
In another WORLD

Even after being there for him in his happy as well as hard time, i still can't touch his heart. It was as if we weren't meant to be together. He used me, mentally, emotionally and checked in and out of my heart like a hotel. Everybody kept telling me to stay away but you know the saying, heart wants what it wants. BUT, in another world,it was, maybe, my chance to .... have him,even for a small moment....but in that world I want to feel but cannot feel the same way about him. There's this person whome I can never imagine to fall for. There are some dark secrets also, cause fantasy cannot be real withour sacrifices.

medusawas_innocent · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Same story

"Onima can you please for one day behave as a normal senior school kid. Today you are supposed to go on a school trip and despite that you're not ready yet." Mom yelled.

I could hear her voice from downstairs but you know the felling when you exactly know what is important and you should do it but don't have the strength and motivation to do so. Yup that's exactly was what i was feeling.

I'm not always like this, bht I'm the heart and soul of this universe, umm got carried away a little bit but yup it is how it is. I'm happy, cheerful maybe sometime overexcited. But as every gen z kid growing as a brown kid in India knows that you can't be at all depressed in Indian households, otherwise your parents will just say,"it's all because of phone and you need to have some discipline in your life." And... .nobody wants that. The reason I'm like this is... "Oni, if I've to yell one more time then the consequences won't end well". I can't even think about my problems. Somebody take me away from here.

I grabbed my suitcase, that wasn't at all packed so I threw some of clothes and washed my face and applied did light eye makeup and concellor,lip tint and I'm ready. Hair?? bun will do.

Yes I'm fake, because I wasn't born pretty but bullied into it.

As I reached downstairs, Mahir was having breakfast. My heart skipped an ache. Yes, i cannot at all allow my heart to skip a beat cause then it wil end more painfully. I acted as I would on seeing him.

"Goodmorning, and we are late for a school trip, I didn't expected that from you, you were the one who told me yesterday to be ready at 7 and nor it's 7:30". he said chewing his bread.

Mahir and I were friends, maybe more than that, for me.

He came to me and I laughed the conversation out and threw an arm over his shoulder and said, I'm the show stopper and I should be entering at last. we'll make it...

He looked at me and then picked my suitcase and went outside.

"Enjoy your trip and comb your hair please." mom said. Dad looked at me and signalled me to have some money. I went with a warm smile and took it and hugged him and said bye to mom and dad.

Outside Mahir was done placing his amd mone suitcases in the the car and was selecting the playlist.

I opened the door and he looked at me and said, "about yesterday...."

"What, that t-shirt of yours?? I'm not giving it back." I said while buckling my seat belt. "What?? no.. I'm talking about the kiss...look we need to..." Before he could end hos sentence, I cut him off in middle and said, "no worry take it as a mistake you made.." I said it while making my hair so look as casually as i should as his friend.

His eyes widened and he smiled and said, ' I knew you would be cool about it, thanks because I couldn't be happy ever if I hurt you'.

"yuckk why are you so cheesy, do you want something from me" i said baking off in seat. He laughed and said, let's go and make this last trip of school life the best. I shouted with him and he started driving.

I turned towards the window and my heart sank as deep as it could never. Yesterday we were doing bucket list to do things this trip but his girlfriend called him and he had this lomg ass fight with her. Then he started crying, and I was him the entire 5 hours and listened how he met her and she's nice and it wasn't her fault and all.

I'm highly sensitive to stress ,even a short sad news can shake me up and yes, ADHD symptom. But I haven't told anyone about this yet. So his been this sad, wasn't the first time but every day since he got into a relationship. When she would break his heart he came running to me. And when, they would patch up, he would ignore me for days. But I kept quite cause, I would be recovering from the the stress he gave me and it usually took about one week.

But this time when I was wiping his tears, he kissed me, I couldn't resist because I was too stunned, it was my first kiss. He backed off, said sorry and ran out.