
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

It's Called Surprise Adoption

[Sayuri POV]

'Should be here...' I thought to myself as I perched upon a tree branch and looked around the area.

I spotted a nearby cave and activated my Sharingan to get a better look at the surrounding area.

Nothing, in particular, occurred for a few moments before I noticed a boy with vibrant blond hair exit the cave.

My eyes narrowed, 'Is this Naruko's kid? He looks a bit too old...' I thought to myself dubiously.

I sneakily approached closer to the cave and watched closely as the strange boy stared at the air blankly.

Exactly what is he doing? Did he notice me, perhaps?

"Oh, fuck yeah!" The boy suddenly shouted, startling me slightly as I concealed myself further within the tree leaves.

I stayed perfectly silent, still trying to observe the child's routine out of a mere sense of curiosity.

At this point, it was blatantly clear that he was Akuto, the boy I was supposed to take away. Whether it be the recognizable blond hair, the pair of blue eyes, or the familiar brashness.

However, waiting just the slightest bit longer would most likely prove advantageous instead of immediately grabbing him.

Soon enough, I spotted the boy swipe uselessly at the air and turn back to the cave, "Hey, Mitsuki, I'll be back soon!"

My eyes widened slightly in surprise, 'Mitsuki? Isn't that the snake's child?' I thought to myself with suspicion.

'Why would Naruko's son be so far out with that child...?' I asked within my mind as the blond child began to walk into the forest.

I was observing him rather closely, thinking about where he was about to go, but the next thing I saw caused me to gain a completely befuddled expression.

After a few steps, Akuto's entire body fluctuated with a slight glow before completely vanishing from sight.

'Invisibility? That's like the second Tsuchikage... But how would he have that...?' I thought, completely confused as another surprise was given.

Looking closer, I could see small streams of some sort of white substance rhythmically attaching to tree branches and swinging.

Presumably, those lines were coming from the invisible body of Akuto.

After a moment of confusion, I snapped out of it and then quickly concentrated on my left eye.

Not even a moment later, my vision expanded, my sight cleared, and the invisible child was revealed to me.

"There you are..." I mumbled lowly as I swiftly followed behind the quick-swinging boy.

A few seconds later, I noticed the boy land on a tree branch and soon also took notice of the land being caked in blood and bodily matter.

'Seems there was some sort of fight here... Not too long ago as well...' I noted to myself as I observed the boy lower his arm--

Wait-- his arm. I hadn't been paying much attention to it, but I now notice that most of his right arm was completely black in colour.

It also had a different texture, was clawed, and looked to be made of a strange substance.

The arm became even more mysterious in my eyes upon seeing the blood on the ground being absorbed by it.

I narrowed my eyes and dropped to the ground quietly, 'What the hell is up with your kid, Naruko?'

I had only seen the boy a few times other than now and that was from afar as well as when he was a little boy.

In the span of a few years, this kid had grown to look like an older teenager, gain a multitude of mysterious abilities, and have an odd arm formed of some kind of goop.

I couldn't wrap my head around what was going on with this kid. Overall, it was incredibly suspicious.

Therefore, I should most likely take him away unconscious, and unable to do anything.

It would be a bad idea to bring this suspicious boy out of the village with full awareness. It would be best to bring him sleeping.

"Damn, almost forgot about that. The arm can hold stuff..." Akuto mumbled with a smile as I narrowed my eyes.

Jotting down that small bit of information in my mind, I began trailing behind Akuto who was walking along a long trail of blood.

Eventually, the trail cut short and I curiously watched Akuto walk back and forth in anxiety,

He sat down and I sighed in annoyance, 'No more dawdling. I should probably get to it now...' I thought to myself as I slowly walked forward in a focused manner.

The moment I thought of going after the boy, I noticed his body freeze, as though he noticed me.

'Impossible...' I thought doubtfully as my expression changed into one of concentration and I suddenly dashed forward.

I spotted him grip his head painfully as I got closer.

Unexpectedly, Akuto immediately turned to face me, "Who is--!?" However, I dashed even faster and then grabbed the boy from the ground.

Before Akuto had the chance to do anything, I gave him a firm chop to the neck and he immediately passed out.

"Off we go..." I muttered impassively as I coated myself in chakra and then bolted forward.

And after a short moment of running, I and the boy vanished far into the depths of the forest.

