
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs


The snow stopped at some point.

With half of the grapes on the table eaten, Gu Lin noticed the snow outside had stopped, and a smirk appeared on his lips as he pulled out his phone.

Meanwhile, Gu Xue's attention remained fixed on the large screen across, watching the movie Gu Lin randomly played.

The movies were all downloaded by Gu Xue's nanny, and Gu Lin picked one casually.

They spent quite some time here, eating grapes and watching movies, chatting idly.

But now that the snow had stopped, Gu Lin had no more interest in chatting with Gu Xue.

He almost couldn't wait to open his phone because during the time the snow stopped, the signal on Earth had been restored.

Now, it was time to see how panicked those people on Earth were!

As expected, as soon as he opened the internet, there were rescue requests and various speculations flooding the feed, with some even suggesting an apocalypse.

"Oh my god, what happened outside at noon!"

"Where are the experts? Weren't they talking nonsense every day? Come out now!"

"Is the Earth going to be destroyed? The snow just stopped, and the unit doors can't open!"

"Where are those experts who like to talk? Why haven't they come out to answer people's questions?"

"Don't just call for experts, hasn't the government said anything?"

Seeing these comments, a scornful smile appeared on Gu Lin's lips.

Experts? Those who only know how to flap their mouths, I wonder if they've been escorted to some safe place by now?

In the face of this phenomenon, with an impending disaster looming, the country would naturally prioritize evacuating the most useful people!

Scientists, formidable doctors, academic leaders, and even their families, they were the first to be evacuated and protected.

As for ordinary people? They were left to fend for themselves in place!

Under the continuous disasters, if the local leaders cared a bit about the people, they might send people to distribute some relief supplies to the survivors after realizing what's happening.

But if the local leaders only cared about themselves… ordinary people wouldn't even find their bodies.

Gu Lin thought about what happened at this time in the previous life while continuing to browse the online information.

Finally, there was a signal, and almost everyone was trying to seek help in various ways, flooding the internet with information.

The term "apocalypse" quickly rose to the top of the search rankings.

It seemed like the government hadn't fully responded yet, as the apocalypse discussions lingered online for almost half an hour.

Gu Lin didn't find any useful information and just scrolled through the flood of comments under the apocalypse posts quietly.

He was still enjoying reading the exploding replies when the entire post suddenly disappeared.

And the account of the poster who posted about the apocalypse was also gone.

Tsk, looks like the government has finally woken up and started to control the narrative!

Gu Lin's lips curled up in a mocking smile, ignoring whether this post stayed or not, and continued to browse other information.

In less than five minutes, the government finally spoke up.

[Notification: Due to a stellar explosion affecting the entire solar system, Earth's signals and climate have been impacted to a certain extent. We urge all citizens to stock up on essential supplies before dawn tomorrow, prepare for long-term home confinement, refrain from going out unnecessarily, and await further rescue efforts from the country and the military!]

At the same time, this notification spread almost everywhere online, and every radio and TV station displayed the same message.

When the country acts, it's different; whatever message they want to convey spreads across the country in no time.

Just one afternoon passed, and people already knew the true cause of this celestial anomaly.

As for the part in the notification about "stocking up on essential supplies before dawn tomorrow"... the experts truly have remarkable abilities.

Gu Lin, with memories from his past life still somewhat vague, remembered that when dawn broke tomorrow, the world would be completely engulfed in ice.

The blizzard would last for half a month, during which the sky and earth would change colors, leaving only a vast expanse of white, and no living creature could freely roam in the snow.

Because the temperature will continue to drop, eventually plummeting straight to minus sixty degrees Celsius.

At this point, the country's directive for residents to stock up on essential supplies is akin to a signal.

A signal that says, "Figure out how to survive on your own!"

It seems tonight won't be peaceful, especially in places like supermarkets and warehouses.

There should be many ingenious people who will arrive first and claim the remaining supplies there.

After all, the country has hinted— for survival, one can "shop" for free!

Gu Lin remembers that in his past life, after Bai Weiwei saw this notification from the government , she also asked Gu Lin to go out and find supplies.

There was indeed a large warehouse-style supermarket near his villa, filled with good stuff because it was located near the wealthy area.

However, because Gu Lin had been worried about his sister all along and left home later, the supplies there had already been taken by those who arrived first.

Gu Lin relied on the combat skills taught by the military personnel sent by the country to fight his way out and stockpile quite a bit of essential supplies.

But this time, Gu Lin certainly wouldn't go out to loot things now.

It's freezing outside, isn't it better to eat fruits at home? It won't make much difference not going out now.

As long as he shows up when the soldiers come to distribute relief supplies later.

I wonder if there will be relief supplies here in the Zijing


Gu Lin browsed through online information for a while, then opened the app store out of boredom, taking advantage of the internet connection now to start downloading offline games.

What a mistake, being so preoccupied with having the nanny download all kinds of videos, variety shows, and movies from the entire internet, he actually forgot about offline games!

This is essential mental nourishment!

But there are only a few days left!

Just as Gu Lin was stocking up on his own spiritual food and enjoying himself, his usual phone vibrated.

It was a message from the nanny who had been hired to take care of Gu Xue:

[Qianxin: Boss, do you know anything about this strange celestial phenomenon and heavy snow?]

Seeing the words on the screen, Gu Lin's eyes instantly cooled down.

The light from the phone screen reflected the man's icy expression, and the corners of his lips, which had just carried a smile, also tightened.

Gu Lin didn't reply.

This woman is very clever.

But that's not a good thing.

A woman who is overly clever and knows some of his secrets.

Such a person, if not thoroughly understood, the best way, of course, is to get rid of her.

Only a dead person keeps secrets the best.

But she only asked this one question and hasn't come looking for him yet, so Gu Lin wouldn't go out looking for her now.

He also didn't know where she was. Ignoring the other messages on his phone, Gu Lin continued downloading things.

By the time morning comes, the signal will disappear again, only to return when the snow stops.

However, the signal recovery this time will still be fleeting, and it will be the last glimmer of hope on Earth.

Cherish every opportunity to stock up on spiritual nourishment!

Fortunately, the slow-downloaded video resources were already downloaded by the nanny before, so Gu Lin's downloads of offline games and novels were not large, and the download speed was very fast.

Nevertheless, he still spent several hours downloading. Almost all tablets and phones were packed to the brim.

Gu Lin was finally satisfied and stored these things in his storage space.

He intended to sleep, but as soon as his head touched the pillow, he suddenly remembered something!