

All my life, I keep on finding a chance. A chance to leave a mark in this world we call Earth. Bequeathing a legacy outlasting death. I fear oblivion, as I hate the idea of not being remembered at all an unremembered casualty of this inglorious fight against disease.

"Damn!" I cursed.

I used to be an energetic teenage kid just like everybody else, joining in many events like sports but reality slapped me hard, really hard. I was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma when I was 17, a rare form of cancer in the eye which left me blinded in one eye and the other slowly deteriorating.

When all my hope is lost and I'm down. I discovered Anime. Yes, Anime is what kept me going forward. Like all the protagonists who kept advancing, their momentum doesn't stop despite all the dangers and adversities.

I was inspired by the heroes from those imaginary worlds which gave me the obsession of wanting to be remembered.

I said to myself, "Someday I'll do something meaningful before my pitiful time runs out."

"Crazy and delusional isn't it? Just like what they said, life isn't a wish granting factory."


"Attention to all passengers. We will be arriving shortly at Tokyo in approximately 1 hour."

"Alright, one hour to go!" Jahseh said excitedly.

Jahseh traveled to Japan from the Philippines because of the upcoming annual comic convention which will be held in Tokyo. He wants to see all his favorite characters and heroes and also meet famous figures like Masashi Kishimoto, Akira Toriyama, Eiichiro Oda, Kohei Horikoshi, Stan Lee and many more.

Suddenly the airplane shook badly. The unexpected movement alarmed Jahseh and the other passengers.

"Attention, please. We have just encountered clear-air turbulence, a common type of turbulence, so no need to panic." said the voice in the speaker.

Everyone's expression began to calm down after hearing the flight attendant's voice.

"Thank God!"

"I think that's not an ordinary turbulence."

"Woah! I thought that's the end of me." Jahseh said while laughing.


The one hour passed and they successfully landed without a hitch.


Jahseh blinking stretched his arms up then straightened his seat to prepare for landing. He checked his wristwatch then adjusted the time which now shows 9 pm.

"Looks like I'll sleep late due to the difference in time zone. Oh well, I'll just watch Anime till I drop." mumbled Jahseh.


Jahseh arrived at the hotel a couple of minutes ago and had just come out on the elevator. He walked straight to his room unpacked his luggage then opened his laptop.

"Oh! Today is the 11th episode of Boku no Hero Academia Season 3! All Might vs. All for One!" He scrolled then found the latest episode and played it.

"Fudgeeee! United States of Smash!!! Undeniably one of the best episodes of 2018 on par with Naruto and Sasuke vs. Momoshiki!" Jahseh kept screaming triggering his inner fanboy.

"It's too rare when I get happy like this." He watched and surfed the web until he fell asleep.


The sun is shining brightly through the gap in the curtains of a window which landed in his face.

"Arghh." Jahseh grumbled then opened his eyes.

"I should get ready for the comic-con which will start at 10 am." He looked at the clock in the window and it showed the time 8:10.

He scratched his back and yawned then he went to the comfort room. While walking, he accidentally got his right pinky toe bumped in the foot of the bed.

"Arghhh! Damn it! The struggle of being blind in one eye is so damn real." Jahseh cursed sarcastically while holding his right foot massaging his right toe while jumping from pain. He is used to being alone that's why when his grandparents asked to invite someone to accompany him he declined. His grandparents can't come because they're too old for traveling while his father has another family.

After calming down, he walked to the restroom "again" carefully where he did his "business", showered and brushed his teeth. After some time, he put some clothes, took his medicines, and groomed himself. Before he went out, he double checked himself in the mirror.

"Yosh! I think everything is ready now." He stated with a smile on his face while posing.

"Now I need to go to the event. I still have 30 minutes before it starts. He gives one final glance to the clock then went out. "

It only took a few seconds to reach the ground floor, and as it did, the doors began to open. Seeing the door open, Jahseh quickly but carefully rushed.

The noise outside greeted him. The sidewalk is basically crowded full of pedestrians because of the event. He hailed a taxi got in and listened to some music.


Pardon me for the grammar or spelling mistakes if there's any. It's not my native language. I'm open for crtics and suggestions. Thank you!

Wxlliamcreators' thoughts