
in another world with my farming level up skills

have you ever thought that there can be even a peaceful reincarnation novel where the MC isn't so powerful he just doesn't farming. and a peaceful farmer's life in another world with he's level up skills... then look no more because I've got it right here.. if you are in a peaceful and fresh mood then this novel will make it more better... try it yourself if you don't believe me

Noobsuper2648 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

huh!! babys wasn't accepting that

Okay. Water giving done. Now what? Don't really have anything to do..


Wha! What was that just now. It sounded like nirou or shirira just howled just now. I hope something bad didn't happen let me go check. Hm what's happening here is she in any pain. Haa!! I don't know what to do!. Infact I don't even know what's happening.

Hey jarv give me some information about what's happening here if you can..

>Wait let me scan. Scaning scaning. Scaning completed.. based on what I scanned here. She is pregnent and she is giving birth right now.

Wha! Wait. What should I do in a situation like this. I can give her food bruh what I am thinking. Hmm hmm hmm I can't think of anything to do right now.. wait let me pick her up to our house First.. ee she's Haveyer then I thought she would.. ha finally now what should I do. Should I leave them because. Or do I have to pull the pup like we do with cows and sheeps. I don't think I have to. Hmm nirau looks warid too.

Bye jarv give me some suggestions of what should I do right now..

>First of all •rube her Belly so that she can get more strength to pull the baby out. And also to stay her wormed because when giving birth if she feels cold then the baby will either die or born weak and uriolf usually kills the weak even if it's their own pup..

That should sad. Okay so now what should I do is there anything else?

>Yeah now pry as hard as you can..

You idiot. Guess I am on my own huh. Hey nirou is helping too. But you probably shouldn't or you might make a scratch on her body with those big and sharp nails.

>Almost 30minuts later.<

Hold on it's about to come out. Try to puss it.

At that time shyam didn't knew what to do. He did everything he could but shiria seemed in a series pain that she couldn't beir but she had to for her pup's it go on for about more 30minuts at that time shyam and shirira was about to give up and then.

Chwk. Ah finally look 6pups isn't that a lot she has 8milk spots so isn't surprising I think. Look how cute they are I am sure shirira is glad.

"Meanwhile shirira and nirou>ha finally they came out my birth holl felt like buring broo if I just knew it was that painful I wouldn't had sex with you in the first place. Hm what's done is done now heal me..

What but you can heal yourself can't you..

You made me pregnent and they are your child and! It's your fault I felt this pain now heal me as an payment.. okay okay fine..

Animal talk ended<<

Hmm I wander what they are going to eat or drink. Probably their own mother's milk I guess I mean they are still little and it's not like their stomach can melt meat and stuff. Besides theya are wolfs of course so they will do the same as my otherworldly wolfs ..

For now let's focus on what I was doing and let them be by themselves.. but wait what was I doing in the first place?‽

I don't think I have any plans for today. And I wanna eat fish so why not go catch or fish some fish. And it's not like I can catch any fish because in my before life I was the worst fisher in our whole village.. now I am starting to think that I am nothing but a lifetime farmer. Huh but I can still try with my new body and old stupid brain.

Shop>equipment's> huh wait there wasn't any scissor's before. Oh they are those scissor that I got from weekly rewards huh. I guess if I make or use or even get something probably in my hands then it will be sended in shop for purchaseing unlike crops and foods.

Well i was here to buy fishes maybe I can feed nirou and shirira fish today as an congratulation. For their new born pups. Okay then let's go follow my stick line path. What a name hehe.

After that he travailed to the river and started fishing without bait like imagine that. But what can he do. He didn't find any bait in he's shop so he had to. But after quite some time he started testing with rendom things to fish if anything he has can be used as an bait. And fortunately. He could use the meat as an bait. Seems like a big offer for some little things but it's worth it..

That the sun started to set and the moon started to rise and shyam got back to he's little farm. Not to mention with some fishes. Some of them are rear ones too. Like river fish and a fish called pipose apparently it tests like salmon fish. But the texture is different. He decided not to sell any fish as he thought it's he's lucky day and what if he doesn't catch any fish later.

So he ate the fishes he cought and it seemed that the wolfs are enjoying it as well so it's nice to see. That they are enjoying the meals and not the mealer itself he he he he..

>The next morning<

Wuowwww! Jarv give me report for crops..

>All your potatos are done you can harvest them now if like. And some tomatos have grown so make sure to pick them up too. Some of the corns needs water overall watered rate 52.8% and the carrots are almost done but it would be nice if you used some carrotÓcompose or any normal compse..

Wait did you just say carrotÓcompose? What is that like some kind of compose just made for carrots?

Yes in this world or in your system you can use custom compose you can make compose for certain things with them. What I mean is if you want carrot compose you need to put atleast halfkilo carrot into the compose maker to get 1kilo compose trust me it's worth it.

Well I do trust you 50/100% but I should do it later you know sudden rush isn't good. By the way is there any spacial buffs using the certain compose for certain things?

Yes if you use the carrotÓcompose in carrots the. First of all it will take less compose the normal compose and secondly it will grow faster and better quality.

Ohh but I don't have any compose right now not normal not spacial.

It's okay let it be it's not like it's laking too much the overall composed rate is 79.6% and it's about to be done growing so just be prepared for the next round.

Okhay jarv thanks.

To be continued...


Hey yoo guys you missed me.. I guess you didn't because I wasn't gone for long was i. I am getting kinda used to writing 1chapter every 2days now. So should be fine.. and I am taking good rest so don't warry about me. For now bye bye. Cyalter


be alive same and sound or else who is gonna read my novel huh!.

Noobsuper2648creators' thoughts