
In Avatar As The Earth Monarch

In his last life Elijah was an ambitious man, he exceeded in some of the most dangerous martial arts Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Krav Marga, joined the Royal Marines as a officer at 23 along with opening his own Dojo at 27. But like most things... he came to an end. He was murdered by dirty cops but unlike the adult years of his life he died helpless, scared and alone. Yet fortunate for him he had a second chance. What do you think an ambitious person would do with the potential to lift mountains, tear monumental ravines or collapse cities? A/N: He will be reincarnated into Avatar the last air bender with minor knowledge. He will also be the son of King Bumi I don't own any characters or character designs apart from my oc's

Nihility111 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Read This First


"this" will be speech

'this' will be a characters thoughts

-this- will be a change of pov

The main cast (Sokka Katara Aang Azula Toph and Zuko will be aged 6-8 years along with side characters like jet)

Mc will be reincarnated into the body of King Bumi's only child.

When manipulating Chi to enhance bending the Element will become much stronger for e.g. Enhanced dirt/earth will be able to withstand explosions that can destroy buildings made of a harder material and will be much more powerful than normal earth, in this example the durbaility of the earth will depend on how powerful the bender is.

Bending/Chi will be much more destructive and powerful for e.g. side characters like general zhao will be as strong as full power avatar state aang in the tv show and the bending monarchies across the world will be dozens of times stongerthan that. (Bumi, Ozia, Northern water tribe chieftan etc.)

All benders strength will increase directly proportional to eachother e.g. since Bumi & Toph are estimated to be relative to eachother in the show they will also be relative to eachother here.

There will be ZERO non benders or more specifically zero chi users, either a user will have bending powers along with the physical elemental resistances, supernatural endurance and super human physical characteristics granted to them or they will be stuck to just phsyical enhancments of chi. E.g. sokka being actually important.

For most of them they will only be slightly above average but higher end users like master piandao will be able to cleave through boulders with ease

Everything will be bigger, the size of continents, world populations, extra cities, oceans, islands etc. (As for the physics and how that would work scientifically with the gravity and allat idk man just role with it.)

There will be Oc's (spirits, humans etc.)

NO harem there will only be one ship

Please comment on the mistakes and give me ideas as the is my first novel just done be a jackass.