However, there was one thing that I failed to notice when I grabbed the boy, one tiny, almost unnoticeable thing.

Back at the spot where I grabbed the boy, there was a small white snake observing closely before slithering back to a cave.






[An Hour Later...]

The peaceful sounds of nature echoed through the thin forest as I swiftly ran directly through it.

After another couple minutes of running, I felt the body I was holding tense up and I slowed down to a stop.

I dropped Akuto's body onto the ground and waited a few moments as he remained perfectly still.

As he pretended to be sleeping, I noticed something rather strange that was different from what I'd learned previously.

Instead of his right arm being a black, slimy, clawed arm, it was instead covered by a similarly black glove.

Was the arm I saw back then something else? No, I observed it up close, and he himself even acknowledged it.

"I know you're awake," I stated shortly as Akuto cracked open an eyelid and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That shit never works..." He mumbled almost inaudibly as my eyes narrowed disapprovingly in regard to his language.

'He is just a child. I shouldn't think of him as a man as of yet,' I thought to myself as I watched Akuto sit up straight and yawn.

I gained a confused expression as Akuto's eyes landed on me and he gained an expression that had "I knew it" written all over it.

However, I was even more confused by how he suddenly just stopped moving and seemed to be thinking something rather long to himself.

I watched curiously as Akuto's face shifted between surprise and irritation before he flinched with a pained expression.

My eyes remained observant as Akuto shook his head dizzily for a couple of moments before turning to me.

I could practically feel the irritation radiating from his narrow-eyed gaze.

Makes sense that this boy is Naruko's son. From his appearance to his mannerisms in general, he reminds me a lot of her when she was younger.

He dipped his head and sighed painfully, "Fuck..." He mumbled, rubbing his forehead tiredly.

"Language," I reprimanded almost on instinct as his head instantly shot up to face me with an offended expression.

He stared at me for a little while, looking like he was having a whole monologue about hating me to himself.

"Fuck you."

"Stop that, boy."

"Fucketh thou," He smiled tauntingly as I remained silent.

"Is the fucking emo fucking mad at the little fucking boy?" He spoke with a face of false fear.

I gave him a look of disdain as my frown deepened, my doubts about him now confirmed, 'He may be a kid, but he's still just like a man.'

His face looked irritatingly confident with his annoyed smile and self-satisfied look.

Though, the single most unnerving part about this whole thing was the strangely dark light that I noticed appeared and vanished suddenly within his eyes.

It was almost malevolent and cunning but still felt uncontrolled and chaotic. Like if you set a captive cat free into a playground of mice.

Like there was something breaking the gates of the mind and allowing this boy to fully let go of his restraints.

It was odd and would normally be unnoticeable if I wasn't already focusing on his every move with my Sharingan due to my earlier suspicion.

I didn't know how to describe the look, it was simply some small level of darkness that was worth suspicion from me.

Then again, you could say the same about most children in general. And it's made even excusable since it's from the mind of a Naruko's child.

And besides, it was nothing more than a fleeting sight that I could be overanalyzing due to a bias...

But still, I should be wary since he is a man and displaying signs of corruption, no matter how minuscule they are.

However, as I was expecting another taunt, I was unexpectedly greeted by calm words that seriously contrasted with his joking face.

"So um, you're Sayuri right? Naru-- Mom's... friend?" He spoke in a relaxed tone as I sighed, "Yes."

Suddenly, as I was wallowing in my own misery due to knowing I would be dealing with this kid, I noticed him shake his head and gain a much more innocent look.

"Hey listen, miss, I'm sorry for messing with you before. It's just that you kind of... y'know kidnapped me, so I was a bit upset..." He apologized as I hummed in consideration.

'He's... fine now...' I thought confusedly, "It's fine. But that doesn't matter, right now we need to get going."

He gained a confused face before realizing something and standing up immediately, "Where are we going...?"

"Away. For quite a bit," I muttered shortly as Akuto gained a deadpan look and began to follow behind me.

"Stay close and don't touch anything," I commanded forcefully as Akuto grumbled lowly and moved closer to me.

And then, the two of us began to walk down the grass trail with Akuto mumbling many barely-audible things to himself.

Minute after minute passed as the irritating sound of Akuto's mutters grated at my ears.

And then, roughly an hour of mental agony passed.

"Annoying... hungry..."

What's he mumbling about now? He hasn't stopped muttering for less than a second since we started walking.

