
Halloween Dance 3/?

As I get my back to my house I realize the door was unlocked so carefully I pulled out a dagger from my waist and silently entered. But what made me confused was that as soon as I entered I saw a man sitting on the couch not bothering to hide himself at all. However he had a mask and a voice changer which was smart as I won't be able to recognize him.

Mars: Who are you

Unknown: You should know me

Mars: Stop kidding or I'll kill you here and now

Unknown: Then you better try your hardest sonny boy

Mars gets into a position of Krav Maga and steadily eases himself so that if the man catches him off guard with a secret weapon then he will be able to catch him. He throws the knife at the man aiming at his forehead but the man tilts his head by millimeter dodging it. Mars then frowns as he thinks this guy has some experience he needs to be careful as you should never underestimate the enemy as one point of carelessness could lose your life. As soon as Mars threw the knife he dashed at him and tried to flying kick him to break the mans rhythm by using the knife as a distraction. But the man dodges and lands a kick to the thigh which causes some damage to Mars but not serious damage. Mars proceeds to get into a kickboxing stance and throws two jabs at the speed naked to the eye landing them and going for a straight however the man blocks it and lands a blow to his stomach. But at the same time the man threw the punch Mars went to knee the mans liver to disrupt his movement. Both punch and knee land but in an instant Mars recovers and goes for the uppercut which lands accurately and perfectly on the chin as they contained speed power and momentum from the legs to the waist up. This disorientates the man as Mars could see he was tumbling and Mars instantly grapples him. He was on Top Mount but changed position to side control and put the man in the Kimura lock.

Mars: Who sent you

Unknown: Nobody I found you on my own accord

Mars: Do you want to die slowly or quickly

Unknown: Tang Soo Do (Whispers)

Mars: How do you know

Unknown: ...

Mars: Spit it out quick or I'll show no mercy

Unknown: Well done Mars (reverts back to normal voice)

Mars: Sen sensei Kreese

Kreese: Me in the flesh

Mars: How did you know I lived here

Kreese: I did tracking when I was the special forces in Nam

Mars: So that's how well Sensei if you didn't show your identity sooner I would've killed you

Kreese: As you should because Tang Soo Do is about striking first striking hard and showing no mercy

Mars: How about we talk for a bit sensei

Kreese: Sure

Time flashes by as it reaches 5

Mars: Well Sensei I need to prepare as I've got a date for the Halloween dance

Kreese: Well done sonny but it's time for me to leave as well

Mars: You can stay if you'd like

Kreese: No no no I already have a place to stay at don't worry about it

Mars: Alright then Sensei but here's my number in case you need me (hands number on paper)

Kreese: I will keep it in mind son (heads to the door)

Mars: See you around Sensei

Kreese: (Waves hand without looking back)

Well I better get to the shower and get niced up for this party and my date.