
In Another World With My Smartphone(Fanfic)

Follow Alex's journey who is reincarnated in the world of 'another world with my smartphone' as he builds his own kingdom and start his conquest to become the greatest ruler ever

Im_Lucifer_Mors · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Yulong, Empire Of Heaven

As Alex soared above the grounds of Shenghai, the capital city of Yulong, he couldn't help but feel like he had stepped into a Chinese drama. The traditional architecture and ancient charm of the place created a breathtaking sight.

To ensure he remained unseen, Alex had cast an invisibility spell upon himself, rendering him invisible to the city's inhabitants. As he made his way towards the royal castle of Yulong, memories of the events described in the novel flooded his mind.

In the novel, Yulong was first introduced when its spies attempted to assassinate Touya in order to obtain the framegears. Following the failed assassination, Yulong waged war against Hannock, a resource-rich kingdom to its west. However, Touya intervened, fearing that Yulong would subsequently target the Regulus Empire after conquering Hannock.

Touya swiftly erected a great wall along the border between Hannock and Yulong, effectively halting Yulong's invasion. Unfortunately, a few days later, a large-scale attack by the mysterious phrases devastated Yulong, resulting in its destruction. Shenghai, once a prominent city, was wiped off the world map, and Yulong began to crumble.

Upon arriving in this world, Alex conducted research on Yulong, and the findings astonished him. Yulong emerged as the largest country in terms of both landmass and population. And practiced slavery but unlike Sandora's submission collars, Yulong employed Slave Tattoos for their system of slavery, which proved more difficult to tamper with but less effective.

Yulong boasted the world's largest military force, unmatched in firepower, with only the Regulus Empire being a close competitor. Yulong has launched a lot of invasions in its neighbouring kingdoms but never on large scale as they were preparing to attack them all at once like how they started the invasion in Hannock in the novel.

Although Xenoahs was another potential target, Yulong refrained from attacking due to the inhospitable terrain. In the future, Yulong planned to exploit internal strife within the Regulus Empire and launch an assault on Hannock, facing Touya once again.

Yulong had gained notoriety as a nation, largely due to the shameless and despicable behaviors exhibited by its heavenly emperor and his predecessors, who arrogantly boasted about their military might.

The Yulong in real wasn't completely filled with despicable individuals like Lestia and Felsen proclaimed but the top echelons of the country who were the royal family, nobles and wealthy merchants were the one who caused the most troubles.

Troublesome individuals abounded within Yulong, but there were also many generous and understanding people who disagreed with the governing bodies' actions.

Alex arrived swiftly at the royal castle of Yulong, aided by Astrid in locating the chambers of the heavenly emperor. Remaining invisible, he skillfully deceived the guards who stood watch over the castle.

Silently, Alex made his way into the emperor's chambers, where a strong scent of alcohol hung in the air. Approaching the bed, he witnessed the elderly emperor sleeping naked, accompanied by a young woman in her late twenties who was tied to the bed, tears glistening in her closed eyes.

It was evident what had taken place, and Alex couldn't help but feel repulsed as he gazed upon the repugnant sight of the old king, peacefully slumbering. Seizing a bottle of alcohol, he sprayed it onto the emperor's face, causing him to cough and awaken abruptly.

Confused and ready to scream in anger, the emperor's outcry was swiftly silenced by a forceful slap from Alex.

"[Silence]" Alex commanded, invoking a null spell to muffle any potential screams. Gripping the emperor's throat tightly, he choked the king, exerting his dominance.

"[Hypnosis]" Alex uttered, employing another one of his dark elemental spells capable of influencing thoughts. A purplish mist wafted through the chamber, clouding the emperor's vision.

"Now listen carefully. Tomorrow, you will convene a meeting in the court and declare war against Felsen, Nokia, Horn, and Hannock simultaneously. Spare no means, regardless of the lives lost. You must attempt to conquer these territories swiftly. Furthermore, you will secretly spread rumors about the greatness of the King of Arcadia, making the people believe he is a remarkable man."

Alex used his hypnosis spell to manipulate the heavenly emperor, coercing him to wage war against the neighboring kingdoms. He knew that if he personally waged war against Yulong or any other nation, it would tarnish the image he sought to create. Instead, he planned to manipulate Yulong to wage war against Hannock and other nations while also supporting rebellions within the Regulus Empire.

With Yulong's formidable military might, capturing nearby kingdoms would pose little challenge. Additionally, Alex instructed the emperor to intensify oppression on the common people and spread rumors about his own immense power. This would lead to a deterioration of the royal family's reputation, while increasing support and favorability toward Alex, setting the stage for his rule in the kingdom.

Providing precise instructions to the hypnotized emperor, Alex was about to release his control. However, before ending the hypnosis, he couldn't resist delivering one final instruction to the old man, his smile tinged with wickedness.

"From this moment forward, you will experience no desire for women. Instead, your desires will turn to animals and burly men. You will only find release through them, by submitting to their desires."

With his commands firmly given, Alex released the emperor from his control and teleported away before the emperor could regain his senses.

Similar to heavenly emperor Alex managed to infiltrate the residences of the power holders of the court and have their minds controlled over by him giving them the same instructions he gave to the heavenly emperor and made all of them his puppets before returning back to arcadia

Once Alex went back to Arcadia, the emperor and others regained their senses and returned to their slumber, unaware of the intrusion.

The next day they all dutifully followed Alex's instructions, initiating a war against the neighboring kingdoms under the pretext of reclaiming Yulong's rightful land.

Meanwhile, rumors about Alex began to circulate, painting him as a remarkable figure and fueling disdain towards their own government, which grew increasingly corrupt and inept with each passing day.

Though Alex could have relied on Tsubaki and others to spread his rumors, they lacked connections within Yulong. Disseminating information in the kingdom proved challenging due to the royal family's tight control over it. Therefore, utilizing the existing channels controlled by the royal family and their affiliates would be a more efficient approach this he opted to use heavenly emperor and others network to widespread rumours about him.