"This little... well, guess again... Hmph..."

Is he having an imaginary argument with me? Is he truly so petty?

"I guess I could... she wouldn't taste good..."

I turned my head to him.

He stared at me. I narrowed my eyes. He didn't.

"You want to eat me...?" I questioned.

"Well, if I don't get food, I might just consider it," He spoke in frustration.

I gazed at him, slightly annoyed, for a moment before sighing once again and pinching the bridge of my nose... again.

"Fine, then. We walk for around an hour and there should be a small village where we can eat."

Akuto hummed lowly for a moment before shrugging in acceptance as we veered paths slightly and continued forward.

[30 minutes in...]

Akuto continued to stare at me very intensely. It was weird since it didn't seem like he was looking at me, but at something between us.

His face constantly changed between being impressed and being incredibly annoyed.

Meanwhile, I simply continued walking, watching for threats and keeping an eye on Akuto.

Overall, things were a bit simple at the moment and everything was almost perfectly normal and safe.

[1 hour in...]

"...face looks like someone tried to put out a forest fire with a screwdriver..."

Akuto's seemingly endless rant phased in and out of my perception as his never-ending anger consumed all.

"Please... can you be quiet for a few moments...?" I pleaded in annoyance as Akuto shrugged and closed his mouth.

A very minuscule smile crossed my lips gratefully as we sped up slightly and continued forward.

After a while of silence, I noticed Akuto glance around the area before concentrating before him and smiling.

I didn't pay much mind to it. After all, at this point, it seemed to just be his normal behaviour.

However, I slowed down as I felt Akuto's chakra heavily spike in panic with a slight mix of... fear?

I looked back for a moment and noticed that Akuto was once again staring in pure befuddlement at the air.

His eyes fluctuated rapidly as I noticed his arm's glove morph back into a clawed arm that writhed chaotically.

Suddenly, Akuto shouted painfully, "Aaargh!" he collapsed to the ground and his body convulsed disgustingly.

The skin near his right arm seemed to be deteriorating into a more lifeless, purple hue as black veins spread across it.

"Mgh...!" He groaned through grit teeth as his eyes individually bounced around chaotically

"Akuto? What happened?" I spoke calmly as I kneeled next to him and gripped his shoulder with a confused expression.

However, I immediately pulled my hand away as Akuto's clawed arm stretched back and tried clawing at it, causing a slight rupture in the air due to the force of it.

I took an offensive stance and rested my only arm on my sword's hilt as Akuto's eyes opened and had me shocked.

His eyes were changing. They kept going between black and white swirling liquid eyes, violet and silver flame eyes, some strange blue and black eye, and his normal eyes.

All of a sudden, a wave of chakra or some kind of energy holding multiple different odd auras also flooded out of him into a palpable aura of some kind.

I was immensely confused. Were those Dojutsu? If they are, how does he have them? And if they're not... What in the hell are they? And why was he currently writhing in agony, almost foaming at the mouth?

"Akuto, calm down, alright? Tell me what's happening..." I asked, approaching slowly as he panted heavily.

However, I immediately prepared myself as Akuto turned to look at me with an empty look of pain.

I turned on my Sharingan, "Calm down," I spoke forcefully as I stared into his eyes and tried to put him under the Sharingan's genjutsu.

Shockingly, the odd bright aura seemed to coat his mind and I felt my genjutsu be completely blocked.

All of a sudden, his black arm clenched tightly and attempted to smack me, only for me to dodge swiftly.

I gained a confused expression as Akuto's eyes seemed to be slightly glowing purple, "Agh!" He screamed.

Then his face stretched into a grateful smile.

And then, as I was prepared to potentially attack, I noticed all of that energy reign back in again and calm down.

His arm glowed slightly for a brief moment as a strange glow overcame him and exasperation filled me, 'What now...?'

I was fully expecting another explosion of chakra, only to be surprised as my Rinnegan picked up something strange emanating from him.

Focusing on observing the strange energy, my Rinnegan eventually revealed some kind of barely-visible aura coating Akuto's inner body and mind.

Before I could get a good look at it, it vanished from sight, as though never there.

Akuto fell onto his back and stared angrily into the air as I stood there, absolutely bamboozled.

Completely silent, I sat down with an expression of confusion, '...What in the actual hell just happened...?'

I turned to Akuto's exhausted self with an inquisitive expression, attempting to figure out this whole situation.