathe in, and push on my hand a little,” she said. “Now breathe out and try to relax it. Again.” Slow, steady pressure stretched out the knotted muscle.

It helped. And he wanted to bury his face on the pillow in embarrassment. Talk about a mood killer.

“Better?” she asked.


Maggie slowly let go of his leg and took advantage of her position to pet his butt. “Mmm, very nice.” She twisted around so that she was no longer pinning him with one leg, and Kurt felt her teeth close lightly on one butt cheek. “Think of it as just a time out for planning the next down.”

Kurt had to laugh. “Did you just make a sports analogy?”

“I’ll have you know I grew up in the DC area. I’ve been watching Redskins football most of my life,” Maggie said.

Kurt rolled over. “This is Chargers territory, baby doll.”